"No, I don't agree. No, no, it's a mess."

Fei Cheng refused, and the two little guys giggled when they saw him like this. Obviously, it was their family of four who played Fei orange alone.

"Well, your family is really good, big and small unite to punish me."

Fei orange finally reacts, but Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin just show their hands to him. This boy is more amusing than her two children.

"Forget it, you are happy with you, I will withdraw first, the bar is my home court." Feicheng was about to leave.

"Since everyone has arrived, it's better to have a potluck together."

Huo Yanlin seldom invites people to have a meal together. Fei Cheng is a man of pure heart and deserves deep friendship.

"No, I'm not making lemons with you."

Waving his hand, Fei orange didn't mean to go back at all. He didn't come to ask for no fun.

Huo Yanlin did not stay any more, and Fei Chen was always free.

Finally, there was more time for Wen Shutong to accompany him. The two kids were very happy today. They were fighting around Wen Shutong in the office. For a moment, the cold atmosphere of the president's office eased a lot.

So in the end, the two children were exhausted and fell asleep on the bus on the way home.

"What do you think of what Fei Cheng said today?"

Huo Yanlin stroked the head of the sleeping star lying on his lap and looked at Wen Shutong. The voice of inquiry began to ring.

In fact, Wen Shutong has already thought about this problem.

"Fei Chen always sees things through, and Li Huanhuan said before that she didn't betray you at all, so there will be no misunderstanding in this matter."

Wen Shutong's analysis, Huo Yanlin naturally listened to it. He closed his eyes to sleep and pressed the position of his temple. "It's OK. Now let's watch the change, and then what situation will be clear."

Nodding, Wen Shutong agrees with Huo Yanlin. After all, waiting is the best way.

The stars and the moon have already had dinner in the president's office, so when they arrived at the villa, Wen Shutong did not wake them up. Instead, he carried them into the children's room one by one with Huo Yanlin.

Back in the bedroom, Wen Shutong is also tired and paralyzed. Today, she spent a lot of energy playing with the stars and the moon.

"What? I'm tired of accompanying two children. What about me? "

Lying beside Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin props up his cheek with one hand and looks at Wen Shutong wrongly.

Wen Shutong is helpless. To tell the truth, it takes more energy to serve the master than to serve the two children.

However, no matter how Wen Shutong evades it, I'm afraid she can't escape this robbery tonight, so she simply admits her life.


For the matter that Fei orange has continued to renew his contract with Ruihe, no one knows except Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin.

Of course, Wang Lin is not surprised.

"President, about the project of Nancheng, this is a new planning book. The quotation and cost details are already in it. Can you see if it's ok?"

Wang Lin handed the finished documents to Huo Yan.

But Huo Yanlin looked through the documents on hand and didn't mean to put the project in the heart.

"I believe in your ability. Just do it."

For Huo Yanlin can trust himself so, Wang Lin is certainly happy, but she also vaguely feel that there is something wrong with this matter.

"Well, I'll fix the details and get in touch with the people in Nancheng."

Said here, Wang Lin respectfully to Huo Yanlin nodded slightly, raised feet ready to leave.

"Wait a minute," suddenly thought of something, Huo Yanlin's low voice rang up.

"Is there anything else the president wants to tell you?" Looking at Huo Yanlin again, Wang Lin doubts.

"The less people you know about this project, the better. You should know what I mean. At this juncture, I don't want to create extra branches."

This is Huo Yanlin's real attitude, Wang Lin nodded.

"One more thing..." When Wang Lin came here, she hesitated and hesitated.

"If you have something to say."

"Sister Huanhuan Li Huanhuan disclosed some information to the people of our project team today, but I don't know whether it is reliable or not. "

Hearing Li Huanhuan's name said from Wang Lin's mouth, Huo Yanlin's movement of flipping through the documents in his hand suddenly stopped and raised his head. He then looked at Wang Lin and said, "what did you say?"

"She said the cooperation between Zhao Linrui and Yanhong did not follow the normal process. Many of their procedures were not complete, and they also evaded taxes."

This sentence let Huo Yanlin's eyes flash a touch of deep meaning, now Li Huanhuan is in Yanhong, what is the meaning of this news back?

Even if this is ignored, if the news is really good, nowadays, tax evasion is a heavy responsibility, and there will be no good fruit for Huo Yihong and Zhao Linrui.But if it was a smoke bomb passed by Li Huanhuan, he would take people to expose it with great fanfare, and instead he was invited to the urn, it would be difficult to solve the problem.

"I see. I have my own conclusion on this matter. You go down and do your business first."

Until hearing the sound of closing the door, Huo Yanlin put down the document in his hand and looked out of the window thoughtfully.

Recently, as long as things about Li Huanhuan are too weird, he can't make a correct judgment.

However, since Zhao Linrui and Huo Yihong have some mistakes in their cooperation, the news of this matter has been spread out. It is certainly not groundless. He has to check, but before checking, he has to call Mr. Zhao.

So he moved to the floor to floor window, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Yangping's phone, which rang several times before being picked up.

"Uncle Ping..."

"Yan Lin, what can I do for you?"

Mr. Zhao's voice was haggard, and Huo Yanlin could hear it. I'm afraid he would have a hard time after he went back.

"There's something wrong with Lin Rui's project with Huo Yihong. I'm afraid they won't have a good time if it's found out. I'd like to ask what you mean here."

Huo Yanlin just wants to explore Zhao Yangping's words and what he can accept.

"Check, check! The more clear the investigation, the more serious the better! Better keep him from turning over! "

Huo Yanlin didn't expect Zhao Yangping's attitude to be so resolute. He still remembered that Zhao Yangping was still persuading him to forgive others.

"Uncle Ping, is Linyang awake?"

Now Huo Yanlin can think of the only reason why Zhao Yangping changed his attitude.

"Wake up," Mr. Zhao's tone was long, but it didn't sound optimistic.

"What can I do for you?"

If Zhao Linyang can really return to normal and become a good hand of Ruihe, Huo Yihong will be even worse now.

"I wake up, but I don't talk or eat. I look out of the window with empty eyes all day long. No one knows what he is thinking."

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