Wen Shutong nodded unabashedly, "yes."

Hear this answer, Huo Yanlin is very satisfied, the radian of the corner of the mouth rises unconsciously some.

"I was thinking, since you can bewitch me, you must also be able to confuse others, so as to extract some secrets from other people's mouths."

Wen Shutong's words are obviously not too obvious. Huo Yanlin's radian, which just rose from the corner of his mouth, suddenly froze.

He put down his razor, wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel, turned his head and looked at Wen Shutong in disbelief.

"You don't want me to hook up with Zhao Linrui. This person has charm, but there is a bottom line."

When Huo Yanlin said this, Wen Shutong was stunned.

Seeing her silly appearance, there was still a circle of milk in the corner of her mouth. Huo Yanlin didn't control it and went up directly.

Feeling that Huo Yanlin deepened the kiss, Wen Shutong was more enthusiastic. After all, he asked people.

Just as Huo Yanlin hands up and down on Wen Shutong to prepare for the next move, Wen Shutong puts his hands on his shoulders and pushes them hard, slightly widening the distance between the two people.

"What's the matter?"

Huo Yanlin did not succeed, with a trace of arrogant dissatisfaction in the tone.

"I'll tell you the business," said Wen Shutong in his long voice with a hint of pleading.

"I also do business with you," Huo Yanlin is ready to attack again, but Wen Shutong hides in the past.

He could clearly see that Wen Shutong was really a little unhappy, so he gave up.

With his back against the sink, he held his arms in his hands and looked down at the grinding goblin.

"Do you really want me to hook up with Zhao Linrui?"

This words again from Huo Yanlin's mouth, Wen Shutong's lips slightly hook, raised his head to Huo Yanlin's deep eyes, "if I let you go, would you go?"

Huo Yanlin did not hesitate, nodded, "if you are really ready to let me go, then I will go."

Since Huo Yanlin's words were moved by Huo Yanlin, she should not be moved by other words.

So she took Huo Yanlin's arm and moved towards the big bed. "I don't want you to approach Zhao Linrui. What's more, Zhao Linrui is straight. I'm going to go, right?"

Wen Shutong's words come here, meet her is Huo Yanlin a cold white eye.

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Wen Shutong quickly made a sealing action.

"What I said is just a hypothesis, but the fact is that I know that Li Huanhuan and Zhao Linrui have been very close recently. Maybe we can learn something from her? What do you think? "

Wen Shutong finally left the topic to Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin stopped his pace, turned his head and looked at Wen Shutong, "don't you hate Li Huanhuan?"

"In the specific analysis of the specific situation, I'm sure there are 10000 people who don't want you to get close to her, but we're not willing to let you get close to her, but we're not willing to let you get close to her

Wen Shutong's words in front of Huo Yanlin can still hear it, but what does it mean to be big when she is young? "So you mean it's more important to treat Zhao Linyang than I am?"

Wen Shutong repeatedly waved his hand, "how can it be? Isn't it for our own sake that we treat him? What's more, how can I really let you have something with her? It's just a play on the spot."

Speaking of this, Wen Shutong pretends to be pathetic and aggrieved, making his face stiff.

The wife that oneself chooses, how all get spoiled, Huo Yanlin helpless, "see your performance."

"How do you show it?"

Hearing Huo Yanlin let go, Wen Shutong was very happy, so even if she was asked to do something, she was also willing.

"In bed."


Wen Shutong was really upset this night. From Huo Yanlin's "torture" of her last night, she can know how dissatisfied this man is with her decision.

The next morning, Wen Shutong couldn't get out of bed. She raised her head and looked at Huo Yanlin, who was wearing clothes.

"Have a good rest. I'll bring breakfast later."

After that, he did not forget to wink at Wen Shutong. Wen Shutong had no choice but to bear the fruit himself.

When Huo Yanlin went downstairs, the stars and the moon, as well as Zhao Linyang and Liangliang, were already waiting on the table.

Since Zhao Linyang and Liangliang came, the stars and the moon are enthusiastic. They don't quarrel with their parents in the early morning. They come to quarrel with the two boys.

It happens that these two young men have a good understanding and can play with the children, so they are in harmony.



The stars and the moon called Huo Yanlin and began to drink porridge.

"Brother Yanlin," Liangliang called Huo Yanlin. He looked for Wen Shutong's back behind him, but he didn't see it for several minutes."What about sister Shutong? Don't you have breakfast

Liangliang is a good question. Huo Yanlin has just opened his mouth, and before he can speak out, the two little guys' chirping voices are ringing first.

"Mommy always sleeps in."

"Yes, and I'm not in good health. I often say that my back is sore."

Stars and the moon these two words in the obscure reveal what, it is obvious that Zhao Linyang and Liangliang both understand.

Liangliang held back a smile, but Zhao Linyang's eyes flashed a touch of loss.

"Cough It's bad health. She's got a low back pain

After Huo Yanlin's voice dropped, he sat down to get breakfast for Wen Shutong.

When he went upstairs again, he had a couple set meal with Wen Shutong in his hand.

It must be much more comfortable to eat with my wife than with these men.

Wen Shutong got used to it for a long time before he finally recovered.

When she opened the quilt, Huo Yanlin just came in.

"No, no, no, don't get out of bed. I'll be right there."

See Huo Yanlin a pair of nervous appearance, Wen Shutong discontented sink a corner of the mouth, "blame who, not blame you."

Huo Yanlin simply helpless, "I'm sorry, I didn't resist last night."

"Which day did you hold back?"

He couldn't refute it.

After all, the husband and wife quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, and both of them were not quarreling, but flirting.

"Let's visit Zhao Linrui today."

Wen Shutong a word, almost let Huo Yanlin spit out the milk in his mouth.

"What do you think?"

Following his chest, Huo Yanlin stops his gaze on Wen Shutong's face.

"I was thinking, this thing is so important that he must have backed up the information, either at home or on his body. The most likely thing is that it is stored in his mobile phone. When we visit him, these possibilities can be explored and explored."

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