"It should be washed in it."

Zhao Linyang knocked on the bedroom door.

"Wait a minute. I'm in the bathroom. The door is locked. I'll open it for you when it's convenient for me."


Liangliang, this is a closed door for them.

At the moment, Wen Shutong was a little embarrassed, "why don't I push you to the rooftop to blow the wind?"

Zhao Linyang stopped for three seconds and nodded.

On Wen Shutong's way to Tiantai with Zhao Linyang, he happens to meet Huo Yanlin.

See this scene, Huo Yanlin's face has obvious dissatisfaction.

"Just after coaxing two children to sleep, he was locked outside by Liangliang. I pushed him to blow the wind."

Wen Shutong's tone was peaceful, but she had to make it clear. After all, Huo Yanlin was a vinegar jar. She was really clear in her mind.

"I'll come, together."

With that, Huo Yanlin moved to Wen Shutong's side and bumped into Wen Shutong's waist. Wen Shutong flashed away and his hand also broke away from the wheelchair handle.

Looking at Huo Yanlin's unhappy face, Wen Shutong has no choice but to hook the corner of his mouth, his hands tied behind him, and he follows him.

There are colorful flowers on the roof, which are more charming under the illumination of night lights.

There are seats on the roof. Wen Shutong sits side by side with Huo Yanlin, and Zhao Linyang sits beside Huo Yanlin.

"Want to cure it?"

Huo Yanlin's leisurely voice rang. Although he didn't look at Zhao Linyang, Zhao Linyang knew that this was for him.

"If you don't want to cure, you won't come."

Now Zhao Linyang has been able to speak normally, except that he can't walk.

"Well, in that case, of course it's the best."

Huo Yanlin still didn't look at him. He just held Wen Shutong tightly in his palm. They didn't know how long they had been sitting before they left.

Huo Yanlin first sent Zhao Linyang to the bedroom and then left with Wen Shutong.

Turning the wheelchair and stopping at the door, Zhao Linyang looked thoughtfully at the back of the two people.


The bright and long voice sounded, and Zhao Linyang returned to his senses.

"Well, back," he turned the wheelchair and he moved towards the bed.

"Why should I lock up the door all of a sudden? I'm afraid you can't get in."

Liang Liang gave Zhao Linyang something to wash and gargle, and the voice of doubt rang.

"It's OK. Pack up and go to bed," he said without any more words. He also admitted that he had come up with this method in order to have more time with Wen Shutong.

The next morning, Wen Shutong was woken up by the noise downstairs.

Hearing Huang Shuyun's voice, she stood up and sat up.

Huo Yanlin is no longer around. She is relieved to think that Huo Yanlin has gone downstairs. With Huo Yanlin in, she won't suffer any loss. What's more, she is justified and will not give Huang Shuyun an opportunity to be difficult for her.

After finishing cleaning up and tidy up his hair, Wen Shutong went downstairs.

"Shutong elder sister got up," Li Huanhuan's leisurely voice rang out, and Wen Shutong nodded politely.

"Mom," looking at Huang Shuyun, Wen Shutong's voice rang.

Although Huang Shuyun turned a blind eye and did not respond, Wen Shutong's mood was not affected.

"Let's have breakfast together," she motioned to Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan to have breakfast together, but they did not refuse.

"Sit here," Huo Yanlin patted the position beside him, motioning Wen Shutong to sit down.

Wen Shutong did not hesitate, but Li Huanhuan and Huang Shuyun looked at each other with disdain.

"It's said that the young master of Zhao's family is also here. Why didn't you see it?"

Sitting on the dining table, Li Huanhuan looked at the stairway.

"He's not in good health. Breakfast is usually served directly."

Huo Yanlin answered and poured a cup of hot milk to Wen Shutong.

"Well," Li Huanhuan's eyes flashed a deep meaning when she heard this. Today, she specially came to explore Zhao Linyang's living habits. After all, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles.

"When will he come down? What kind of activities do you usually have? What is the range of activities? "

When Li Huanhuan asked this question, Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong looked at each other in disbelief, and then they all focused their attention on Li Huanhuan's face.

"When did you care so much about the young master of Zhao family?"

It's not easy for Wen Shutong to ask about this, but Huo Yanlin opened his mouth.

Huang Shuyun also felt puzzled, "you and Zhao family that boy, should have no friendship."

As long as you talk, you will lose. Li Huanhuan realized that she was embarrassed and took a corner of her mouth.

She strained her lips, "no, I just want to think that the stars and the moon are at home. If there are two more outsiders in the family, will it be too troublesome?"Li Huanhuan said that when he got here, Liangliang upstairs stopped pushing Zhao Linyang. If he went down at this time, they were wondering if they would be embarrassed. After all, some people did not welcome them.

"We are not bothered. You are not bothered. What's more, the stars and the moon like these two brothers, and they have never felt any trouble."

Huo Yanlin a word, let Liangliang and Zhao Linyang face expression is finally good-looking point.

"Go down," Zhao Linyang's voice sounded, and Liangliang pushed him down the stairs one by one.

Hearing the sound, Li Huanhuan's sight looked toward the direction of the stairway.

When she saw Zhao Linyang, a cold feeling flashed in her eyes.

"Hello, auntie, and Miss Li."

Zhao Linyang politely nodded to Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan, but because of Li Huanhuan's words just now, they were naturally full of guard against these two sudden women.

Huang Shuyun is still a look of disdain, Zhao's things she has heard, where there is the day's glory, so she will not waste their own expression.

"Young master Zhao has come. I've heard that you are here. It's rude to come to say hello to you today."

Li Huanhuan's politeness in exchange for a bright cold hum, face-to-face and back-to-back, which is a good performance.

Zhao Linyang did not say much, but let Liang Liang push him toward the dining table.

"Why did you come down so early today?"

When Wen Shutong inquires, he asks the servant to make two more breakfast.

"When you hear someone coming, I want to say hello."

Zhao Linyang's tone is gentle, and he is just a gentleman.

"But some people don't seem to welcome our presence."

Li Huanhuan's mouth was slightly puffed by the bright and shady voice. How did she know that the matter was so clever? She just said that she was heard by these two people.

Liang Liang's mouth has always been unable to fall behind. Wen Shutong was helpless and simply moved the topic, "where are the two little guys?"

"Here we are. Here we are."

"Right now..."

As soon as Wen Shutong's voice fell, the noise of the stars and the moon began to ring.

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