Zhao Linrui nodded slightly, "Li Huanhuan said that the child was not Huo Yanlin, she would not have been born, so she could only try to put the child on Huo Yanlin's head."

Li Huanhuan and Zhao Linrui are really birds of a feather. Huo Yihong shakes his head slightly, but he doesn't say much.

At this time, Zhao Linrui's mobile phone rings, and Huo Yanlin calls.

Slightly raised eyebrows, he slid the answer button and put the receiver to his ear.

"Well, Huo Shao, I have no reason not to come."

Hang up the phone Zhao Linrui put away the phone, puzzled to look at Huo Yihong's side face, "Huang Shuyun's birthday next Saturday, Huo Yanlin invited me."

After Zhao Linrui's words came out, Huo Yihong's pupil was slightly shaken. Although it was just a fleeting expression, he still succeeded in falling into Zhao Linrui's eyes.

"What? Did not invite you? "

When he said this, Zhao Linrui's tone was full of ridicule. No matter who the other party was, as long as he caught hold of the story, he could not help laughing.

"No," replied Huo Yihong leisurely. There is no need for him to lie about this matter. Even if he said it today, Zhao Linrui would know it on the day of the banquet.

Seeing his expressionless face, Zhao Linrui no longer makes it worse. Huo Yihong is an iron plate and can't kick it.

For a moment, the carriage fell into silence. It was Zhao Linrui's wechat prompt sound that broke the solidification of this moment.

Li Huanhuan sent it, "I'll try to get Huang Shuyun to invite you to her birthday party next Saturday

See here, Zhao Lin Rui eyebrow heart slightly Cu Cu Cu, returned a sentence, "Huo Yanlin has invited me."

Then Zhao Linrui received an ellipsis from Li Huanhuan.

"It's just that I'm too lazy to waste my breath. There's a great possibility that Zhao Linyang will also come that day

Seeing this, Zhao Linrui's eyes flashed a touch of bloodthirsty deep meaning, put out the mobile phone screen, he looked out of the window with cold eyes.

If it wasn't for Zhao Linyang's insistence on stopping his plan, he would not have killed him like this. It's just that things have come to this point and there is no turning back.

The bidding of Nancheng general manager Fei was held as scheduled because of Fei orange's proposal. The time is next Friday, the day before Huang Shuyun's birthday.

Huo Yanlin let Xiao Liu keep a close eye on the matter, but also prepared to invite Zhao Linyang to Huang Shuyun's birthday party.

"As a junior, I will go to my aunt's birthday naturally."

At the dinner table, his voice was still gentlemanly, even though he knew Huang Shuyun didn't like him.

Pick eyebrows, Huo Yanlin nodded, and then his eyes flashed a deep meaning, the voice rang again, "Zhao Linrui will also go."

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. Anyway, there are so many people with mixed eyes that you can't move and walk around."

Wen Shutong has a long voice, which relieves Zhao Linyang's tension. After all, it is better not to let the two brothers meet when he is not sure that he can get a cure for his illness.

"It's OK. He did the wrong thing. He can go. Why can't I?"

Zhao Linyang said this forcefully and forcefully. Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin nodded after they looked at each other.

"Well, youliangliang is watching you all the time. There should be no problem. What's more, it is the territory of Huo family. He dare not act rashly."

For Zhao Linyang's safety, Huo Yanlin must guarantee.

"Let you worry," Zhao Linyang is really sorry, for his affairs, Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin two people are really very worried.

Huo and his two friends just don't say anything.

After returning to the bedroom, Huo Yanlin's mobile phone rings. It's Fei orange who called. It's rare that this boy has been quiet for a few days, but he is not used to it.


Standing on the windowsill looking out of the window, Huo Yanlin's leisurely voice rang.

"Yanhong's offer has come out. It is still 10% less than Ruihe. You can have a snack."

In the face of Fei orange's inspiration, Huo Yanlin picked his eyebrows and said, "OK, I know. We are going to investigate here. I believe we can know who it is soon."

Just as Huo Yanlin was about to hang up the phone, the voice of Fei orange raising decibels rang again, "Hey, hey, don't hang up yet..."

Doubt, Huo Yanlin put the receiver in the ear again.

"Anything else?"

"Well, isn't your mother's birthday next Saturday? If I didn't get the invitation, you didn't invite me. "

In the face of Fei orange's request, Huo Yanlin picked an eyebrow, "I thought you didn't like the old people's regular parties."

"Like, like, like, today when you invited me, ah, that's it."

Voice down, Fei orange afraid Huo Yanlin will refuse in general, quickly hung up the phone.

Hear the voice of the phone, Huo Yanlin shook his head helplessly.When Wen Shutong comes out of the bathroom, he just sees Huo Yanlin's helpless expression.

"What? What can I do for you? "

Listening to Wen Shutong's worried voice, Huo Yanlin came back to his senses, "it's OK, it's Fei Cheng. He came uninvited and wanted to attend his mother's birthday party."

As he spoke, Huo Yanlin had put away his mobile phone. He took the towel from Wen Shutong's hand and began to wipe her still dripping hair.

It's not a big deal, "but I haven't seen him for a long time."

For Fei orange this kind of person's mentality, Huo Yanlin still has certain understanding.

"The project with Nancheng is in the process of cooperation recently. He must be busy with his work."

On the surface, he is careless and works more seriously than anyone else. This is his label.

After drying Wen Shutong's hair, Huo Yanlin didn't mean to rest.

"You go to bed early. I'll go to my study to check the documents with Nancheng."

Wen Shutong nodded and answered. Although Ruihe's condition has improved, he can't relax.

Close the door of the study, Huo Yanlin dials Xiao Liu's phone.

"The leaker of Nancheng project, have you found out?" He is concise and to the point.

"There's a clue. It's the staff of the project team who passed the documents out. It's called Zhou Li."

This person Huo Yanlin still has a certain impression. He has always done well in the project team, but he can't make a decision because of the fact that people are separated from each other.

"But she denied that it was her."

Xiao Liu's words made Huo Yanlin's eyebrows frown, "OK, I know. Don't start to scare the snake. I'll call Zhou Li to my office tomorrow. I'll ask myself."

The next morning, when Huo Yanlin arrived at the office, Zhou Li was already waiting with trepidation.

Seeing Huo Yanlin sitting on the desk, she almost knelt down.

"What evidence do you have to prove that you didn't do this thing," Huo Yanlin did not beat around the Bush, there is no need to waste this time.

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