"If there's anything I need to do, speak up at any time," she said. As a woman, the only thing she could do was to support him forever behind her back.

"Well," Huo Yanlin nodded, wiping a trace of doting radian on the corner of his mouth after the dark eyes of wenshutong.

Naturally, Huang Shuyun's party is very lively. She never does it very often, but this year is an exception.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong are from their own family, so they should arrive early to help receive guests.

Originally, they wanted to help, but Huang Shuyun's face drooped after seeing Wen Shutong.

"In public, even if it's a good time, you have to be nice on the surface."

Li Huanhuan lowered her voice to Huang Shuyun's ear and said something that made her face look better.

Wen Shutong didn't care. Although Huang Shuyun is an elder, she is the most shameless person to rely on the old and sell the old.

All this Huo Yanlin also see in the eye, he won't give Huang Shuyun the opportunity to find Wen Shutong trouble.

"Have a cup of tea with me."

Wen Shutong seeks survival in the sharp eyes of Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan, but Huo Yanshan finds an excuse to pull her over.

Two people in the study cold and quiet pour also harmonious.

"Will Yi Hong come today?"

The meaningful voice of Huoyan mountain rang as Wen Shutong sat opposite him.

Huang Shuyun was preparing all the things for the banquet. He didn't let him interfere at all, so he was not very clear about this.

Wen Shutong shakes his head. She heard Huo Yanlin say that Huang Shuyun's birthday naturally won't invite some people who are in the way of their eyes.

"It's her character," Huo Yanshan is not surprised.

"Well, anyway, I'm so disappointed with their mother and son that I can't see."

Now that Liu Menglian is locked up by Huang Shuyun, he also turns a blind eye and no longer cares.

Hearing this, Wen Shutong's eyes flashed a touch of deep meaning. She took the tea cup handed over by Huo Yanshan. After an absent-minded sip of tea, she cautiously inquired, "is it because of the child Yinhong?"

The old man did not answer, just sighed and took the teacup to his mouth, which was acquiescence.

This tea is bitter and astringent in the mouth and sweet in the aftertaste. The difference between the two makes people feel cold and fire.

Originally, Wen Shutong didn't want to say more, but she thought that some things let the old man know, which may not be bad.

What's more, Huo Yanshan is now over the age of Huajia, and the most important thing is the posterity's blessing. When he told the truth, he just relieved his heart.

So after stretching her lips, her voice rang, "do you think you dare to give birth to other men's children in front of so many people in the Huo family in accordance with her red character?"

Wen Shutong's seemingly casual question flashed a deep meaning in Huo Yanshan's eyes, "what do you mean by this?"

Seeing that the old man might have guessed something, Wen Shutong nodded slightly and nodded, "that child is indeed Huo Yihong's

As soon as Wen Shutong said this, the old man's pupil trembled, and the tea cup in his hand shook slightly. The hot tea in the cup splashed down, and the hot air and air condensed into one. It seemed that he had been here, or had never been in the future, just like red.

"The child was transferred by his mother and Li Huanhuan," Wen Shutong said, without the shock of knowing the truth.

But the expression on the old man's face was somewhat distorted, "why?"

The old man's doubts, in return for Wen Shutong's slight upward slight sarcastic arc, "because that child will threaten the status of the stars and the moon in Huo's family, or because of your mind to Liu Menglian."

Wen Shutong can only think of these two reasons.

"How do you know?"

This Huoyan mountain needs to be asked clearly.

"Yin Hong told me, she knew the truth, and then I transferred the child and sent it back to her side."

Wen Shutong feels that these things happened yesterday, but it seems to have been a long time ago.

Hearing this, Huo Yanshan suddenly realized that Huang Shuyun had done such earth shaking things behind his back.

"It's better to leave with the child. Anyway, if he lives here, his future life may not be smooth."

This is what Wen Shutong means.

Looking at Wen Shutong's cold side face, Huo Yanshan raised his eyebrows, and his puzzled voice rang, "since that child will threaten the status of the stars and the moon, how can you help Yin Hong? Don't you fear that she's threatening your position with a child? "

The old man thought deeply. Wen Shutong shook his head slightly. "I have the same idea as Yanlin. No matter how much gratitude and resentment between adults are, children are always innocent."

"As for those who have no status, they are not important to the stars and the moon. As long as they are safe and healthy, that is enough."

This is a mother's greatest blessing to her child. She thinks Yin Hong thinks so, otherwise she won't run away from the troubles of this aristocratic family with her child in her arms."Then how did you tell me again?"

The voice of Huoyan mountain drew Wen Shutong's mind back. She raised her head and looked up at Huoyan mountain, sharp and vigorous with haggard eyes.

Once upon a time, at this time, men were the best in business. Now they can only be locked up in this compound, and they are looked down upon by a woman. In this way, she feels that Huo Yan Shan is a little sad.

"Because you are the same as me, you only hope that the child can live in peace, health and health better, or I don't want to see you get old and worry about the affairs of our children."

When Wen Shutong said this, his tone was always calm.

Huo Yanshan agrees with what Wen Shutong said and did. He should have known that this daughter-in-law is tolerant, magnanimous and has a great demeanor.

Wen Shutong first came down from the upstairs, and most of the guests had arrived.

This time, the banquet was held in the old house, which has a wide area. Even if there are many people today, it is more than enough to accommodate.

"Huo Da Shao..."

Zhao Linrui came, and he moved toward Huo Yanlin with a smile on his face.

Huo Yanlin was not very friendly with him. He made a gesture of "please" to the hall with a polite upward 45 degree angle.

"Rui Shao, sit inside."

Zhao Linrui did not entangle himself with Huo Yanlin, but when he passed Li Huanhuan, he threw an eyebrow at Li Huanhuan.

This look let Li Huanhuan's eyebrows frown up, look around, confirm that no one found their interaction, she was relieved.

Zhao Linrui just sat down, Zhao Linyang also came.

"Shutong, greet Linyang."

Huo Yanlin's leisurely voice rings, and Wen Shutong moves towards Zhao Linyang.

Now Zhao Linrui is covetous of Zhao Linyang. She has to look at it from time to time to be at ease.

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