Looking at Li Huanhuan's surprised appearance, Fei orange is very proud to nod, "you guess right."

He snapped his fingers, picked up a glass of red wine on the side of the dining table, Yang Yang at Li Huanhuan, and turned away.

Looking at the figure of Fei orange, Li Huanhuan at the moment did not know what kind of words to describe his mood.

"What do you think? It's OK. "

The voice of Zhao Linrui on the top of his head makes Li Huanhuan return to his senses in an instant.

"Do you know who he is?"

Rubbing his chin, Zhao Linrui's eyes followed Li Huanhuan and looked at the past. When he saw Fei orange, he shook his head in doubt, "who?"

"South City tip total."

When Li Huanhuan tells the truth, Zhao Linrui rubs his chin suddenly.

"Who are you talking about?" He even thought he had heard it wrong.

"You heard me correctly. He is the person in charge of the Nancheng project."

Only yesterday did she know that Nancheng and Ruihe had reached a cooperation, and even the bidding meeting was cancelled directly, but the people in Nancheng did not appear.

Li Huanhuan didn't expect that the hairy boy who was playing pig and eating tiger was hiding behind his back and stirring up the storm.

Because of the change of identity, Zhao Linrui half squints at the man who always looks ruffian. If he really looks like he doesn't know anything, he knows everything.

"I'm in."

Li Huanhuan's leisurely voice rang out, and Zhao Linrui looked at her thoughtfully, "it's time for you to perform next."

It's not. Li Huanhuan hooked his lips and looked at Huo Yanlin, who was still entertaining guests.

Huo Yanlin has always been disdainful to make fun of others with a smiling face. Today, for Huang Shuyun's birthday, although not much hot, but at least not cold eye, such a person, more calm charm.

"Huanhuan, it's about time. It's time to serve." Huang Shuyun approached Li Huanhuan and said, looking at her affectionate eyes towards Huo Yanlin, Huang Shuyun's face leaped on a trace of arc that everyone knew.

"Don't worry. I've arranged everything for tonight. You just need to follow what I say."

Huang Shuyun took Li Huanhuan's hand and patted it. I didn't know that they were their own mother and daughter.

"Thank you, godmother."

Inexplicably, Li Huanhuan became a little excited, perhaps because finally one day can happen between Huo Yanlin and continue to cut the involvement.

At least with Huo Yanlin's nominal child in his belly, it is impossible for them to understand clearly.

At the dinner table, people began to toast Huang Shuyun. Of course, all they saw was Huo Yanlin's face.

Now Huo Yanlin is the leader of the Huo family. No matter how depressed Ruihe is, the camel is bigger than the horse. Who dares to offend him.

After three rounds of drinking, Huo Yanlin was inevitably dizzy.

"Yanlin, you are drunk. I'd like to have a drink. Go upstairs and have a rest before you come down."

Said Huang Shuyun hands the goblet to Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin didn't think much about it. He thought it was time to go up and have a rest. However, since Huang Shuyun's birthday, this glass of wine must be respectful.

So he took the goblet handed by Huang Shuyun, "I wish my mother happiness like the East China Sea, longevity, every year today, every year has today!"

As the voice fell, he drank the wine out of his glass.

Seeing Huo Yanlin drink up this glass of wine, Huang Shuyun wiped a slight upward arc around the corner of her mouth, and then motioned to the servant on one side.

"Sister Zhang, help the young master to have a rest."

Mrs. Zhang understood to help Huo Yanlin. Because she was worried about Huo Yanlin, Wen Shutong also wanted to follow him.

"What are you doing? There are so many people here. You can be regarded as the hostess of the Huo family. You have to take charge of the overall situation. "

As soon as Wen Shutong's foot movements were lifted, Huang Shuyun's voice with a slight irony began to ring.

Her eyes flashed slightly, fixed in place, until Huo Yanlin's figure disappeared in her sight, and she took back her eyes.

Seeing that Wen Shutong didn't follow him, Huang Shuyun breathed a sigh of relief and winked at Li Huanhuan.

Li Huanhuan in the noisy crowd quietly retreat out, before leaving, her eyes jump on a glimmer of light, this day, finally arrived.

Except Zhao Linrui, no one cared about Li Huanhuan's unusual behavior.

While Zhao Linrui shakes his goblet leisurely and looks at Wen Shutong with a look of fun and disdain. This woman, too, has a rollover day.

After dinner, Wen Shutong thought he could take the opportunity to go upstairs to see Huo Yanlin.

Unexpectedly, Huang Shuyun stopped her again, "clean up the place and arrange a dance party. Lao Gao, go to see the situation of the young master. If he wakes up, let him come down and dance."

As long as someone can bring back Huo Yanlin's news, she thinks Wen Shutong will not pursue Huo Yanlin's affairs.But just as Lao Gao was about to go upstairs, several people were sneaking upstairs. They were shocked and went downstairs with the expression of watching the good play.

"How did you get up there?"

First of all, Huang Shuyun was confused. These people were all women, and Li Huanhuan called them to the party. How could they be upstairs at this time.

"We We were looking for Huanhuan to talk about something

"Yes, yes, but it's not convenient for her at this time, so we won't disturb her

These people want to leave, but they are stopped by Wen Shutong.

They looked at each other and were very dissatisfied with Wen Shutong's sudden stop.

"Granny Huo is a guest. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to treat us like this."

"That's right. Are we not free yet?"


In the face of these people's chirping ridicule, Wen Shutong stepped back two steps, but intuition told her that these people are not simple, so she subconsciously stopped, there is no evidence, it is really her misconduct.

"Or are we to blame for the men who can't catch them?"

"It's not..."

After several people said this, they looked at each other, covered their mouths and giggled.

Wen Shutong pupil tremor, push these people up the stairs, this time even Huang Shuyun can not hold her.

The audience saw a good play to see, one after another to get together, Lao Gao and Huang Shuyun can not stop.

"What's going on?"

Huang Shuyun looked at sister-in-law with a look of panic. Although she asked her to take Huo Yanlin upstairs, she never thought of making this matter public. Her Huo family was shameful.

"I don't know. When I just came down, these ladies happened to go up and said that Miss Li was looking for them. I don't know how this happened."

When Mrs. Zhang answered, these people had already left.

"Go up first and see what's going on!"

Huang Shuyun was really flustered. When she arrived, Wen Shutong stopped at the door of her bedroom and nearly collapsed.

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