"But you also know that Yanhong is not good at brand promotion. Are you sure you want to give this project to Yanhong?"

Li Huanhuan did not think it was too big to watch the excitement. He deliberately asked this sensitive question.

Yin Hong just picked up the corner of her mouth. "It's not sure. It's just because of the old love that she took the lead in considering Yanhong. If Yanhong can give me a decent planning book, I can certainly give it. If not, my brand is not windy, so I have to find new partners."

When she spoke, Yin Hong deliberately bit back the two words of old love.

Pick eyebrows, Huo Yihong's line of sight in the red face circulation several circles, "you can rest assured, we will go all out."

Hearing Huo Yihong's sonorous and powerful promise again, Yin Hong's heart trembled slightly, and she inadvertently clenched the back teeth,

the strength of holding the goblet was also increasing, so that the knuckles turned white, and the blue veins on the back of the hand all rose up.

So it's not easy for her to start over again and to be reborn in Nirvana, but since she has already started, there is no turning back.

"Well, I'll wait for your good news."

Yin Hong didn't mean to sign the contract, or she didn't have the idea from the beginning to the end.

Seeing Yin Hong leave, Huo Yihong gets up to send her off. Wang Shasha would have followed her, but Li Huanhuan stopped her.

"If you can bear it, you can let people talk about their old love."

The face of Li Sha Huan's clenched hands was no longer taunting.

"Come back and say nothing." Walking by Yin Hong's side, Huo Yihong's leisurely voice rings.

"I'm not related to Hong Shao. I don't mean to trouble Hong Shao."

For Huo Yihong's hospitality, Yin Hong has a sense of preparedness.


"Well, just send it here."

The voice of Yin Hong falls, and Xiao Liu comes forward to block Huo Yihong's way.

Huo Yihong has no choice but to watch Yin Hong leave.

Back in the private room, Huo Yihong's heart is full of five flavors.

Li Huanhuan looked at him in a dark look, and with a light mocking voice, he said, "this project is yellow nine times out of ten."

Huo Yihong's face was even more severe because of this strange voice. His cold expression swept around Li Huanhuan's face.

Li Huanhuan spread out his hand, "I'm just telling the truth."

Of course, Huo Yihong knows, but it's hard to give up such a big project? Even if he knew it was a trap, he had to jump.

"Don't let Hong Shao sell the hue to see the effect?"

If it is really more lively to see the drama, Zhao Linrui's joking voice sounded.

But Wang Shasha is not happy. Yin Hong's coming back has raised her sense of crisis. If Huo Yihong is allowed to get close to Yin Hong, she can't help it.

"Even if you go to her now, she may not be able to eat this."

Fortunately, Huo Yihong has a good idea. Hearing this, Wang Shasha breathes a sigh of relief.

"There is another way."

After her brain was running at full speed, Wang Shasha's cold voice rang.

"Tell me."

In fact, Li Huanhuan also came up with an idea, but she wanted to see if she had a tacit understanding after working with Wang Shasha for so long.

"Her child."

Women's eyes are bright.

The news that the children of his hometown had been taken away reached Yin Hong's ears at the first time.

Yesterday, when she took over her son, she found a child of the same age and raised it in her own home, in order to prevent Huo Yihong from threatening her with despicable means.

Really, she knows Huo Yihong, but she didn't expect the other party to come so soon.

But Yin Hong as do not know, directly reported the case, responsible for this matter is Ji Tongsheng.

Yin Hong asks Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin to meet Ji Tongsheng.

Recently, Ji Tongsheng seldom appears in the public's view, and Wen Shutong sees him only a few times.

"You look so haggard."

Sitting on the opposite side of Ji Tongsheng, Huo Yanlin's voice with a little worry sounded.

"Something happened at home, but it's OK. It's OK."

Ji Tongsheng is trying to support him. Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin can see that, but they are tacit and don't ask much.

After Yin Hong simply explained the case, Ji Tongsheng took over the matter.

Although she is not her own child, she is a small life, and she blocks the gun for her child. Yin Hong can't sit back and ignore her.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

After Yin Hong explained the matter, she got up and left. She wanted to go back with Wen Shutong to see the children.But Huo Yanlin stayed down, Ji Tongsheng's state is not right, he has to ask two more questions.

"Open your mouth when you need it."

Huo Yanlin and Ji Tongsheng stood side by side in the window, and both of them lit their cigarettes.

Up to this time, Ji Tongsheng's eyebrows were still locked, even though it was through the mist of disgusting smoke that he could see clearly.

"I'm afraid the old man will be out of the mountain."

Ji Tongsheng's words let Huo Yanlin's sword eyebrow pick slightly.

Mr. Ji is Ji Tongsheng's grandfather. He retired at the age of 50. The reason is very simple. Before he was 50, he had earned enough money that he could not spend in eight lifetime.

The reason why I retired was to look for my granddaughter for one thing. Up to now, I have exhausted all kinds of means. I have even found foreign countries at home, and there is no news.

"I'll come back from Canada tomorrow. You know, the old man is old, and it's a hard and laborious thing to find someone. I don't want him to intervene more. But he's not in good health. He also said that if he can't find him, he won't be able to close his eyes until he dies."

So during this period, Ji Tongsheng stepped up his efforts and searched day and night, but he still had no clue.

"It's not easy to find a needle in a haystack."

Huo Yanlin just sighs that the old man's life is outside, and his life is also hard.

"The old man wants to make some investment when he comes back. I have recommended you to him, but you have to pay more attention to it. His mind is extremely strange, and I can't move it."

At this time, Ji Tong is still thinking about himself. Huo Yanlin only thinks that this brother is not in vain.

The news that master Ji is going to return home, Huo Yihong knows it from Wang Shasha.

Ji Tongsheng is low-key, but he has a little consciousness. He has a deep background behind him, that is, Mr. Ji. Otherwise, Ji Tongsheng would not be able to sit in such a dangerous position.

"Did the old man say it was because of something?"

Huo Yihong closes the document and stops his burning sight on Wang Shasha's face.

Wang Shasha shakes her head. "It's not clear yet, but it's no secret that master Ji looks for his granddaughter. It's probably related to this."

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