"Now that you have helped me find someone, I will not beat around the bush. It's fine to invest in you. But Mo Mo said that Miss Wen in the office, who is the big and young granny of the Huo family, helped her a lot. She didn't expect to repay her. She just hoped that I, a grandfather, could help her

I didn't expect that Wen Shutong would be able to kill him on the way. Wang Shasha held the palm of her hand hanging on her thigh.

Pick eyebrows, her eyes flashed a light, long voice rang up, "I think, or let Miss Ji guard against Wen Shutong better."

This statement is fresh, the old man with both hands on crutches, looked at Wang Shasha suspiciously, "would like to hear its details."

"I suspect that Wen Shutong approached Miss Ji on purpose."

Wang Shasha is not good at coming, and Ji Tongsheng's pupil is slightly shaken. At this time, it is not good to block the exit.

"The birthmark on Miss Ji's left shoulder must have been known by Huo Shao before we did. This also means that Wen Shutong may have known the news in advance, so she also made such a birthmark on her shoulder and cheated Mr. Ji to do paternity test."

"It was also later that we had a real Miss Ji. She knew that the acting couldn't go on, so she took the real Miss Ji to see Mr. Ji."

Wang Shasha's words are so accurate that the expression on the old man's face has become grim.

"No way. Shutong doesn't care to do this at all," he said. Unexpectedly, Ji Tongsheng defended Wen Shutong.

"She certainly disdains it, but now that she is faced with the huge investment of the old man, are you sure she can still disdain it? Now Ling Fei is on the rise. The old man's investment has a positive effect on him. Do you think she will despise him? "

Wang Shasha is eloquent, and what she said is all about what happened, but she misinterpreted the meaning. Even if Ji Tongsheng wants to help Wen Shutong speak, he doesn't know where to start.

"So, is Wen Shutong really approaching the end of his career with a purpose?"

The old man believed what Wang Shasha said.

"She won't be so stupid. She knows clearly that it has nothing to do with me, and she has to go to the paternity test. Isn't this a trap?"

In the face of Ji Tongsheng's refutation, Wang Shasha just ticked her lip, "don't forget, the waiting process of paternity testing takes several days. If there is no real Miss Ji coming out, can you guarantee that she will not fake the paternity test?"

It is a refutation without loopholes. Ji Tongsheng finds that this woman is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

The old man rubbed his chin with his fingers, and a deep meaning flashed through his eyes You can't let Mo Mo stay in Wen Shutong. "

To stir up dissension, Wang Shasha looks at Huo Yihong, who is still, with a trace of success in her mouth.

Wang Shasha and Huo Yihong won a total victory when they came out from JiZhai with an investment check.

"Grandpa, Mo Mo really wants to stay in that office, and Shutong is not such a person. She..."

Before Ji Tongsheng finished his words, the old man raised his hand and motioned him to stop.

"Walk back to the garden with me."

Holding the old man, they went to the back garden side by side.

"I know what you want to say. Although I'm old, I can still see people accurately. Even if I can't see Wen Shutong, I have to believe your eyes. I'm still clear about what you do. I've known little granny Huo for a long time. If she can disguise herself in front of you for such a long time, she's really capable."

The old man knows everything, which makes Ji Tongsheng more confused.

"Since you all know, why did you invest in Huo Yihong?"

He is still young, or in other words, his grandson has no idea about the flattery of shopping malls.

"Huo Yihong and Huo Yanlin are fighting against each other openly and secretly to find Mo mo. Huo Yihong is obviously reasonable. If I help Wen Shutong, I won't stand in the line. We can't intervene too much in the affairs of Huo brothers or Zhao brothers."

This is true. The brothers of Huo and Zhao are divided into two groups automatically. It is not appropriate for them to help anyone.

"As for Huo Yanlin's side, if you go to invest, we old Ji's family will not offend people, and we will settle down on both sides. Why not

The old man's mind is here.

"But if it is known by the other party, will it not be difficult for us?"

Ji Tongsheng's worry is superfluous. The old man shook his head, "no one can't get along with money. It's good if you don't do business. These young people don't try their best to pursue fame and fortune, but they also waste energy."

The old man sat on the stone bench in the back garden, and Ji Tongsheng pressed his shoulder respectfully, "do you still want Mo Mo to stay in the office?"

Ji Tongsheng asked with a voice of inquiry. Now Zhou Mo is his rightful sister. Of course, it is reasonable for him to visit her from time to time. In this case, it is also appropriate to say hello to Wen Shutong on the way.

"It's up to her. I treat you brothers and sisters the same way. Just do what you want, but you have to be safe."The old man always wanted to give their brothers and sisters freedom, and Ji Tongsheng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Tongsheng and Ji Laozi are sitting in the back garden.

Now that he finds his granddaughter, he is much more open-minded.

"I have no other requirements for you. It's just one thing. It's about finding the other half. I'll help my sister to find a husband."

This old man arranges Zhou Mo's affairs clearly, but Zhou Mo at that end is not quite adapted.

From once destitute, to now the attention of the public, such a change in mentality let her for a time has not responded.

"Sister Shutong, is it just my grandfather and brother in the Ji family?"

Zhou Mo sends materials to Wen Shutong and sits opposite him. She wants to ask more about Ji's family.


After Wen Shutong had a pause, she shook her head again. She didn't say much about Huoyuan and Ji Tongsheng. It was a family affair of the Ji family. "You can go back and ask them. Now it's your own family affair. They will understand you."

"Sister Wen, Mr. Ji is here."

Jiang Yan's voice rings, and Wen Shutong and Zhou Mo's eyes look at the door one after another. As expected, they can't talk about people behind their backs.

"Talk about the arrival of Cao Cao."

Wen Shutong made fun of Ji Tongsheng and nodded politely to him.

"My grandfather is afraid that Mo Mo will not be able to go home for dinner at noon, so let me bring it here first. The kitchen has done a lot, so I also brought you one."

When Ji Tongsheng talks, Wen Shutong has noticed the two Bento boxes in his hand, but what she didn't expect is that what the kitchen does is specially instructed by Ji Tongsheng.

This sudden concern makes Zhou Mo still a little unaccustomed.

"Thank you..."

Taking a bento box from Ji Tongsheng's hand, Zhou Mo raises her feet and runs away.

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