"If you're in jail for a few years, you can't make so much money even if we work for decades." Lin Shu said, looking quite relaxed, as if he really didn't care.

Li Huanhuan suddenly had a trace of disdain for them, but it did not show on his face.

Such a person, too cheap!

"I'll say that you are the nurses I know, but I'm not familiar with them. You can do nursing work." Li Huanhuan talked about business.

Hearing her say so, Lin Shu laughed, "don't worry, we will have more."

After discussing everything, Li Huanhuan took out 20000 yuan from his bag. "Take it. It's a tip. I'll give you more after it's done."

The deposit has been given for a long time, but it's not her face-to-face, and it's impossible for her to give the final payment after the event.

The three left the cafe one after another, looked around, and then separated after confirming that they did not know anyone.

After walking out of the cafe for a while, Li Huanhuan took off her mask, took out a wet towel from her bag and wiped her hands.

She seemed to have touched two people with her hand just now.

When the three people really walked away, Yin Hong came out of the corner, holding the mobile phone in her hand and still in the recording state.

She occasionally comes to this cafe, and no one knows her coming, but it's just so unfortunate that people who don't want to run into also come.

However, it's not that I don't want to run into it. After all, she helped Wen Shutong grasp an evidence.

After pressing save, Yin Hong called to the waiter: "did you know those three people just now?"

The waiter followed her finger and saw that it was the seat where the three people had just sat.

"No, they seem to be here for the first time. They haven't seen each other before." The waiter shook his head.

Yin Hong was not surprised to hear such an answer.

It's just a real coincidence.

"Take a latte, thank you." Yin Hong said to the waiter with a smile.

It doesn't matter. Now that she knows what Li Huanhuan wants to do, she can remind Wen Shutong.

Li Huanhuan didn't expect that everything he had just said was recorded.

In the evening, Yin Hong goes to wenshutong and holds him as soon as she sits down.

"Here's something that might make you happy." Yin Hong takes out her mobile phone mysteriously.

Wen Shutong felt a little puzzled, just wanted to ask, the voice in the mobile phone came out.

Because Yin Hong was used to having a rest in that cafe and ordering coffee, she went earlier than Li Huanhuan.

But it's also because she went early that she could record all the conversations.


Listening to the whole recording, Wen Shutong is not happy as he imagined, but angry.

Although she guessed that Li Huanhuan would do it, she was still angry when she really knew that she was going to do it and that she had to plant the booty on her own.

"Well, don't be angry. That's one of the evidences, isn't it?" Yin Hong comforted.

She did this recording at the risk of being discovered.

"Would you like to send this recording to Huo Yanlin?" Yin Hong asked.

If you send this recording to Huo Yanlin, it can not completely clear Wen Shutong's suspicion, but at least it can let him guard against Li Huanhuan.

Because there is no mention in this recording that Huang Shuyun was killed before, it can only be said that Li Huanhuan is now attacking Huang Shuyun.

But this is enough. As long as Li Huanhuan fails and Huang Shuyun wakes up, the truth of the matter will come out.

What's more, Yin Hong is still selfish. She doesn't want Wen Shutong to be with Huo Yihong for the sake of innocence. It's not because she can't let Huo Yihong go, but because she is worthless for Wen Shutong.

"I..." Wen Shutong really wants to take this recording to Huo Yanlin, but now she seems not suitable to appear in front of him.

Seeing her idea, Yin Hong quickly comforted her: "don't worry, what I'll accompany you with. Go now. How can we not go to the old house of Huo family any more?"

She now supports Wen Shutong unconditionally. As long as she wants, she can accompany her to rush into Huo's old house at night!

"Then go." Wen Shutong took a deep breath, which was to cheer himself up.

They said to go and left. The car stopped at the door of Huo's old house in a short time. The servant of the family only saw the little grandmother in the daytime, and now she came again. Naturally, she was a little surprised.

"Let's find Mr. Huo." Yin Hong stopped Wen Shutong and opened his mouth.

Although she was outside, she was afraid that Huo Yanshan was also there. She said that she would look for Mr. Huo. In a business tone, the servant would naturally go to Huo Yanlin.

The servant was stunned for a moment, but he went to tell Huo Yanlin.

But Huo Yanshan knew it first.

Huo Yanlin hasn't come out yet, but Huo Yanshan arrives at the door. Seeing Wen Shutong standing at the door, Huo Yan Shan says angrily, "what are you doing here! We Huo family don't allow you to come inHe had just been advised to come back from the hospital today. When he saw Wen Shutong, he was even angry with the good news.

Wen Shutong doesn't speak. She doesn't like talking back to people. In addition, the truth has not come out yet, so she is not suitable to talk back to Huoyan.

"Mr. Huo, we are looking for Mr. Huo. Let him come out first." Yin Hong is not afraid of Huoyan mountain.

How to say, is also relying on their own strength to start a company, there should be some courage or some.

"What are you..." Huo Yanshan still wanted to scold, but Huo Yanlin came out.

"Dad, you go back first." Huo Yanlin now has some headache. He just noticed something wrong today, but he is not ready to meet Wen Shutong.

Huo Yanshan was not happy to hear this. He wanted to say something, but when he saw his son's unquestionable appearance, he gave up what he wanted to say. He just glared at Yin Hong and Wen Shutong.

Yin Hong did not dare to show weakness and glared back.

"Come in." Huo Yanlin knew that the door was not a place to talk about things, so he let two people into the door.

The servant didn't have time to tell Huo Yanlin about Wen Shutong's coming today. Now it's hard to say, so they can only take good care of them.

After entering the door, Huo Yanshan sat on the sofa, all over with an air of unhappiness.

Yin Hong is too lazy to answer. She takes Wen Shutong and follows Huo Yanlin upstairs.

After three people sit down, Huo Yanlin this just opened a mouth, "say."

The two people's congresses running to Wen Shutong in the evening are sure to be fine. He doesn't know how to face Wen Shutong now, so he can only speak in a business like manner.

Yin Hong opened her mobile phone and played the recording without waiting for Shutong to open her mouth.

She thinks Wen Shutong is worthless, but she has no way to do anything. Now that there is some evidence, she will naturally help Wen Shutong.

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