She has done a lot of things over the years. She has good looks and looks good, so no matter which company she goes to, she will be reused quickly.

But the result, the result is that those men just look at their own face!

They didn't care about her ability behind this face.

Jiang Chen didn't know that she dreamt of those disgusting men in countless drunken nights. They took the money and put them on the table one after another, just to make her drink more.

She changed a lot of jobs, and many companies couldn't keep her, either because she was jealous or because she refused to obey the rules of her boss.

Just now the nurse's disdainful look in her eyes was too clear, just like those men, and those women who thought she was going up by the top.

She wants this money, as long as she has this money, she can start a company by herself, she can't look at other people's faces, she can't leave midway!

"Lin Shu, wake up, you know the ability of the Huo family, do you know how terrible the Huo family is!" Jiang Chen knows what Lin Shu thinks and what he wants to do with the money.

But how can the Huo family make her succeed, even if she takes the money, even if she comes out, so what, Huo family may let her be good!

"Jiang Chen, have you forgotten your grandmother? She's still in the hospital ward. Do you forget that the nurses urged you to pay the money? " Lin Shu felt that she was crazy. She couldn't get back.

When the man took 500000 and put it in front of her, she had already decided not to retreat.

It's just to frame Wen Shutong. Why doesn't she?

What did Wen Shutong do when she went to the interview? No matter how much experience she has, she chose a little girl who has no experience!

If it is not because Wen Shutong is a woman, how could she go to the interview, but she still looks down on herself!

"Lin Shu." Jiang Chen heard her words, tears in his eyes.

She knew that her grandmother was still lying in the hospital ward, and that if she gave up this opportunity, she would be forever in debt collection.

But she was more afraid of living in self blame day and night than being chased.

When the glass of water was taken in, her heart struggled and wavered.

Lin Shu would not know that when the nurse took the water out, the stone in her heart fell down. It was a feeling of relief.

"Stop, before you make a big mistake." Jiang Chen gently said, the voice is very light, but it is not gentle.

She had decided to stop.

Even if grandma really died because she couldn't be cured, even if she had to be pursued for debt, she would have to stop.

In fact, she is not afraid of being caught, but she is even more afraid that Huang Shuyun's face will be closed every night.

"No way, I'll never stop!" Lin Shu bit his teeth and didn't agree to stop.

Jiang Chen bit his lips and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Jiang Chen, I have known you for a long time. Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and didn't quite understand why she asked.

Lin Shu laughed, walked forward two steps, and sat down on the bench. "At that time, you were forced by debt collectors. You didn't dare to go home. You saw that group of debt collectors were standing in front of their own house, so you knocked on my door."

She said with a little tenderness in her eyes.

This kind of tenderness is rare because she hasn't shown it for a long time.

Jiang Chen didn't interrupt her and sat next to her.

"In fact, I was hesitant. I didn't know whether to open the door or not. But when I saw your eyes, I was just as scared as I was at the beginning."

"I don't know why, I opened the door for you. The people saw me open the door and came to me."

"I pulled you in, blocked your face, told them you were my sister, and said that if they knocked on the door again, I would call the police."

Lin Shu said so, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

"Jiang Chen, you stop. I can't do it." Lin Shu suddenly said.

She knew that Jiang Chen could not really take this road.

She pulled Jiang Chen up this road, so she left on the way, and she didn't blame her.

Obviously, she didn't expect that.

"I don't blame you, but I can't leave." Lin Shu sneered and suddenly felt a little sarcastic.

How could she leave? Maybe others don't know who did this game, but she does.

She knew that the person standing behind the Bureau was Huo Yihong. She knew that stepping into the abyss was bottomless, but she couldn't get out.

Huo Yihong can't be kind to those who run away.

"Why?" Jiang Chen does not understand why she can leave, but she chooses not to leave.

"Jiang Chen, don't you understand? I have no choice. If I choose to quit, no one will let me go." Lin Shu's eyes with a little despair, but no regret.When she made this choice, she didn't want to regret it now.

Just, she was thinking that if she had not promised to come down, if she had not known Huo Yihong, maybe she would not be like this now.

"Lin Shu, the company can not open, money can also be made later, why choose to continue!" Jiang Chen didn't understand her sentence. She had no choice.

She didn't know Lin Shu after all. She only knew that Lin Shu was the one who rescued himself in despair. That's all. She didn't know more about her.

"Enough, Jiang Chen. From now on, we don't know each other." Lin Shu didn't want to listen to her again. After the cold interruption, his face broke.

She can let Jiang Chen out of the way, but she can't quit. It's just like this. Life is always such a difficult choice, but she has no choice. She has to choose. Only in this way can she survive in this society.

"Don't follow." Lin Shu opens his mouth again and interrupts Jiang Chen, who is ready to keep up.

No one knows, in Jiang Chen can not see the place, Lin Shu fell a tear.

Two secret surveillance of some people are stunned, it seems that it is such a result, looked at each other for a while, then nodded their heads to leave.

Jiang Chen only feels helpless when he stays in place.

She suddenly felt as if she didn't know Lin Shu at all. She didn't know what happened to him.

She only remembered that day, Lin Shu took 250000 to herself and said to herself, "I have something that can help you get through the difficulties. Do you want to do it?"

Lin Shu was regarded as the Savior by Jiang Chen that day. She thought she could do it, but she didn't know it until just now.

Lin Shu once laughed at herself. She didn't even dare to kill fish. I'm afraid that she would never dare to do anything else in the future. However, she didn't think of a word to fix the hammer.

"Lin Shu." Jiang Chen murmured softly and suddenly woke up.

She can't let Lin Shu go on like this! She has to do something. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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