Neither of them spoke first, waiting for the other to speak first.

"I'm sorry." Lin Shu couldn't help but open his mouth first.

She apologized, but she didn't know what it was for.

Maybe it's to apologize for helping Li Huanhuan frame Wen Shutong, but it seems that it's not. She doesn't feel guilty about Wen Shutong from the bottom of her heart.

Wen Shutong looked at her, and his good-looking eyes turned on her face. "It's really like that."

"What?" Lin Shu didn't understand her.

However, Wen Shutong did not intend to explain.

Lin Shu and Lin Chen are too similar, but she didn't know Lin Chen at that time. If she did, maybe she would pay attention to her.

"Huang Shuyun is not dead." Wen Shutong opened his mouth.

"I know." Lin Shu answered.

Jiang Chen told her when she woke up. Lin Shu, who heard the news, felt as if he was a fool. Not only did he not succeed in accomplishing this thing, he almost put his life into it.

After that, the room was silent again.

"Listen to Jiang Chen, it is you who pleaded with the Huo family and no longer pursue me?" Lin Shu felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he had to find the topic first.

However, this topic is not very good, Wen Shutong is silent.

Maybe Lin Shu didn't know the situation, but she took part in the whole process.

Yesterday, the Lin family knew that their daughter was in a coma, so they rushed over, but they heard that the Huo family was going to investigate the responsibility for this matter.

After a quarrel between the two families, they finally thought of finding the victim.

Huang Shuyun is naturally a sufferer, but she doesn't want to worry about it.

I don't know if it's because she died once. Huang Shuyun is unexpectedly indifferent to these things.

She asked people to ask Wen Shutong what he meant, so the sufferer of the matter became Wen Shutong.

Although he felt uncomfortable, Wen Shutong decided not to investigate.

That night, Huo Yanlin found himself and asked himself what he thought. He also said that if he wanted to investigate, even if the whole Huo family and the Lin family were enemies from then on, he would seek justice for himself.

Justice, oh, where was justice when she was wronged!

"Not for you." Wen Shutong said coldly and added, "it's for your brother."

But this is not accurate, so she changed her mouth again, "for the sake of Yin Hong."

Lin Shu didn't understand that sentence. For your brother, Jiang Chen didn't know about it, so naturally he didn't tell her, but she didn't understand that sentence for Yin Hong.

Two words together, she suddenly felt very confused, "ah?"

However, Wen Shutong does not want to continue with this topic.

She felt Yin Hong's feelings for Lin Chen, so she agreed that the Lin family would calm down, because she didn't want the feelings that Yin Hong had so hard to have again dissipated for herself.

"You have a good rest. You will know everything later." Wen Shutong didn't want to talk to her any more. After saying this, he stood up and obviously wanted to leave.

But Lin Shu said, "can you ask why you didn't hire me at that time?"

She thought it was Wen Shutong who looked down on herself, but now it doesn't look like this. She doesn't look down on others.

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment, remembering that she had applied for a job in his own company. After thinking for a while, he explained to the truth, "you often change jobs, so I don't think your determination is very good. I want to find someone who can work with ease."

Her explanation was not a good one, but Lin Shu understood it.

She didn't look down on herself. It was just herself that looked down on her for so long.

"Thank you." Lin Shu choked.

There are too many things in this thank you sentence. For the sake of this explanation, but also for her neglect.

When he walked out of the ward, Wen Shutong heard the cry coming from the room.

Lin Chen also heard, subconsciously want to go in, but was stopped by Wen Shutong.

"Leave her alone for a while." Wen Shutong said.

She knew that it was no use for anyone at this time. Only by herself could she relieve her emotions.

When she was misunderstood and wronged, she also collapsed, but finally she realized that the truth is not important, but the attitude of those people.

She was cold in these attitudes, and Lin Shu was also cold in many job hopping.

What they need is just a person calm, do not need other people's comfort.

Hearing Wen Shutong's words, Lin Chen stops, raises his leg, and finally chooses to put it down.

He used to be a dandy, but he didn't understand women. Maybe Wen Shutong knew better than himself.

The sound of crying in the room lasted for a long time and lasted for about two hours before it slowly stopped.

Lin Chen's heart has been suffering for two hours. He leans against the wall, closes his eyes, and listens to the sound inside through a wall.Jiang Chen saw that it was quiet inside. The inquirer looked at Lin Chen and saw that he had no objection, so he ran in.

"Lin Shu, are you ok?" Jiang Chen is really worried.

In this world, in addition to grandma, she is only Lin Shu.

"It's OK." Lin Shu wiped off the last tear on his face, and his eyes became firm.

She figured it out. Now she's not the same as before.

I don't know if Wen Shutong's explanation just brought her back to life. She suddenly felt that the world was not as bad as she imagined. In the past, she looked down on herself.

"Well..." Jiang Chen looks at her hesitantly.

Outside Lin Chen is standing there. She doesn't know if she wants to tell Lin Shu the truth.

In fact, she can't believe that Lin Chen is the young master of the Lin family. She can't believe that Lin Shu is Lin Chen's sister.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shu saw that she was a little strange and asked.

After hearing her question, Jiang Chen regained his mind, hesitated and opened his mouth again and again, "there is a man outside. I don't know if you want to see him."

She had never heard of Lin Shu talking about his family, nor did she know what he felt about his family.

But if you are abandoned by your parents, you may hate your parents.

But Lin Shu knew the truth, and if it was not for the Lin family, Lin Shu would not survive, and the Huo family would not let him go.

"Who?" Lin Shu asked.

"Your brother."


Lin Chen walks in from the outside of the house. Jiang Chen stands at the door, afraid to go in or leave.

"Jiang Chen said," you are my brother. " Lin Shu looked at Lin Chen, originally wanted to be cold to him, but did not know why she could not.

Before closing her eyes, that familiar feeling reverberates in her heart, and she subconsciously wants to be close to this person.

Normally, she should hate the Lin family, but it's strange that she can't hate the person in front of her.

In those hard days in the orphanage, she often thought of a person's shadow, a small but always protecting her own figure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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