"Who says I'm afraid? I'm worried about you. I'm afraid for your sake." Lin Shu refused to admit that he was afraid.

Who are the two people afraid of quarreling, the people behind are a little irritable, impatient asked: "do you two play or not? Just leave without playing

There are a lot of people in the roller coaster line. The front group will come down soon. If they are entangled again, they will block the people behind.

Lin Shu looked at the man, some angry said: "it's none of your business."

"Well, you woman, if you don't want to play, don't stand in line to block the people behind you. All right, get out of here. You're so timid that you're afraid of a roller coaster. You've never seen the world before." The man's mouth said disdainful words, look at two people's eyes are also very bad.

Next to him stood a woman, heavily made up, who seemed to be his girlfriend.

Jiang Chen was afraid and pulled Lin Shu's clothes. "Let's go."

It's true that if they haven't decided whether to sit or not, it may affect the people behind them, but the man is too much of a talker.

However, Lin Shu was not happy. She finally brought Jiang Chen to the amusement park, and the previous bad things finally passed. Why should she be angry!

"We just like to stand here. Why, what does it have to do with you? The playground is owned by your family." Lin Shu glared at him, as if to say that I just want to stand here, not happy you go.

The man may be because his girlfriend is around, so he also wants to show a bit more rampant.

"I'll tell you, do you know this playground is owned by Lin's group? I'm the manager of Lin's group. Do you think it has anything to do with me?"

With that, Jiang Chen and Lin Shu were both stunned.

Can such a man be a manager?

The man was stunned and thought that he was bluffing. He was very happy.

In fact, he was right to say that he was the manager of Lin's group, but he was the Department Manager of a small subsidiary. Because he had gone through some back door, he also spent his days in the company.

However, many people like this identity. As long as he is the manager of Lin's group, a group of women rush forward.

Lin Shu sneered and looked at him, "will Lin's group accept people like you?"

"What? Don't accept people like me, do you accept people like you? " The man looked at Lin Shu with disdain as if she had told some jokes.

Smell speech, Lin Shu looks at him coldly, did not speak again.

She didn't want to rely on her status as the daughter of the Lin family, so she began to be arrogant or inflated. But the man didn't look like a good man.

If Lin's group really let such a person become a manager, she doubts if there is any shady business inside the Lin group.

She had experienced too many dirty things before, so she was very sensitive to such things. She didn't want such a situation in Lin's group.

"Lin Shu." Jiang Chen looks at Lin Shu with some worry, worrying whether she has any problems.

She knows all the things before, and she knows what Lin Shu doesn't like.

"It's OK." Lin Shu forbearance, decided not to care about the man in front of her. Lin Chen has done enough for herself. She doesn't want to let Lin Chen be busy for herself.

Besides, such a person, she also disdains to pay attention to.

However, she forbade, but the man stopped. It seemed that she would ignore herself. She immediately climbed onto her shoulder and said, "I said that I am in charge of the playground when it's bigger. I won't let you sit down now. I don't want to get out of here."

The roller coaster screams, but here the fire began to diffuse.

The man's girlfriend yelled, "Chen Wei, you see, they don't pay attention to you at all."

The woman also took a proud look at Lin Shu.

In fact, when she was in line, she was not satisfied with Lin Shu. There were so many men here who used to look only at themselves. However, after Lin Shu was in the line, the eyes of those men all shifted to Lin Shu.

But even if she is good-looking, she has a boyfriend. As long as her boyfriend calls, the person in charge of the playground will have to come and drive Lin Shu away. She wants to see what good-looking Lin Shu has.

Lin Shu glared at the man named Chen Wei fiercely. It seemed that he had never thought that there would be such a shameless man. Everyone can play in the playground. Why should she go!

The woman had a thorn in her eyes, and it didn't look like a good one.

Jiang Chen is not very angry. It's hard to be happy to come out and play. It's just a matter like this. Everyone will be unhappy. However, if they are not happy, the most important thing is to find a way to solve the problem.

It's impossible to call Lin Chen. You know, brother is busy chasing his sister-in-law now. She doesn't want to let Lin Chen come for such a man.

"I tell you, don't go too far." Lin Shu glared at him fiercely.Although she didn't want Lin Chen to come over, she didn't want to admit defeat.

Not to mention giving up with such a man.

Soon a group of people gathered around, because it was rare to see a good show. Most of them gathered around with the idea that it was not too big to watch the excitement, regardless of what happened.

On the other side, Wen Shutong and xingxingyue have finished playing the carousel and come to the roller coaster.

Just arrived at the place, the atmosphere was a little strange, surrounded by a group of people, do not know what happened.

Star moon is small, through the crowd to see just the two sisters standing in the middle, "this is not just with the uncle together sister."

"Yes, but there seems to be a problem." The moon nodded, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, so she pulled the stars through the crowd and told Wen Shutong what they had seen in it.

Wen Shutong is silent for a moment when he hears the words of the two little guys, and decides to go inside to see the situation first.

Wen Shutong finally gets into the crowd. Lin Shu Tong and Chen Wei are at each other's throats. It seems that no one will let them.

In fact, Lin Shu didn't do anything wrong, but Chen Wei was so angry that he didn't know why he had to target them.

"Jiangchen." Wen Shutong called out.

When he heard someone calling himself, Jiang Chen took a look at the direction of the sound and saw Wen Shutong standing in the same place, waving to himself.

"Sister Shutong, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen walked over and asked.

"What's going on?" Wen Shutong pointed to Lin Shu and Chen Wei and asked.

She only knew that a group of people were watching them, but she didn't know what happened, but it should not be a good thing.

However, Wen Shutong feels that Chen Wei is a little familiar and seems to have met him somewhere.

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