What's more, Lin Chen doesn't seem to be unaware of the existence of the child. He should not be bad for Yin Hong because of this.

Her eyes may be too eager, Lin Chen felt that someone was looking at himself, subconsciously ready to turn back, but was told by the staff that he could go in, so he gave up the idea of looking back.

Just entered the ghost house is not really terrible, the road is still bright, but the more you go, the darker the light line.

Yin Hong couldn't see the road ahead. She could only take out the flashlight of her mobile phone for lighting. But just after she opened it, a bloody hand appeared in front of her.

"Ah Yin Hong yelled. She almost missed her mobile phone and dared not look at the road with Lin Chen's clothes.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth drew up a smile, stretched out his hand to stop the red waist, "what's terrible about it?"

Smell speech, Yin red Du Du Du mouth ready to push Lin Chen, but think of the scene just now is really no courage to open his eyes, can only pull Lin Chen's clothes forward slowly.

Lin Shu and Jiang Chen in front are not so lucky.

They came first than Lin Chen and they first touched the mechanism. Along the way, they either dropped a hand or felt chilly under their feet.

Both of them were girls. They hugged each other, but they didn't dare to close their eyes for fear that something might appear.

"It's terrible." Lin Shu's voice trembled slightly.

If I knew it was like this, I would never come in.

However, Jiang Chen didn't get any better. She came in with Lin Shu. She thought it was nothing, but the things in the ghost house were not as frightening as Lin Shu.

Originally, she had not been frightened. Lin Shu screamed, and half of her life was almost taken in.

"Let's calm down, calm down." Jiang Chen takes Lin Shu's hand and tries to persuade her to calm down.

However, in this case, how could Lin Shu be calm.

There are also staff in the haunted house. When they see two little girls, they immediately feel that the opportunity is coming.

Lin Shu's eyes were wide, and he almost didn't run back.

"Well, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen pulls Lin Shu, "the exit is over there."

The whole ghost house has one road, which can be regarded as a road to the end. Although the sudden appearance of the staff seems frightening, Jiang Chen's sense still remains.

Lin Shu secretly opened his eyes and looked at the staff, "brother, we are timid. Don't scare us."

She talks with begging and looks really scared.

Although the staff wanted to scare people, the guest offered not to frighten himself, and he was not good enough to continue to scare people, so he let the two people pass by.

Soon, however, the staff were waiting for two other people.

At this time, Yin Hong has slightly relieved her breath. Although her hand still hasn't loosened Lin Chen's clothes, she has already left him a little bit.

The staff saw a couple of lovers, and immediately felt that their opportunity had come. They quickly took the props and walked to Yin Hong with a feeling of half floating, "I died miserably."

Yin Hong:

Then, only the staff screamed.

Yin Hong kicks out because she is afraid, and she quickly leans on Lin Chen.

The staff did not expect to be beaten, lying on the wall some want to cry without tears.

Originally prepared to turn around and scare the woman, but saw Lin Chen's cold face, immediately decided to give up the idea.

It's a ghost house. He's the staff. But I don't know why. He thinks the male guest is more frightening.

In fact, Lin Chen is quite satisfied in his heart. He secretly notes down the staff member and prepares to ask people to give him a raise when he goes out.

Four people have been out of the haunted house, Jiang Chen is the best of the three girls.

Lin Shu and Yin Hong were both frightened. They both came out as if they were running for their lives. They could not see that they were playing in the haunted house.

Wen Shutong looks at Yin Hong and pulls the corner of Lin Chen's clothes and smiles uncontrollably.

The next group of people are having a good time, so they are ready to leave.

It's just that instead of going directly to the gate, they went to the internal garage.

The parking space outside the playground is too difficult to find. They all choose to park directly inside.

What they didn't know was that there was a woman outside the playground who was trying to dream.

Stars and moon rarely play so happy, happy do not know what like.

Wen Shutong suddenly felt some remorse. The two children were so old, but he didn't accompany them well.

Back home, Wen Shutong found that Huo Yanlin had called himself.

Because he wanted to play with them well, he chose to turn off his mobile phone in order to avoid disturbing himself.

The stars and the moon are still in the living room talking about how happy they are today.

Wen Shutong takes a look at them and calls Huo Yanlin back."What's the matter?" Her voice is not warm enough to be heard.

However, Huo Yanlin knows that she is still angry.

"Nothing, the stars and the moon are OK." Huo Yanlin suddenly did not know how to speak.

In fact, he wanted to call to apologize for the misunderstanding, but when he got to the mouth, he couldn't say a word. Finally, he only asked such a sentence.

Wen Shutong Leng Leng Leng, eyes slightly droop, "very good, they play here very happy, if there is nothing I will hang up first."

"I..." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth, but he still did not speak.

Hearing this word, Wen Shutong smiles silently. It turns out that it's so hard to say sorry.

After hanging up, the two little guys were still in the living room happily, without any influence from one phone call.

Huo Yanlin's phone has just been hung up. Another call comes in. Wen Shutong looks at the caller ID and finds that it is Huo Yihong.

These two people surnamed Huo are very clever. They both chose to call themselves on the same day.

Because of what happened before, Wen Shutong was on guard against Huo Yihong, so he dodged the stars and went to the bedroom to answer the phone.

"What can I do for you?" Wen Shutong's voice was much colder this time.

Before Huo Yihong wanted to take advantage of the danger, she can still remember clearly, can not give any good face.

"So cold? Anyway, they are all people who were ready to be my wife. Do you treat me like that Huo Yihong chuckles, but he can also think of Wen Shutong's attitude towards himself.

Wen Shutong didn't want to give this man too much good looks. He just asked, "what's the matter? If it's OK, I'll hang up. "

"Well, don't be so anxious. Maybe we can meet and talk." Huo Yihong said.

"I don't think we have anything else to talk to." Wen Shutong refused coldly.

Lin Chen has told her that she was framed, and Huo Yihong may have been involved. Why does she want to interview a person who framed herself and wants to take advantage of others' danger?

"Oh? That's a pity. I'm going to talk to you about the baby in Li Huanhuan's stomach. " Huo Yihong said, as if really very sorry general.

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