Mr. Liu felt that he nodded a big head, but he thought of the director's words, so he clapped his hands and said, "OK, listen to me, everyone go back to their positions and sit down. You two are sitting next to Zhaohe and zhaoyue."

In the end, it is a teacher, in the class or a little prestige.

Although those people are not very happy with the arrangement, but they have to admit that they can only sit well.

On the other side, Wen Shutong is worried about his two children and listens to the voice of moss.

"Why don't you tell me what happened before you and your nephew." Wen Shutong, seeing that she didn't seem to want to go on, said quickly.

She knew that moss wanted to express it, but she hesitated because she didn't know how to say it. In this case, she had to guide her to continue.

"At that time, the family was down and my father couldn't resist leaving." Moss's eyes darkened as he spoke.

This is not a happy thing. Wen Shutong doesn't know how to comfort him. Maybe others will say "I'm sorry" at this time, but in fact, the person who said this thing will not want to hear sorry, because it is not a matter of sorry for anyone.

Moss laughed. "I thought you'd say I'm sorry to hear that."

"Well, our job is to listen, and I don't think you want to hear that either." Wen Shutong responded with a smile.

Indeed, moss doesn't want to hear sorry. She's heard so much sorry these years that she's numb.

At that time, she was less than 20. After hearing the news, she returned home without finishing her studies. However, she saw only a cold corpse.

It was at that time that everyone changed their faces, and she had to run around, and there was no place to stay long.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, so long that I can't forget it in my life.

However, the man said to himself: we will come out, and those who have fallen into the well will be trampled on by us.

It's strange that he was only a teenager at that time, but he was mature and frightening. Even she didn't think he could match him.

"Later, he seemed to grow up overnight, and he said he wanted us to stand up again."

Wen Shutong knows that she means her nephew.

"So the two of us worked together to do a lot of things, and then we succeeded, and we got up again with the most ruthless means, and everyone was afraid of us." Said Moses, and suddenly he began to laugh in a low voice.

Her smile was seeping, but soon she began to cry again.

Wen Shutong sat opposite and did not speak, just looked at her.

After a while, moss calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, I scared you."

"It doesn't matter. People always vent." Wen Shutong shook his head and did not pay attention to it.

She's seen a lot of people, and she's shown it to a lot of people.

She had taken over a manic depressive patient before. She was so irritable that she almost didn't smash the studio. Compared with that person, this guy is just in a bad mood at most, so she can deal with it a little bit.

Moss could not help admiring her from the bottom of his heart when he saw that she was not flustered at all.

"But may I ask, what do you do?" Wen Shutong asked.

A person's work can largely determine a person's personality, she wants to know whether Moss's current situation has something to do with her work.

Of course, the past experience will also determine what a person will eventually become. There are too many factors in it. Wen Shutong can not be sure what is the reason why moss became what he is now.

"Run a company." Said moss, lifting his hair.

Wen Shutong nodded after hearing the speech. After all, a single hand is a million people. It is impossible without economic strength.

"Well, you can go on." She did not intend to go further on the subject.

What moss wants now is not therapy, but listening to her alone.

So, she doesn't have to think of a way to treat first.

However, moss is not ready to go further on this topic. She has found out the identity of Wen Shutong. To say, she is indeed the best psychologist in Jincheng.

However, she was a friend of that man.

In this way, moss was not satisfied with Wen Shutong.

"After a while, I'm going to have a showdown with her." Moss put one hand on his chin, as if unintentionally said.

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment when he heard the speech. He didn't know what she meant by the showdown.

"My niece-in-law, I think, should know something." Moss was smiling brightly. He was in his thirties, but he seemed to be in his twenties. He still had some charm in his bones.

Wen Shutong unconsciously thought that if it was not because she liked his nephew, then perhaps most of the men in Jincheng would fall in her pomegranate skirt.With what she had said before, she was suddenly afraid.

Such a woman is too terrible, in fact, she does not really love her nephew, just because of dependence, or because nephew betrayed her.

So what she's doing now is to use her nephew as prey, and she won't allow others to take her prey away.

However, if moss doesn't want to say it herself, she can't say it because it will completely irritate her.

Since moss found himself, it shows to a certain extent that he still believes in himself. In this case, can she slowly open his heart under such circumstances?

"That's good, but I think maybe you can choose a more peaceful way to show off." Wen Shutong said.

The only thing she can do now is to give a little persuasion, as to whether she will listen to her can't control it.

"Thank you." Moss stood up, picked up the bag, waved and was ready to leave.

She'll still come here, but not often.

She has something more important now, something more important than coming here for consultation.

Wait until Moschus leaves.

Such people, in fact, are not too big a problem, but the biggest problem is that they are terrible.

They are sober and normal, but they are paranoid.

If people with mental illness are terrible, then these normal people with paranoia are even more terrible. They know every decision they make.

It is also because of clear, they are more sophisticated enough to plot some, people can not resist.

"I hope that man will be OK." Wen Shutong sighs, watching moss pull the door downstairs and get into the car.

After putting aside the affairs of moss for a while, Wen Shutong adjusted his mind and began to welcome the next guest.

On the other side, moss sat in the car, but was not in a hurry to let someone drive.

In the driver's seat, Zhang Qiang looked at the rearview mirror and asked, "do you want to start with Wen Shutong?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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