The next morning, when xingxingyue went to kindergarten, she found that the security guard had changed.

"Grandfather Zhang!" The moon first recognized the security guard and ran over.

It's strange that yesterday's security guard was still a young man. How can we change people today.

The director just came out and laughed at Wen Shutong. "Mr. Huo said that the security guard yesterday was not good enough. He went to another place, and then recommended Mr. Zhang."

She doesn't know how the security guard named Zhang got in touch with Huo Yanlin. Anyway, the two children seem to like this security guard.

Grandfather Zhang saw the two little guys, their faces all burst out with laughter, "Hey, I didn't expect you two to go to school here, too."

He was still on duty yesterday morning, so someone asked him if he would like to move to a place with higher wages. He was such an old bone. It would be good to have a job. What else should he choose? So he agreed.

"Yes, grandfather Zhang. We will see you often in the future." The moon pours on Zhang's grandfather and seems to have forgotten Zhaohe.

Originally, the first thing he planned to come to school was to find Zhaohe, but now he forgot everything when he saw grandfather Zhang.

Grandfather Zhang smiles with wrinkles around his eyes. He waves to the stars beside him, "come here, come here, grandfather Zhang."

The star moved to him and called, "grandfather Zhang."

Wen Shutong was relieved to see that the two little guys liked grandfather Zhang so much.

"Then these two little guys will trouble you." Wen Shutong said to grandfather Zhang.

Before in the Xiangxie community has been troubling grandfather Zhang, now also trouble, how much or some embarrassed.

"What trouble? Don't worry. With my old man here, we will never let the doll get hurt." Grandfather Zhang clapped his chest to make a promise.

Wen Shutong was relieved.

In fact, she is at ease with grandfather Zhang. After all, she is someone who has helped her. What she is worried about is the two little guys.

Now, these two kids just like dawn kindergarten better.

When he came to the office, moss didn't come. It seems that there is something wrong. Wen Shutong doesn't care. There are a lot of people who come every day and make an appointment.

Some people who come today may not be willing to come tomorrow, especially in the name of consultation. Most of them come once or twice and will not appear again.

At the moment, moss is sitting on the sofa of the Lin family.

Sitting opposite the sofa is Wen Shutong's good friend, Yin Hong.

"Auntie, I don't know what you're here for?" Yin Hong didn't expect that Lin Qin would find her at this time.

At this time, most of the Lin family have gone out. Even if they have not, they have been arranged to go out. Therefore, there are only Yin Hong and moss left in the Lin family.

"It's for you, of course." Moss grinned, a little bloodthirsty.

Yin Hong swallows her saliva and shudders at the thought of what her sister-in-law is supposed to do.

She didn't know what moss felt for Lin Chen. She just felt that the woman in front of her was so terrible that she didn't dare to be in the same room with this person or in the same space with her.

"What are you afraid of?" Moss felt the red fear and suddenly laughed more wildly.

Yin Hong shook her head and forced herself to calm down.

It's OK. This person is Lin's and Lin Chen's sister-in-law. She won't do anything to herself.

After comforting herself in this way, Yin Hong finally recovered a little calm.

Seeing her constantly doing psychological construction, moss felt a little interesting, but he wanted to play with her.

"I'll get to the point." Mo Si said, taking a cigarette from Zhang Qiang, holding it in his mouth, and then blowing outside, a ring of smoke appeared.

Such a scene is extremely beautiful, just like those expensive ladies in the movie.

Yin Hong did not like the smoke very much. She frowned and fanned.

"Sorry, forget you don't like the smell of smoke." Moss saw the action of Yin Hong and said so, but he did not intend to put down the smoke.

She doesn't care what Yin Hong likes. She has been thinking about this woman for a long time.

Lin Chen was not allowed to move her, so she did not move, and even watched her live in the Lin family.

But it doesn't mean that she accepted her. She can't accept anyone taking Lin Chen. Naturally, Yin Hong can't either!

Yin Hong thinks that she is very dangerous now, but she doesn't know where the danger is.

"Do you know how to deal with the women around Lin Chen before Moss continued to smoke the cigarette in his hand, with amorous feelings between his eyebrows and eyes.

Yin Hong shakes her head. In fact, she has also checked, but without exception, there is no information at all.

She suspected that someone had deliberately concealed the information.

"Don't think about it. Live well." Moss was amused at the way she thought.She doesn't want to kill people. In fact, the Lin family has stopped doing this kind of thing. They don't want to kill anyone. They want to make a person disappear in this world forever.

"I specially found a lonely island. There was nothing on it. I sent all the women there. Of course, I would send them daily necessities every month." Moss said it carelessly, as if he were just talking about the weather today.

Yin Hong was shocked and looked at moss. "Why do you do this?"

No wonder she couldn't find any trace. She was sent away, but why did moss do this!

Did Lin Chen let her do this?

"Because, those women are very annoying, every day around Lin Chen's side, just like the group of people who didn't look up to us at the beginning and then fawn on us." Moss's eyes were half closed, and the corners of his eyes twinkled with light.

Yin Hong thought that it should be tears, but it just flashed by. She didn't see it clearly.

"But you are different. Lin Chen likes you, and you are not with him for Lin Chen's things." Moss put the smoke in the ashtray to one side.

Yin Hong thought that she was praising herself, so she was relieved.

But before he could relax, moss turned around. "But that's why you're so annoying."

It is easy to deal with people who ask for something, because Lin Chen won't like such a person. Lin Chen won't ask what she will do.

However, Yin Hong didn't want anything. What she wanted was Lin Chen, or even the name of Lin's young lady.

Such a person is really annoying.

His red eyes suddenly increased, and he did not understand what moss meant.

"When Lin Chen was still young, I and he helped to revive the Lin family. At that time, he was more obedient, but after you came, he changed. He even asked me not to touch you!"

Moss's hand began to shake violently, looking very unstable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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