Wen Shutong's "fire" suddenly came up, "the culprit" the moon quickly put the basin in his hand into Huo Yanlin's hand, and then obediently got into the bathtub and took a bath with the stars.

Wen Shutong wiped the wet bangs on his forehead and said, "moon, come here for me!"

The moon didn't move, blinking innocently, looking at Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin is not much better than Wen Shutong. His whole body is also wet. His clean white shirt is tightly attached to his body, which clearly delineates the muscles with clear barriers from the chest to the abdomen.

Wen Shutong takes a look at Huo Yanlin, and his face suddenly gets a little hot.

She quickly staggered Huo Yanlin's burning eyes and called in a deep voice: "the moon, come here."

The moon knows that she can't get rid of blame. She looks at Huo Yanlin with her eyes in general.

Huo Yanlin picked his eyebrows, took the water basin that the moon had just used, filled it with water, and then, taking advantage of the moon's unprepared, he threw his head at the moon.

The moon didn't pay attention to it. It choked violently and coughed violently.

Stars early see Huo Yanlin's intention, hide some, just did not be affected.

Huo Yanlin raised his eyebrows and chuckled at Wen Shutong: "I avenged you."

Wen Shutong was stunned and couldn't believe his ears and eyes.

Huo Yanlin, who has always been cold and arrogant, should have made such a naive move.

The moon coughed, and her face turned red, and her tears were coming out.

He shrank behind the stars and looked at Huo Yanlin with hatred in his eyes.

I played so well with myself just now. When Mommy came, she changed the front line. Her position is really not firm.

Wen Shutong took a look at Huo Yanlin, who was all wet. He was afraid that he might catch a cold: "you go back to your room and change clothes first. I'll take a bath for these two little guys."

Huo Yanlin turned and asked, "is Yin Hong OK?"

Wen Shutong shook his head: "it has been placed in the guest room."

Huo Yanlin nodded his head and said, "you've been busy all day. Go to have a rest. I'll take the stars and the moon tonight."

Wen Shutong hesitated, but it was rare for Huo Yanlin to ask for a chance to get along with his children.

Huo Yanlin saw through her mind: "don't worry, I can handle it."

"That's OK," Wen Shutong finally relaxed, but he still couldn't help saying in a long time: "don't take them to play too long, get a rest early, and go to kindergarten tomorrow."

"Well." Huo Yanlin should go down.

Close the bathroom door, Wen Shutong's face rippled with a knowing smile.

Since she went out of the bathroom, father and son again sounded the three people's noise, Wen Shutong's smile was deep.

The next day.

Huo Yanlin sent xingxingyue to kindergarten, and Wen Shutong slept more at home.

At about eight or nine o'clock, Wen Shutong was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

She drew down the answer key and put her mobile phone in her ear. "Hello, hello."

From the receiver came the drunken voice of Moss: "wenshutong, come out and drink with me."

Wen Shutong opened his eyes and took a look at the caller ID, then put the phone back to his ear, "Miss moss, drinking is not in my scope of work."

"I have money, I can pay you double the consulting fee No, three times, ten times. You can make a price

Wen Shutong recognized that she was very drunk and hung up the phone directly.

Within seconds, moss called again.

"Wen Shutong, except Lin Chen, you are the first one who dares to hang up with me."

Hearing the word "Linchen", Wen Shutong's eyelids jumped fiercely.

It seems that her conjecture was right. Moss was the young aunt of Lin Chen, Lin Qin, the young lady of the Lin family.

Knowing that she is a cruel woman, Wen Shutong didn't want to entangle with her, but considering that Yin Hong will get along with her in the future, Wen Shutong can't help hesitating.

's psychology is obviously out of order. If she can reconcile it with her, she may be able to untie MS's heart and let her pass the red.

Wen Shutong thought for a moment and sat up from the bed: "Miss moss, where are you now?"

Moss sent Wen Shutong a location, then hung up without saying anything.

Wen Shutong takes a look at the bar on the location, and then looks at the time on the mobile phone. He rubs his hair helplessly.

When he was drunk at nine o'clock, this moss was really unruly.

Wen Shutong sighed and began to dress.

After finishing his work, Wen Shutong goes downstairs for breakfast.

Yin Hong has woken up and helped her aunt make breakfast. Now she is watching the news on the sofa.

Wen Shutong knocked on her head. How could she forget that Yin Hong was still in this stubble.

Hearing Wen Shutong go downstairs, Yin Hong turns her head and looks: "wake up?"

Wen Shutong nodded: "you get up early."

Yin Hong smiles: "it's you who get up late."She changed into the clean clothes that Wen Shutong gave her. She looked calm and seemed to have stepped out of the shadow of last night.

Wen Shutong was relieved.

Looking at Wen Shutong dressed neatly, Yin Hong asked, "are you going out?"

Thinking of the relationship between MoSi, Yin Hong and Lin Chen, Wen Shutong's heart is full of tension.

"Yes, yes." She reached out and gently pinned her sideburns behind her ear. "The office has guests. I have to go and have a look."

Yin Hong asked with concern, "are you in a hurry? Have dinner before you go? "

Recalling the state of moss on the phone, Wen Shutong still refused: "no, the guests have arrived. I would be impolite if I were later."

Yin Hong said, "I'll give it to you. It's OK today."

"No, no," Wen Shutong said quickly. "You can have a good rest. I can drive by myself."

With that, she didn't give Yin Hong another chance to speak, so she pushed the door and left.

"Ah..." What else did Yin Hong want to say? She looked at her back in a hurry and swallowed the words that had already reached her mouth.

She also wants to tell Wen Shutong that she has told Lin Chen what happened on her way to Huo's house last night. Lin Chen goes to find Lin Qin, and they have a dispute.

She didn't know Lin Chen's attitude last night, so she got angry and ran out.

Now she understood that Lin Chen's heart was still toward her.

But since Wen Shutong still has something to do, she can only wait for her free time.

After Wen Shutong left home, he found the bar where she drank according to the positioning sent by moss.

There were few people in the bar during the day, and wenshutong soon found moss sitting in the corner of the bar.

Moss was lying on the bar with an empty glass and half a bottle of whiskey. She buried her face in her arms, her thin shoulders shaking up and down, as if crying.

Wen Shutong frowned and walked over.

Hearing the footsteps, moss slowly raised his head: "you are here."

Wen Shutong was slightly surprised when he saw his face.

's beautiful face was stained with deep color and loneliness. Her long Eyeliner was blooming in her eyes, and the color of her red lips was extremely dim.

In front of her, Mo Si is no longer the bright and magnificent when she was first seen by Wen Shutong.

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