"Mom, Dad had an operation, and Huo Yihong's blood transfusion." He explained in a cold voice.

"Well, it's just a play. I just want to deceive you." Huang Shuyun does not believe that Huo Yihong did it.

The thought of Huo Yanshan's age and suffering from such hardships made her heartache.

"Mom, Dad hasn't come out yet. Let's wait until dad is out of danger." Wen Shutong then advised.

Huang Shuyun subconsciously about to hate her, suddenly remembered before his injury wronged her things, under the guilty heart cold hum, did not continue to speak.

At this time, Liu Menglian appeared in the hospital.

Huo Yihong gave Huo Yanshan blood transfusion in the morning. At this time, his face was still as white as paper. He was helped by Liu Menglian and walked to the front of him. It was the limit.

"How is Yan Shan?" Liu Menglian looks at Wen Shutong anxiously. Huang Shuyun doesn't go at all.

"It's still under rescue. It's almost an hour." Wen Shutong explained.

Liu Menglian stamped her feet anxiously, "what's the matter? Yan Shan didn't offend people at ordinary times. How could he meet such a person? You want his life one after another

Huo Yihong's eyes flashed and his pale face was gloomy.

"Well, who can still have, who wants to die is who." Everyone is worried, Huang Shuyun suddenly burst out a strange words.

"What do you mean?" Huo Yihong held up his weak body, showed a grim expression, and asked.

"What do you mean? You hate Yan Shan so much that both your mother and son would like Yan Shan to die. If you don't want to do it again this time, who else can do it Huang Shuyun sneers and looks like a knife at Liu Menglian's mother and son.

In her heart, that's what she thinks.

Huo Yihong's methods are so vicious that we can see from his calculation of his son. Liu Menglian is not a good thing. He has been fighting Yan Shan with himself. They can definitely do such things.

"Huang Shuyun, are you still a person? Yan Shan is still in it. I don't know whether he lives or not. You want to plant our mother and son. Are you too vicious? " Liu Menglian scolded in defiance.

"Since you said I did it, I'm sorry if I didn't do it?" Huo Yihong waved Huo Yanlin's hand and walked towards Huang Shuyun fiercely.

However, his anemia did not support his action and passed out after a few steps.

Liu Menglian screamed and rushed up.

"Huang Shuyun, you are so vicious, you will have retribution." Liu Menglian yells at Huang Shuyun, looking at her son who is unconscious and full of heartache.

Huang Shuyun is also a Leng, followed by a burst of pleasure.

In the face of Wen Shutong's indifferent eyes, she explained to herself: "he just said that he wanted to kill us."

Wen Shutong ignored her and called the doctor quickly.

Huo Yanlin to go through the procedures, Liu Menglian has been flustered, she simply can not manage anything.

"Yanlin, Shutong..." Huang Shuyun tries to stop them.

"Mom, don't make trouble. You're here to watch dad. Don't meddle in other things." Wen Shutong advised.

Huang Shuyun pursed her lips, rather unwilling.

Huo Yihong had just been settled over there, and the light in Huoyan mountain's operating room went out.

"How are you, doctor?" In the operating room, the doctor pushes Huo Yanshan, who is pale with his eyes tightly closed, and Huang Shuyun rushes up to ask.

"It's OK. Take good care of it, but you should pay more attention. Once again, the old people can't stand it." The doctor advised.

Huang Shuyun nodded with tears.

"It's all the gods." She followed Huo Yanshan into the ward.

Wen Shutong didn't follow him in. After a while, he saw Huo Yanlin rushing over with a tired face.

"How about it?"

"It's a dangerous time." Wen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief.

Smell speech, Huo Yanlin whole person also relaxed to come down, slightly closed eyes, "good thing is nothing."

"Yes, but it's OK." Wen Shutong sighed, "is Huo Yihong OK?"

Before Huo Yihong's persecution and calculation of her own, she can still remember clearly. However, today, she felt a burst of emotion when she saw his feelings for her father unintentionally revealed.

"No big problem, just a lot of blood loss. Dad is fine here. I'll talk to him later. You can go back and look at the children. " Huo Yanlin arranged.

Wen Shutong nods.

"Hard work for you." Looking at Wen Shutong's tired eyes, Huo Yanlin raised his hand and touched her face, gentle and low.

Wen Shutong and put his face into his hand to rub, gently shook his head, "with you this sentence is not hard."

Where does she have his hard work? He is busy every day like a top, this one thing that one thing is not finished.

Huo Yanlin bowed his head and kissed her forehead, "go back, you will go to accompany the child for a while, and the hospital has not been good for a long time."Wen Shutong had just left the hospital and was about to drive home when she suddenly patted her forehead. She was going to ask Huo Yanlin to help find out what happened to Yin Hong. But seeing that he was so busy, she didn't care about it.

I'll talk about it later.

Driving out of the parking lot, she was followed by a BMW. She didn't find it at first, but the BMW didn't mean to hide it.

Just following behind her, let her instantly back a cool, heart think of the experience before Yin Hong.

BMW follows behind. Wen Shutong tests several times. When she stops, she stops and the other party turns.

Wen Shutong's heart flashed a lot of conjectures. Was it that moss suddenly remembered that she knew too much and wanted to kill her?

Although it is impossible to follow common sense, people like moss cannot infer from common sense.

Wen Shutong clenches his teeth, finds a place directly and stops. Holding his mobile phone, he seems to be making a phone call, but he doesn't come down after half a ring.

BMW stopped not far behind her, as if waiting for her to move.

Wen Shutong was in the original area for five minutes. Seeing the BMW flameout, she pushed the door open and ran quickly to BMW.

The man inside was a strange man he didn't know. The man was startled by Wen Shutong and roared.

"Are you sick? Why do you run to me all of a sudden? What do you want to do? "

Man's roar with a strong sense of guilty, Wen Shutong is a psychological counselor, but can't you hear the real upright and fierce?

"Did I ask you? What are you following me for? " She snapped, her eyes straying around the car.

nose moved slightly. She smelled an elegant woman's fragrance in the car, which she used to smell before.

"Charming woman", the fragrance is elegant and charming, suitable for mature women.

is a limited edition perfume produced by the world's top perfume company. She has never met anyone in the Jincheng city.

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