"Since I choose to cooperate with him, he will know your identity sooner or later, and tell him how to..."

Before Zhao Linrui could finish his words, the hot tea was poured on his face. Zhao Linrui jumped up from the wooden chair and screamed.

"I think I'm too indulgent to let you forget who you are."

Moss slowly put the cup back, heard Zhao Linrui's sad cry, but her face did not even have a trace of redundant expression.

Zhao Linrui covered his red face, raised his eyes and looked at her bitterly: "what do you mean?"

"I want you to remember that even if I work with you, it doesn't mean that we are on equal footing." Mo Si picks up Zhao Linrui's chin, and his delicate face is full of beautiful facial features.

"All you have to do is what I say and what you do. If anyone around you knows who I am, I'll cut off one of your fingers

When moss said these words, it was not a threat, it was more like a flirtation, and the ending was in an upturned tone.

If you don't listen to the content and only listen to the voice, I'm afraid any man can't help but react.

But the content of her words makes Zhao Linrui shiver.

Zhao Linrui shivered at her face, half a day can not say a word.

"Do you understand?"

Mo Si hooks Zhao Linrui's chin fingers with some force, and his sharp fingernails directly pierce into his skin, and blood drips down immediately.

Zhao Linrui eyes down, straight staring at her like a sharp blade like nails, heavily nodded.

"Do you know why I sent you here?" Moss let him go. "One is to see if you listen or not, and the other is to threaten your convenience."

Zhao Linrui's eyes are strange to see Mo Si. Now he finally understands how it feels to be in love with a tiger.

There was a stab in his chin just now, but there was a stab in the lower part of his leg.

Moss blew the foam off the teacup, raised his chin as if he were looking at an animal and said, "you can go."

Zhao Linrui grinds his teeth patiently. He doesn't even say goodbye. He gets up directly and goes out the door.

All the way, he nearly turned the car into a rocket, and directly rushed to the place where Li Huanhuan lived.

"Li Huanhuan, get out of here!" All the humiliation that moss gave him before turned into anger and transferred to Li Huanhuan.

Li Huanhuan sat in his room, shivering with fear.

She angrily opened the door: "what nerve do you have, you are not afraid to frighten your son?"

Hearing Li Huanhuan's words, Zhao Linrui's voice dropped. He rushed upstairs and approached Li Huanhuan step by step: "why do you want to tell moss what I did to Wen Shutong?"

There were two flames in his eyes, and his anger almost burned to Li Huanhuan.

Li Huanhuan swallowed his mouth and said, "since we want to cooperate, why can't we tell her about these things? Do you want her to make a crime when you are found out by her? "

It was Moss's condescending attitude that made Zhao Linrui angry. Now Li Huanhuan's words even stabbed his lung tube.

Zhao Linrui's anger suddenly soared more than ten times. She directly raised her hand to hold Li Huanhuan's neck and pressed her on the railing on the second floor.

In his eyes, the killing intention was obvious, and Li Huanhuan's neck made a crisp sound: "I am I, she is her! I have my way of doing things. If you're a dog to her, get out of here

Li Huanhuan half of the body is outside the railing, she can't believe the eyes, because the neck was pinched, can't make a sound, can only make a hissing gas sound.

Moss has made it very clear when he cooperates with them. When Zhao Linrui accepts her investment, it means that he agrees to be at the mercy of moss.

Why now, just because he told her a news, so angry?

Li Huanhuan's face was choked red, and a few physiological tears came out of his eyes.

Zhao Linrui had already been flushed out of his senses. When he was about to crack down on him, he got close to Li Huanhuan and touched the big stomach between them.

Then he remembered that the ugly woman had his children in her stomach.

Zhao Linrui took a deep breath and loosened Li Huanhuan's neck. His hands were still shaking with anger.

Li Huanhuan escaped from death, and his whole body was too soft. As soon as Zhao Linrui put down her hand, she collapsed on the ground like a rag, like a dying fish panting desperately.

"Kill me! With your child and me Li Huanhuan, hoarse, cried to Zhao Linrui.

"Shut up!" Zhao Linrui snapped at her, "if you want to live safely until the baby is born, don't do stupid things again."

Zhao Linrui said, head also does not return to go downstairs.

Li Huanhuan yelled at his back: "I just told moss about your plan and wanted her to help."Zhao Linrui, however, seems to have gone far away.

Li Huanhuan's ferocious eyes can almost turn into substance, and he would like to stare at two holes in Zhao Linrui's back.

After she avenged Wen Shutong and Huang Shuyun, the next person is Zhao Linrui!

Since Huo Yanlin sent someone to guard the hospital, no one broke into it.

Huo Yihong was soon discharged from hospital and went back to work.

Even Li Huanhuan and Zhao Linrui did not stir up trouble. In the last two days, everything seems to have returned to the initial calm.

But the crash that day was always a knot in Wen Shutong's heart.

even though it had passed for a few days, the faint perfume of the car seemed to linger on her nose.

the perfume is very special. She can be sure that she had smelled it before, but where was it?

As Wen Shutong ponders over the past, he walks away.

"Morning ~" the girl at the front desk bent her eyes at Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong nodded to her. He had just walked two steps from her side, and his heart suddenly flashed!

she remembered that when she came to consult, she left her a name card. She did not look at it and threw it to the girl at the front desk. It seemed to be this perfume.

Wen Shutong quickly went back, his eyes full of anxiety and said, "give me the name card of the visitor who was called moss that day!"

The girl at the front desk is obviously stunned. The office has received so many people. She should not remember who moss is.

Wen Shutong described to her in a concise and comprehensive way: "she is a woman in her thirties and forties, wearing sunglasses and red lipstick. Her temperament is very outstanding She also gave a million deposits. "

Hearing the last sentence, the front desk suddenly realized and patted her forehead: "I know!"

she scrambled around in the name card box, and Wen Shu Tong prayed in her heart that the perfume would stay longer, and better not smell with other strings.

Just as the front desk was frantically searching, there was a figure in front of the office shaking all the time.

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