Zhang Dazhuang thought for a moment: "it was when my workmates told me that I was 39 years old, and I couldn't build a house in my hometown. I'll just die. At that time, I suddenly felt that I might as well die! "

Wen Shutong nodded, indicating that he was listening.

"From that day on, I thought it was meaningless to live. When I saw the place where I could die, I subconsciously thought of me, or I would die like this." Zhang Dazhuang said and lowered his head, "what do you think this is not a demented disease? Even if you have a cold, you have to blow a cold wind. I don't have any sign of it! "

In fact, most of the causes of depression have nothing to do with the patient himself, but come from his surrounding environment or original family.

Zhang Dazhuang said roughly that his main reason probably came from his mother, but the pressure brought by the workers around him made him feel depressed for a long time, which led to mild depression.

Limited by his knowledge, he can express too little with his mouth.

Wen Shutong thought for a moment and then said, "I can feel that there are many emotions in your heart, but you can't express them, can you?"

Zhang Dazhuang raised his head, looked at Wen Shutong as if he had seen a bosom friend, and then nodded again and again.

Zhang Dazhuang looked at Wen Shutong with longing in his eyes and said, "how do you know?"

"I can understand how you feel, and I have a way to help you out." Wen Shutong stood up and stretched out his hand at him. "There is an auxiliary counseling method called Sandplay in psychological counseling. I think you can read your heart through the sand table... "

Zhang Dazhuang quickly nodded: "good, this also does not charge money?"

"No charge."

With that, Wen Shutong took Zhang Dazhuang into the Sandplay room.

There are two sand tables in the middle of the personal sand table game room. There are all kinds of small things on the shelves around. It looks like a children's game room.

Many people will be surprised at the sight of the sand table game room and think it is for children to play.

What's more, he didn't understand the toys placed beside him. Wen Shutong had to explain for a long time before he could accept and carry out the work normally.

However, Zhang Dazhuang, who didn't read many books, didn't have many questions about it. He only asked Wen Shutong about the specific operation. After a brief explanation of isothermal Shutong, he put it in a smooth way.

Different from his consultation time, it took him less than 20 minutes to set up the sand table.

It is obvious in the sand table, just as Wen Shutong guessed.

There are irreconcilable contradictions between him and his parents, who have been looking forward to his marriage.

But his workers despised him and thought that he was still working as a part-time worker at such an old age.

In addition, he also put a few bright little people on the road, which should be to express that he was despised by the people here after he arrived in the city.

After Zhao Dazhuang put it in place, he rubbed his hands excitedly, looked at Wen Shutong and said, "why didn't you bring me to play this earlier? It's much more fun than filling out the questionnaire! "

Wen Shutong gently smile: "the way of consultation is different according to the individual consultation. I also chose the most suitable one for you after communicating with you."

She had a smile on her face, but some doubts in her heart.

as like as two peas in the heart of the wind, the sand table of Zhao Da Zhuang is exactly the same as that of Wen Shu Tong.

Psychological counselors analyze the heart of visitors through professional psychological knowledge. They are not divine operators. How can they think of everything clearly?

Wen Shutong looks at the sand table, which is not like he is reading Zhao Dazhuang, but more like guessing his own heart, and then put out what she wants to see most!

But Zhao Dazhuang obviously doesn't look like a person who understands psychology.

Wen Shutong hesitated for a moment, told him the information he had read out, and then said, "I tell you, these are just a general understanding of the causes of your depression. The most important thing is the follow-up treatment. If you're not going to get better, I'll connect you to the top and let you see a professional psychologist, OK? "

Starting from Wen Shutong's interpretation of his sand table, Zhao Dazhuang looks at Wen Shutong with admiration.

The last word of isothermal Shutong falls to the ground, and he nods excitedly and responds well.

Finally, she did not open her eyebrows until Wen Shutong sent him out of the door.

Two things I met today are so strange.

the perfect perfume of Mo's character, and the heart searching ability of Zhang Da Zhuang, which does not match his appearance.

Later, two more visitors came to the office. Wen Shutong could only put these doubts aside and was busy until he got off work.

As soon as Wen Shutong left the door, he saw Huo Yanlin's car parked outside the door.

Huo Yanlin is talking to someone on the phone, watching her go out, and gesturing to her to come.

Wen Shutong was going to make fun of him when he saw Huo Yanlin's cold face. Obviously, this phone call is not simple.Huo Yanlin hung up the phone. His eyebrows were like frost and snow. He said in a low voice: "Linchen called me just now. LinQin already knew that Yin Hong was pregnant. Now he went to Lin Chen's house. He asked us to go there."

No matter how Lin Qin does it, it's Lin Chen's family business after all. They can't intervene.

Now Lin Chen takes the initiative to call them and let them go. There must be something he can't solve.

"No matter whether Yin Hong's accident had anything to do with her last time, this time she must have a bad intention." Wen Shutong's face was also dignified, "he should not be in front of Lin Chen's face moving red?"

If it is other people, even if that person ate the heart of bear leopard gall, they dare not move Lin Chen's people.

But this man is Lin Qin. This madman is reckless and doesn't care.

Huo Yanlin shook his head and directly started the car: "I don't know. Go and have a look first."

Wen Shutong rattled his forehead impatiently. She couldn't take it.

Huo Yanlin could not help feeling a little distressed when he saw her tired nest in the co pilot's appearance. He said apologetically, "I came to pick you up because I did manual class in the kindergarten today. Stars and the moon are late after school, which is just about the same as our time. As a result, I just got a call from Lin Chen

Wen Shutong tried to beat Huo Yanlin with a smile: "I'm not worried about Lin Chen. If we can solve the contradiction between him and Lin Qin, I can't get it. "

"Do you think the conflict between him and LinQin can be solved?"

"As long as LinQin and moss are not the same person, no matter what serious consequences, I can find a way, but now..." Wen Shutong is a little worried.

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