Wen Shutong thinks that he has a clear conscience in consulting, and he just does his best for Zhao Dazhuang.

She felt that Zhao Dazhuang sent a text message to herself, and then stood on the astronomical tower in such a loud and loud manner to lead herself here. She must have some intention.

Behind Zhao Dazhuang, there must be a pair of invisible hands controlling all this!

Huo Yanlin looked up at the people on the astronomical tower and said slowly: "something is wrong. Zhao Dazhuang did not speak after he went to the astronomical tower. You are the only one who knows about the short message. He has received your consultation before. Who released such information?"

Huo Yanlin narrowed his eyebrows and eyes. In the noisy and boiling crowd, Huo Yanlin's slender body is like a sharp sword out of a sheath, with a sharp edge that makes people unable to move their eyes.

"I'm thinking about it, too." Wen Shutong whispered, "so there must be someone behind this."

Huo Yanlin didn't answer. He stretched out his hand in the crowd and grasped Wen Shutong tightly.

Huo Yanlin's palms were dry and warm, and wrapped his hands in his palms.

A lot of heat was transmitted to her, just like a source of heat to her.

The scene is in chaos. Ji Tongsheng is too busy to stand on his feet. Just after helping Wen Shutong and them out of the siege, he just made eye contact with them and left.

In fact, he was not in charge of the matter, but Wen Shutong asked for help because he might be related to the case some time ago.

"I, Zhao Dazhuang, was born in the countryside. I thought I would die quietly." Zhao Dazhuang, who has been rocking on the astronomical tower, finally speaks.

"I didn't expect that today I was so lucky to have so many people around me. It seems that I killed those people very well."

His words were sent to everyone's ears by the wind. When his last words were sent by the wind, there was an uproar in the crowd.

Hidden in people's blood, the elements of hatred were ignited instantly. I don't know who took the lead and said, "you have cut five people, and you have the face to say these things. You are really shameless!"

"What are these people wasting the police for? Just push him down and fall to death. The worse we die, the more relieved we will be! "

"We can't let him die like this. It's too cheap for him. We should take him back and cut him to pieces!"

As if they were the leaders, they inspired the anger of other onlookers, and almost all of them roared with blood.

"A thousand cuts! A thousand cuts

"Jump down and die!"

They don't know if Zhao Dazhuang can hear these words. Zhao Dazhong still stands on the top of the building, looking down at everything.

From too far away, we can't see Zhao Dazhuang's expression clearly, but his manner and action clearly reveal pity and compassion.

Wen Shutong's eyes seem to be stabbed by his expression. She narrows her eyes slightly and looks at Zhao Dazhuang.

If there is someone behind him, what kind of exchange is it for Zhao Dazhuang to be willing to die under his command?

No, not only to die, but to drag her to hell.

"Wen Shutong, my good teacher." Zhao Dazhuang said again, "I know that you must be looking at me in some corner below."

As soon as Zhao Dazhuang said this, the onlookers were quiet for a moment.

Then there was the whispering voice, and the discussion just suppressed by Ji Tongsheng came out again.

"It's really Wen Shutong. Do you know who she is?"

"Who doesn't know Wen Shutong is one of the best psychological counselors in Jincheng! It's said that her husband is still a young master of the Huo family, and his background is very big! "

"Oh, she didn't really force it."

The ordinary people often take unknown malice towards public figures and powerful people.

There is a good saying: I am weak, I am reasonable.

When one thing happens to the rich and the poor, everyone's empathy will be put on the poor, and the rich are wrong.

Huo Yanlin, who has been standing still in the crowd, seems to be infuriated by the discussion of these people. He leans forward slightly and is about to go out, but he is tightly held by Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong shook his head at him and said in a low voice, "if you rush out at this time, others will have your handle, which is exactly what the people behind want to see."

Huo Yanlin tan color lips stretch into a straight line: "then let them slander you like this?"

"When he goes on."

Zhao Dazhuang seemed to be able to hear Wen Shutong's words. As soon as her words fell, Zhao Dazhuang continued to speak slowly:

"Mr. Wen, you are the kind of person who lives in the top, and how can you understand the suffering of human beings. When you come to the consultation, you say you can understand me. Do you understand that I have been struggling for decades in the countryside, or do you understand that I am not willing to buy a pair of good shoes even with a monthly salary of 1800 yuan? "Zhao Dazhuang's words directly divided all the people present into camps.

Infinite amplification of many people's hate for the rich mentality.

"It's easy for you to say that you want me to jump out of the original circle. What can I do? If I jump out, I will starve to death! You don't have backache when you stand talking! You are no different from those who look down on me because you can't feel me at all! Those people I killed, like you, deserve more than death

Zhao Dazhuang's next words were literally gouging out his heart and stabbing Wen Shutong heavily.

She has never had such an idea, and she has always used her usual attitude in her contact with him, but she did not expect to be distorted into this shape by Zhao Dazhuang.

The man behind him is Zhao Dazhuang.

No matter what Zhao Dazhuang has done, as long as he makes this confused statement, public opinion will naturally put all the pressure on Wen Shutong, making her want to struggle but can not struggle.

Wen Shutong's body was soft and nearly fell down. He was directly held in his arms by Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin close to her ear, low voice way: "don't listen to him say these again, I send you back first, later matter I will solve."

"You can't stop the people. This should be the purpose of the people behind Zhao Dazhuang. This is killing two birds with one stone. It has damaged my reputation and the credibility of the Huo family in other people's minds Wen Shutong's voice trembled slightly.

"It's not important," Huo Yanlin held Wen Shutong tightly, "I want you to be safe!"

Huo Yanlin casually raised his head when he spoke and looked at a figure in the crowd.

That person seems to have been looking at Huo Yanlin, he just turned his head and just looked at that person.

It was a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance. In such a noisy crowd, she was as graceful as facing the river to resist the wind, with an ethereal but not worldly spirit.

With the eyes of Huo Yanlin, she not only did not dodge, but also tilted his head towards him, revealing a potential smile.

This man has a ghost!

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