Wen Shutong's words mean that Lin Qin's love over the years has been denied.

It seems to remind her that the love she thought was just the wishful thinking of her brain. What he wanted to find back was not Lin Chen, but the dark time in the past.

Wang Shasha immediately realized that something was wrong. She immediately said, "love is love. Who can guarantee that the love you meet in this life is pure? Wen Shutong, you are insidious. You change your concepts. You want to persuade moss. How much money did Yin Hong secretly give you? "

Wang Shasha's severe question suddenly awakened the reason in the eyes of moss.

Her shoulder and back straightened in an instant, her eyes looked at Wen Shutong coldly and said, "sophistry. Put her in custody for me first

As soon as Moss's voice dropped, two or three people rushed up.

Huo Yanlin tightly protect Wen Shutong behind his back, silently swept a week: "I see who dares to move her."

Even if these people have firearms in their hands, they can't help shivering when they see Huo Yanlin.

Moss was leaping up by the useless green veins. She stopped and said, "he is unarmed. What are you afraid of? He who hesitates is the first to die after the matter is settled. "

These people's fear of strangers is far greater than that of Huo Yanlin. After hearing her words, they immediately rushed to wenshutong and surrounded them.

Huo Yanlin a beautiful kick, directly shook off a person's gun, the other hand also did not stop, a direct back shear hand to another person's weapons.

Taking advantage of Huo Yanlin's inattention, the third man puts the black muzzle of the gun against Wen Shutong's head, and Shengsheng pulls her out of Huo Yanlin's hand.

At this time, Huo Yihong directly rushed up and kicked the man's waist. The man flew out with a painful cry. Huo Yihong squeezed his gun into his hand.

Wang Shasha just wanted to reach out to pull Huo Yihong, but did not stop.

Huo Yihong's clothes slipped out of her fingers. Wang Shasha looked down at her empty palm and sneered.

Originally she thought that after today's this time, it can stay in Huo Yihong's side, all this is false.

Moss saw that the three men were all flat, but they were not in a hurry. She pointed at them casually and continued, "are you here for the theatre? Three of them fell down, and others followed. Could it be that so many people couldn't even catch them? "

Huo Yihong and Huo Yanlin each held a gun in their hands, and without hesitation gave their backs to each other and pointed the muzzle of their guns at other people.

As soon as Moss's voice fell, he heard the crisp voice of the moon and said, "this is it! I saw someone come in just now

With a sneer, moss raised his head to the door and said, "it's ridiculous. The whole family is going to deliver it."

her words suddenly stop, and all the words are blocked in her throat.

Mo Si looks at the door, Lin Chen holds the moon and looks at her indifferently.

Behind him was a large number of people, and the black muzzle was pointing at her.

Lin Chen frowned tightly and began to speak bitterly: "how far do you want to stop? Let them go

She remembered that when she was with Lin Chen, some hard bones were really hard to chew. In order to prevent the revival of the Lin family, those people even sent underworld people against them.

At that time, she was captured, Lin Chen rushed into the old nest of those people alone to save himself.

She still remembers that the black muzzle pointed at Lin Chen, but the young man resolutely blocked in front of her and told her not to be afraid.

They also witnessed the infighting among the gangs. The son pointed a gun at his father's head and asked him to make way for his position.

At that time, Lin Chen stood by her side and firmly told her that his gun would never point at himself.

But at that time, the young man standing in front of her, now for others, with a group of people with guns at her.

There was an imperceptible tenderness in the depth of his pupils.

She gently breathed a few times, slowly calmed her mood, and said in a cold voice, "Lin Chen, do you take the muzzle of a gun at me for them?"

Lin Chen's eyes were cold and indifferent and said, "what have you done in this period of time? You know it yourself. The reason why the Lin family didn't do anything was to protect your dignity. Do you really want to make trouble with us to this extent? "

Mo Si tilted his head and looked at Lin Chen like a stranger.

Lin Chen was staring at her a little uncomfortable, no matter how, they used to be so intimate, now he didn't want to see.

Lin Chen slightly softened his voice and said, "sister-in-law, stop it. We already know your plan. It's meaningless for you to persist in this way. I won't stand with you. You don't need to hurt others --"

"impossible!" Mo Si interrupts Lin Chen's words in a loud voice, "when people are in a desperate situation, even if you don't want to stand with me, you should also stand with me! The Lin family did whatever they wanted. I really thought I would be scared if I sent you here? "As soon as Moss's crazy words came out, the little compassion in Lin Chen's heart disappeared.

"In this case," Lin Chen raised his chin, slightly closed his eyes, and motioned to the group of people behind him, "take her away."

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen's voice just fell, and the people behind him suddenly divided into two groups, holding guns to each other!

These people were brought by Lin Chen from home. They were all his own confidants who had raised them for several years. How could they have fallen out at such a time!

Lin Chen turned his head in a panic and looked at the situation of almost killing each other, and said in a sharp voice: "are you crazy?"

Lin Qin's arms trembled. She raised her face and laughed: "do you really think I don't know the news about your coming? Lin Chen, it seems that I'm so used to you that you forget that you were brought up by me

Lin Chen's body trembled slightly, and his eyes were glumly staring at moss.

Now the situation has clearly revealed a result - there is a ghost in the Lin family.

Moss was so arrogant that tears came out of her eyes.

After a long time, she slowly closed her smile and tilted her head at Lin Chen and said, "you said these people are your trusted ones, but don't forget, these people are brought up by me to send you!"

Lin Chen hands hang aside, fingertips tightly grasp their own clothes, eyes are not covered up cold.

At this time, all the people present were unable to interrupt. This was their Lin family's affair, and it was also a precursor to the impending disintegration between Lin Chen and moss.

Lin Chen, who has worked so hard for so long, is half of all his eyeliner in his side. How can he tolerate such humiliation?

How can a bed on one's side allow others to sleep soundly?

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