Wang Shasha thought and nodded slightly.

Although Wang Shasha does not like Li Huanhuan, but the situation is so, she has to pinch her nose to cooperate with her.

The two of them also temporarily formed the alliance. Wang Shasha looked strangely at Li Huan Huan Huan and said to her upright stomach, "you really have done a good prenatal education for your child."

Li Huanhuan stroked his stomach, but a dangerous thought flashed through his heart.

If Zhao Linrui can accommodate her after she wakes up, she will leave the child for him.

Then if Zhao Linrui wakes up and refuses to let her go, then the child will not be able to live!

Before their conversation ended, Huo Yihong called to urge Wang Shasha to sort out the documents.

Wang Shasha fully agreed, she looked at the mobile phone, but some doubts in her heart: "you said why Huo Yihong didn't care about me before, but first angry with you?"

"You are all his women after his predecessors. If he broke his face with you, would he feel better if you knew so many secrets about him?" Li Huanhuan faintly smile, "Huo Yihong won't move you."

In fact, Li Huanhuan's smile is very obvious. She is reminding Wang Shasha that she also has Huo Yihong's handle, so there is no need to be afraid at all.

Wang Shasha clenched her mobile phone, and she secretly gave Li Huanhuan a smile.

After Wang Shasha left, Li Huanhuan stayed alone in the room thinking for a long time.

If she is hiding from Zhao Linrui, then he must wake up in a bloodbath.

However, if she went to the hospital now and watched Zhao Linrui obediently, maybe he would have hesitated in the past affection after he woke up.

After all, the hospital is a public occasion. Zhao Linrui dare not do anything he wants to do.

If she still stayed in such a broken place, Zhao Linrui would sneak out of the hospital and kill her in her sleep.

After Li Huanhuan thought about it, he went back to the room, put on his mask and hat, and rushed to the hospital where Zhao Linrui was.

Zhao Linrui has a big cut in his head. He has just finished the operation and is now pushed into the general ward.

Moss's people had already left, and the ward was surrounded by Zhao Linrui's people.

Li Huanhuan swallowed his saliva and summoned up his courage to walk to Zhao Linrui's ward.

Those people did not know what happened. After seeing Li Huanhuan, they thought she was coming to take care of Zhao Linrui. They all nodded to her politely.

Li Huanhuan passed through a group of people and entered the ward. He saw Zhao Linrui lying on the bed, pale and ignorant.

She looks at Zhao Linrui, who has no ability to react. Suddenly, she feels that he doesn't know anything. If she kills him

Thinking of this, she quickly shook her head and threw away this terrible view.

She has already made a mistake. If she thinks twice this time, the immortal can't save her!

Zhao Linrui vaguely wakes up and just opens his eyes to see Li Huanhuan's sad eyes.

As if she was hurt, how sad she was.

But she was the one who did it!

Zhao Linrui directly sat up from the bed and slapped Li Huanhuan's face: "you're a pickpocket. I'm blind. I'm wasting time on you!"


When moss landed steadily with Wen Shutong in his arms, Wen Shutong was still in the clouds.

She didn't recover until she was crammed into the car and the car started.

Wen Shutong seemed to think of something and said with a smile, "if you are a man, I'm afraid many girls will fall in love with you."

Moss casually took out his sunglasses and put them on. He chuckled: "why did you just come out and want to get close to me? Before that, I was not a good man

Wen Shutong nests in his chair and smiles casually: "after all, you are my former visitor, and our visiting relationship is not over."

Moss glanced at Wen Shutong and did not speak again.

Wen Shutong looked at the front and said like a chat: "what are you going to do with Lin Chen? We have come to this point. "

"Aren't you a counselor? What do you want to do? "

Wen Shutong looks at Moss's hand. Although her tone is calm, the joint holding the steering wheel has turned blue and white.

It can be seen that she still cares about what Lin Chen thinks about her.

"When I get back, I'll do a tree analysis for you." Wen Shutong was silent for a long time.

Mo Si seems to be a little curious. He turns his head and looks at Wen Shutong: "don't you ask me what I want to do after I take you back?"

"When weights," Wen Shutong said with a smile, "with me in your hand, they will not act rashly."

Moss looked at Wen Shutong in surprise: "you've been trying to understand this from the beginning. I always thought you were just a counselor."Wen Shutong nodded: "I'm really just a counselor. I haven't even helped you a lot."

"Why didn't you help me?" Morse said sarcastically? At least you've ruined my relationship with Lin Chen. "

"I thought I wasn't obvious enough," Shutong said with a smile. "I won't deny all your views, but I have to help you to recognize the facts. Tell you, the causes and consequences of your feelings for him can help you quickly integrate into the real world. "

The two of them seemed to be talking and laughing, but they were actually testing each other.

Wen Shutong deliberately pointed out her feelings for Lin Chen in front of moss.

Although apparently interrupted by Wang Shasha, and moss did not seem to believe it.

But in fact, as long as she thinks about it in her heart, she will understand whether Lin Chen is really what she has been longing for over the years.

But after years of obsession, and even for him to do this step, how can be easily put down by others?

She preferred to believe that Wen Shutong was arguing.

She no longer took Wen Shutong's words, but drove in silence.

The car stopped in the garage of the villa. She held Wen Shutong's arm tightly and pulled her into the villa.

Wen Shutong's eyes in the moment of scanning the living room, he noticed the silhouette on the screen.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Lin Chen?"

She nodded naturally: "yes, almost all my houses have this profile of his face."

Wen Shutong was not polite to her, and directly sat on the sofa: "I thought that according to your personality, at least in the most prominent place of the room, put a picture that he has magnified dozens of times."

Moss sat down opposite Wen Shutong: "that's what brain damage does."

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