With a frown on his brow, he reached out to catch Wen Shutong, who was not as soft as he was, and said in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Wen Shutong gave all his weight to Huo Yanlin. He began to cry and say, "there seems to be something wrong with the stars and the moon. Everyone in the family is missing. Someone is searching for them!"

Huo Yanlin's hand holding Wen Shutong's arm is stiff, but at this time he can't beat Wen Shutong.

He picked up Wen Shutong and held him in his arms. He said eagerly, "don't worry. With the skill of the moon, they will be OK for a while. We will go back now!"

Lin Chen has been comforting Yin Hong. After hearing Huo Yanlin's words, he also turns his head in surprise: "what happened to the stars and the moon?"

They don't want to make Lin Chen feel guilty. Wen Shutong squeezed out a smile at Lin Chen: "there's nothing important at present. We'll go back now."

Lin Chen quickly nodded his head and then ordered five people outside the door.

"It's not convenient for you to find someone so late. Take five people home first. If you don't have enough people, call me and I'll arrange for you immediately."

At this critical time, Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong no longer refuse, nodding and taking the group of people to get up and go.

At this time, a man who has been lowering his head to carefully examine Yin Hong's body suddenly slides out a scalpel from his cuff and draws it directly at Yin Hong's abdomen!

You can imagine the sharpness of the scalpel. If you go down this time, you will be able to open your belly at a light level, or even lose your life if you are serious!

This man is very fast and heavy handed. It seems that he has made up his mind not only to lose his child in the future, but also to lose his fertility forever!

Don't mention the others, even Martin didn't respond.

When he saw the scalpel cut out, he only had time to shout and was pushed away by another person.

At this time, Lin Chen reacted very fast, and handed his arm out directly, blocking his red abdomen.

The scalpel did not change its momentum. It was drawn down towards his arm, and the blood spurted out directly. The bone was visible in the wound!

As soon as Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong got to the door, they suddenly had an accident. As soon as they turned their heads, they saw the blood gushing out. Lin Chen protected Yin Hong in his hand, and snorted because of the pain in his hands.

Huo Yanlin was surprised, but now the stars and the moon are also holding him back. For a while, he is in a dilemma.

Lin Chen quickly swallowed the rest of the pain, and made a gesture to Huo Yanlin, indicating that he should leave quickly.

Lin Chen side of the people react quickly, directly on the encirclement, the hands of the person to catch.

For a moment, the ward was filled with Martin's fury, his crimson screams, and the incessant cries of the arrested man.

Huo Yanlin helped Lin Chen arrange for a while, and then hurried downstairs.

Wen Shutong's viscera are burning like, even the brain is a paste, there is no time to deal with any emergencies.

She walked forward mechanically, her body could not help shaking.

These two children have always been in her hands, even if there is an emergency, those people are also demanding, will not easily hurt them.

But this time, those people actually quietly held back the people in his family. She didn't even know the origin of these people!

Huo Yanlin saw that she walked hard, simply picked up the people directly and quickly put them on the car.

Wen Shutong has been tense nerves, even Huo Yanlin in front of so many people in the face of holding up have no reaction.

Huo Yanlin put the accelerator to the fastest, one hand holding the steering wheel, the other hand tightly pulling Wen Shutong to give her strength: "nothing, don't worry."

Wen Shutong tightly covers his eyes with his free hand.

No matter how powerful the moon and stars are, they are still children. If there are many people on each other

Wen Shutong did not dare to think about it any more. She took a deep breath and held Huo Yanlin in her backhand: "all this is not an accident today. Someone must have deliberately done it."

It's just a coincidence. No matter Yin Hong was stabbed suddenly, or someone else broke into the house, he knew what would happen to them at what time.

Before that, Wen Shutong had no doubt about moss. She felt that she had no reason to do these things. But all these coincidences prove that she probably did it!

Huo Yanlin seemed to be aware of what Wen Shutong was thinking. He said softly: "if it is really moss, first of all, she doesn't have to explain so much to Lin Chen. Secondly, there is no need for her to organize the medical team."

It's true that if she's really going to do that, the medical team is just making a fuss.

By virtue of her strength, she only needs to borrow the doctor's hand, and she can make a silent red start.

So what the man behind did was to put the blame on Moses!

But in such a crisis, Wen Shutong can't care so much. Her mind is full of two children.The sweat from her palms has also wet Huo Yanlin's hands.

Even so, Huo Yanlin is not willing to let go of her, two people so tightly led, until the door.

Lin Chen's people took a car to follow them. After they got off the car, they also quietly dispersed to the corner of the villa.

The security guard at the door has been knocked down. It should have been attacked from behind and fainted.

Even before she fainted, her hands were still holding the railing tightly to prevent those people from going up.

Huo Yanlin didn't want to let Wen Shutong go in together, but how can Wen Shutong feel relieved when there is a person out there? He followed Huo Yanlin and went upstairs.

"Ah --" a burst of pain came out of the room, the man inhaled while gnashing his teeth, "what a monster

When Wen Shutong heard the voice of pain, he almost lost his soul.

When he heard that the voice was not from the stars and the moon, but a strange man, she and Huo Yanlin looked at each other in surprise.

Lin Chen's people also gathered around, two people were guarding downstairs, and the other three followed them up the stairs.

Huo Yanlin gestured to the three men, indicating that they didn't have to come up. He and Wen Shutong continued to stand at the door listening to the room.

"Who sent you here?" It's the tender voice of the moon.

The person being questioned said nothing, but a cold snort from his throat.

"It's disgusting to enter other people's houses at night. Didn't your teacher teach you politeness?" The calm voice of the stars also sounded.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong were relieved when they heard their voices.

It should be that they underestimated the two little guys, so there were not many people coming, so they took them down.

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