"Wen Shutong." Huo Yanlin yelled softly behind her. The voice was not big, but it had the smell of reproach.

Wen Shutong turned his head, staring at Huo Yanlin's eyes: "I called you two times. Do you know your father was nearly killed in the hospital? Do you know that Liu Menglian helped him block it twice, and now his heart is broken and his life is on the line? Yesterday, we were still talking about this woman. Today, you let him climb into your bed. Were you in the draft with me yesterday? "

Wen Shutong always believed that he could speak like this.

But the strange atmosphere in the room, as well as Xiao Liu's secretive attitude, and Zhou Wenruo's superior eyes, all inexplicably made her feel uncomfortable.

Even when she quarreled with Huo Yanlin most fiercely, she did not say such heavy words, but today's ominous premonition is growing.

"Wen Shutong!" Huo Yanlin low voice, "she is not the kind of person you imagine, these things have nothing to do with her."

Wen Shutong seemed to be slapped in the face, burning pain on his face.

Huo Yanshan or Huo Menglin thought he would scold her.

However, she did not expect that the first sentence of Huo Yanlin's opening was to help Zhou Wenruo defend himself.

"Miss Wen, this is a big misunderstanding." Zhou Wenruo stood up, twisted his waist and came to Wen Shutong, "you can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense. You say it's me. Do you have any evidence? You can't talk nonsense about killing people. "

Wen Shutong exhausted his best accomplishment in half his life and managed to stabilize his mood. She glanced at Zhou Wenruo lightly: "we will find out. If there is any misunderstanding in this, I will apologize to you."

"Sorry?" Zhou Wenruo suddenly grasped Wen Shutong's chin and forced him to raise his head and stare at himself. "I said so much dirty water. Would you say that you're sorry? Why do you want so many murders? "

The wound on Wen Shutong's neck is not good. Half of her body is hurt. But at this time, Wen Shutong can't tell whether it is heart pain or wound pain.

But even so, she still slightly narrowed her eyes, stubbornly staring at Zhou Wenruo: "what do you want?"

At this time, Huo Yanlin came over, raised his hand and grasped Zhou Wenruo's arm. He said faintly, "let her go first. She doesn't know."

Zhou Wenruo's hand is like a snake. Just now he was still on Wen Shutong's face, and in a flash he climbed to Huo Yanlin's chest.

She gently nodded on it twice and said with a smile, "why, or don't you want me to hurt her?"

Huo Yanlin's eyes dropped slightly, and he didn't answer. It was clear that he was still like that, with a dignified and pressing appearance. But Wen Shutong looked at him and suddenly felt very strange.

"I'll take you back first." Huo Yanlin did not push away Zhou Wenruo's hand, just gently.

Zhou Wenruo's hand was like teasing. He gently hooked Huo Yanlin's collar: "OK, please buy me coffee by the way. I remember there is a French restaurant not far from your company. I like it very much."

Huo Yanlin nodded his head gently, and the little Liu, who had already rolled to one side, ordered: "send his wife back."

Watching them two people go out of the lounge together, Wen Shutong stops for a long time, trembles behind them and says, "Huo Yanlin, what do you mean?"

Huo Yanlin did not even head back, and Zhou Wenruo talked together and went down the stairs.

Wen Shutong stood alone in the lounge, looking around in a daze. He felt that the vast land was vast, as if she was the only one who had been hollowed out.

After a long time, Xiao Liu quietly rolled in and looked at Wen Shutong carefully: "I'll see you back."

Wen Shutong took a breath and recovered in an instant. She turned her head and looked at her special assistant: "tell me everything that happened this afternoon. I can't miss a single detail."

Xiao Liu was stunned for a moment, and he quickly explained for Huo Yanlin: "Madam President, don't worry. We all know what kind of person president Huo is. He definitely didn't mean to betray you. It must be this woman who deliberately seduced him!"

It's good not to say this, but it adds fuel to the fire. Wen Shutong's face changes.

She interrupted Xiao Liu: "you can just say it directly."

"This woman is waiting for the president at the gate of the company in the morning. When they first met, they seemed to have a little dispute."

Wen Shutong was not surprised at this point. Yesterday, they were still speculating that Zhou Wenruo was the mastermind behind the incident. It is normal that there are contradictions.

Xiao Liu continued: "then the woman didn't know what to say. The president came to the president's office with him. After a few words, they went to the rest room. Then, the curtain was pulled down... "

"Did Huo Yanlin tell you something?"

"Just tell me not to go in casually, and come to him when there is an emergency."

"Did you say you wouldn't let me in?"Xiao Liu thought for a moment, then shook his head: "the president did not seem to expect you to come."

Wen Shutong slightly raised his head and closed his eyes without saying anything more.

"Now Shall I take you home? " Liu said carefully.

Wen Shutong is not the kind of person waiting to die. Although the scene just now made her uncomfortable, she is full of doubts.

She really knows Huo Yanlin too well. He is not the kind of person who thinks differently.

But she knew in her heart that Huo Yanlin was not the kind of person who was easy to be forced. If he had not volunteered, no one would have let him condescend.

Because of this, things become more and more strange. Wen Shutong was silent for a moment and said, "follow him and Zhou Wenruo."

Xiao Liu was shocked by Wen Shutong's words. He quickly put his hands across his chest and said, "this kind of thing belongs to a private detective. If the president finds out, I'm afraid I'll lose my job!"

No matter they call themselves the president's wife again, Huo Yanlin is their boss after all. It is not realistic for employees to follow their own boss.

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment and then said to him, "in that case, you only need to do me a favor. If Huo Yanlin calls me and asks me when I'm leaving, you'll say it an hour late. Do you understand?"

It's not a big deal. Xiao Liu has refused several things about Wen Shutong. In addition, he feels guilty about Wen Shutong, so he nods again and again.

This is actually a threshold role in psychology. If you want the other party to agree to one thing, you should first put forward several higher requirements.

Put the thing you want to ask for the last thing. In this case, if the other party refuses several requests in succession, he will easily agree to the last thing.

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