Wen Shutong didn't wake up long ago, but she didn't open her eyes.

She rubbed her hand lightly and lightly on the lock of the car. She suddenly found that the two men had not locked the car!

It can be seen that although the two men look terrible, but the experience of kidnapping should not be very enough.

Wen Shutong thought for a moment. Her hand slipped out of the rope quietly. Then she slowly raised her hand and seized the door handle.

The car just passed a curve with soft grass beside it. It was this time -

Wen Shutong opened the door firmly and firmly, grabbed his mobile phone from the front with a thunderbolt, and then jumped out of the car!

Even though the grass is very soft, but the speed is relatively high. When Wen Shutong jumps down, he still rubs heavily on the ground.

The sharp and rough leaves of the plant directly cut her skin and exuded a bloodstain on it.

But at this time, Wen Shutong didn't care about it. He got up from the ground and ran crazy.

Even if Wen Shutong wanted to run, let alone couldn't run the car, she could catch up even if the two people got out of the car and chased after them on foot.

She just wants to use these time to ask for help. She can't even know that she was kidnapped.

She calmly took out her mobile phone, first sent a positioning to Ji Tongsheng, and then dialed his phone.

In the past, Ji Tongsheng has never answered her phone for more than 10 seconds. Now, it should still be working at this time. When Ji Tongsheng picks up, her mobile phone has been ringing for nearly half a minute.

When the two men found Wen Shutong jumping down, they quickly braked. The car made a sharp cry because of its inertia and friction with the ground. The sound seemed to be life threatening.

They did not dare to drive after him, for fear that they might bump into Wen Shutong and cause something else.

Two people also get out of the car and rush to Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong's shoes with heels had already been thrown away by her. She ran wildly on the ground barefoot, and her feet were scratched by unknown objects below.

"Shutong?" They have only met recently. According to reason, Wen Shutong has no reason to call him. Ji Tongsheng's voice can not help but bring some doubts, "how can you..."

"I've just sent you a location. Help me!" Behind him, the two men with strong legs have already caught up. Wen Shutong directly interrupts Ji Tongsheng's words, "someone is going to kidnap me!"

As soon as her voice was called out, Wen Shutong was directly hit by a big man, and the mobile phone flew out of her hand and broke into slag.

"Hello, hello?" Ji Tongsheng anxiously called a few, there has been hung up the phone, there is no answer.

He did not have time to think about it any more. He quickly deployed manpower and went directly to the location of Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong was knocked down on the ground, and his whole body fell down without buffering. His hands and knees were scratched by the ground, and blood fell down his knees.

It's just a house leak. It's raining all night. The wounds on my shoulder and neck are not good. Now I've got new wounds on my hands and legs. I don't think I've got a good job.

Wen Shutong clenches his teeth to prevent himself from uttering a painful chant.

Just now, the big man who bumped into her has directly pulled her back scissors hand from the ground. He said in a vicious voice: "you are quite bold. You still want to run, don't you? Do you really want to die? "

Wen Shutong glanced at him askew, because she had not recovered her strength since she was running so fast that she couldn't spare time to talk to this man.

That person roughly pushed her: "before treat you well because the boss gave an order not to touch you, if you dare to escape again, we are not polite, directly interrupt your hands and feet!"

Wen Shutong chose to jump out of the car because he had made up his mind that the two men did not dare to touch him.

According to Zhou Wenruo's character, she doesn't have to use kidnapping to threaten. She just kills those she doesn't like.

But she chose to kidnap herself so blatantly. Obviously, she was still useful to her, and she didn't intend to hurt herself.

"Be honest!" Another big man also caught up and kicked Wen Shutong's foot without pity. "I didn't expect that Huo Yanlin's wife still has some flavor. She is a stubborn person."

Wen Shutong slightly lowered his head and stopped taking these two people's words. The two men did not say any more nonsense and directly dragged her into the car.

They were afraid that Wen Shutong would break away from the rope again. They simply tied the rope on her hands and feet, so that Wen Shutong had no chance to escape.

As expected, Wen Shutong did not show the intention of running away. She sat smartly on the seat, leaning against the door tightly, looking a little scared.

The two men looked back uneasily and found that Wen Shutong had been sitting so honestly that they relaxed and continued to drive the car forward.

In fact, for such a long time, Wen Shutong was not as honest as they observed. Her hand had been rubbing quietly on the rough rope.Last time, she first rubbed her skin, and then gradually was rubbed out a little blood color by her soft meat.

The tender meat, which was not protected by the skin, was soon ground to a pulp, and the blood slipped from her wrist to her fingertips, and then dropped.

Wen Shutong clenches his teeth and refuses to let himself make any other noise.

The blood on her fingertips dripped faster and faster, forming a small blood pool behind her. The blood dripped down the gap of the car door, forming a natural mark.

After confirming that the blood can fall, Wen Shutong breathes a sigh of relief in his heart.

Ji Tongsheng is not stupid. Even if the clue is broken, they will certainly go forward to search for it. If they catch up with this blood trace, they will not delay too much time.

This is still she just saw the wound on her knee and thought of a solution in a hurry.

Wen Shutong moved his painful wrist and sighed in his heart. This should be the most valuable wound on her body.

After all this, she looked up tired and closed her eyes.

Did Huo Yanlin see his car before? If he knew he had been kidnapped, would he come and save himself?

Everything that happened recently is like a knife hanging on your head.

It may be the last time to cut the rope attached to the knife and let it fall directly on her neck.

Otherwise, she will have to relax.

The car is moving silently, the road in this place is rugged and difficult to walk, and there is actually a section of winding mountain road.

The road is very narrow. It seems that if you are not careful, the car will tilt down the mountain.

The man who had just driven so fast, he also lowered his speed to the lowest and walked cautiously forward.

The air stagnated for a long time, and Wen Shutong finally said the first sentence: "where do you intend to go on such a road? Are you going to sell me in the mountains? "

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