On the other side.

The two men ran away crazily. At this time, they didn't care whether Panshan road was dangerous or not. They drove like their lives and escaped from the sight of the police.

In a sharp corner, the two men got rid of the police who were chasing them, then left the car and ran down.

Rainstorm such as note, they take advantage of dim vision, and any trace will be washed away by the rain, escaped the police's line of sight.

The two men fled to a dilapidated pavilion to escape the rain. After making sure that they were safe, they called Zhou Wenruo.

Time goes back to two hours ago.

When Zhou Wenruo and Huo Yanlin were in the car together, she received a message from her own people saying that Wen Shutong was following them.

In order not to let Huo Yanlin find the trace of Wen Shutong, she tries her best to show her card, attracting Huo Yanlin to pay attention to himself.

"In fact, the collapse of the relationship between moose and the Lin family is good for you." Zhou Wenruo's hand gently fell on Huo Yanlin's shoulder.

"I'm a businessman. It's the same with who I do business with. I can give up Ruihe. If you cooperate, we can swallow up the Lin family together."

Huo Yanlin drove the car without looking askance. He said coldly: "businessmen value profits, but they don't mean to be fickle. It's a matter of time before the relationship between moss and the Lin family collapses, but Ruihe is the fat that you've been staring at for so long. I don't believe that anyone will spit out what you eat. "

"I said, I like you. As long as you are kind to me, I am willing to pay some price." Zhou Wenruo's hand has no bone to scratch Huo Yanlin's shoulder, "the Lin family is also the same, I will tell the people above clearly."

Huo Yanlin raised his lips and sneered. He was not a child of several years old, and would not be moved by Zhou Wenruo's words.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhou Wenruo didn't get angry. He continued to slowly open his mouth and said, "you are willing to speak to Wen Shutong in front of me today. Isn't it because you have moved your heart to cooperate with me? Otherwise, how can you defend me?"

The smile on Huo Yanlin's face did not fade, slightly side of the head, eyes black looking at Zhou Wenruo, eyes like coagulation this piece of ice has not melted all year round.

He and Zhou Wenruo both knew that the reason why he was willing to keep the superficially decent with Zhou Wenruo was to confirm whether these matters were related to her.

After a long time, Huo Yanlin moved his thin lips: "the collapse of moss and the Lin family is very personal news. If you can get the news so quickly, I'm afraid it has something to do with you."

Zhou Wenruo laughs softly. When she laughs, the corners of her lips will burst into two small pears, making her face more beautiful and harmless.

"Since I want to cooperate with you, I will show my sincerity. To tell you the truth, I didn't do Yin Hong's work, but I did the assassination."

Zhou Wenruo was still innocent when he said this, but it was such a pure and harmless face. How much blood was on his hands and what he was planning in his heart, everyone did not know.

Huo Yanlin faintly said the conclusion: "you want to stir up the relationship between Lin Chen and moss, and then put the blame on her."

"Yes," said Zhou Wenruo, with a sigh of relief when she saw Wen Shutong's car being chased up by her own.

"You can see it clearly from the onlookers, but Lin Chen thought that it must be moss who did it, and Moss's pride would not let her compromise."

Huo Yanlin has no feelings to hook up the corner of his lips: "anyway, moss is also your former partner, you actually did this step."

After relieving the crisis, Zhou Wenruo gently fell back and leaned back in his chair.

She said in a low voice: "she became completely unlike herself after meeting Lin Chen, so indecisive. I don't need such a partner. I like you better than anyone who leaves his wife to get my message

When Zhou Wenruo mentions Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin's forehead jumps uncomfortably, as if one of his tendons has been pulled.

As if he had sensed something, the car slowed down and turned his head sideways to look at the window.

Oh, no!

Zhou Wenruo's heart is tight, directly pull Huo Yanlin's jaw, fingers flow in his lips.

"I don't believe that when I lie on the sofa, you don't feel it. Just think about it. As long as you cooperate with me, the strength behind Ruihe is not a simple Huo family. I can give it to you..."

Huo Yanlin is obviously disgusted by her sudden intimate action. He is unabashed disgust in his eyes. He quickly turns his head, leaning over Zhou Wenruo's finger.

"Miss Zhou is quite confident in herself. It's ridiculous."

Huo Yanlin's voice is obviously sarcastic.

Zhou Wenruo took a breath, finally let him avoid the eyes, but this did not make her happy much.

How many men have to do business with them in order to get into her bed, even if they have to bear huge losses, just to fight her smile.

This Huo Yanlin is so good that he actually avoids himself like a beast in a flood. It's really hateful!Her heart was full of thoughts, but Zhou Wenruo didn't show it on her face. She bent her lips and laughed: "don't be in a hurry to refuse. You will have a chance to talk to me."

Zhou Wenruo is in a good mood. If Wen Shutong is in his hands, Huo Yanlin can't help but cast a mouse.

She is interested in Huo Yanlin at most. What she said just now is also testing. What she really wants to swallow is Ruihe.

However, she doesn't care to make a long-distance and close attack first, cooperate with Ruihe first, swallow up the Lin family, and then attack Ruihe.

Anyway, she didn't move before. The Lin family just because moss was in front of her.

She tried her best to provoke everyone, and finally got Wen Shutong into her hands. Everything was perfect.

However, the only pity in this link is that the two stinky boys in Huo Yanlin's family are actually the idea of putting in hand.

They sent their own people in.

Huo Yanlin did not pick up Zhou Wenruo again, and she did not speak wisely.

The car was speeding all the way. It was obvious that Huo Yanlin just passed by the western restaurant and didn't intend to invite her to dinner.

The rain suddenly fell, and there was nothing on the car except the sound of the wiper.

In fact, she knew that Huo Yanlin didn't resist directly bumping her out of the car.

Soon she arrived home, Huo Yanlin did not even say a superfluous word, only way: "get out of the car."

At this time, Zhou Wenruo's phone rang out of time. It was a strange number on it. But she knew that they were the two people who had taken out to kidnap Wen Shutong.

Zhou Wenruo deliberately dallied in the car, she has a small malicious.

If Huo Yanlin knew how to kidnap his wife in front of him, how would he feel?

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