After thinking for a moment, Huo told Huo Yihong what happened in the company this morning and what he had talked to Zhou Wenruo.

Huo Yanlin calmly narrated to half, suddenly felt something wrong.

Wen Shutong is not a cowardly girl who has no idea. If she feels something wrong, she will certainly investigate the truth. How can she remain silent for such a long time?

Huo Yihong thought for a moment and said, "will she look for Yin Hong?"

"No..." Huo Yanlin dry mouth, he suddenly had a kind of ominous premonition.

Not what Huo Yihong was saying, he directly hung up the phone and called Ji Tongsheng again.

To his surprise, Ji Tongsheng did not answer the phone.

The uneasiness in his heart gradually expanded and gradually formed a shadow, which covered Huo Yanlin's heart.

Instead, he calls Ji Tongsheng's subordinates. He has a good relationship with Ji Tongsheng, and his subordinates naturally know Huo Yanlin.

When the phone was picked up, there was a noisy hospital background, followed by the voice of the doctor calling for Ji Tongsheng.

Huo Yanlin body more and more cold, he slightly cold voice: "over there how to return a responsibility?"

That subordinate should have just finished a run, he heard the voice to recognize this strange number is Huo Yanlin, he just opened his mouth, the voice choked up.

"You..." His subordinates watched Ji Tongsheng enter the operating room, and his tears fell down. "There was something wrong with your wife Wen Shutong. When our captain was searching and rescuing, he was hit by a falling stone from the mountain. Now his life is in danger, and I don't know what the situation is like!"

There is an accident, search and rescue, and danger.

Every word was like an inch long nail, which was knocked into Huo Yanlin's skin and bone, which made him tremble with pain.

Huo Yanlin's hand tightly grasps the steering wheel, the blue veins on the top burst up, and the knuckles are hard to pull the steering wheel down.

"What about Wen Shutong?" he asked word by word

The cry of the subordinate became more obvious. His voice choked for a moment, and then he said, "your wife was held by a white modern car and ran into another car on Panshan road. White Hyundai turned over and has not found her yet..."

Huo Yanlin's ears seem to be separated by a layer of water. All of a sudden, he can't hear all the sounds of the outside world. The only sound left between heaven and earth is the sound of falling rain.

The mobile phone slid down the cheek on the car and made a "bang" sound.

Although the voice is small, it seems to wake up Huo Yanlin. He quickly bent down to pick up his mobile phone and said, "I know. You take good care of Ji Tongsheng. I'll try to find a way to deal with the rest."

The subordinates over there were stunned. There was no hysteria in the imagination, and there was no constant reprimand and inquiry. He even thought about how to comfort Huo Yanlin, but the person on the other end of the phone had already hung up.

Huo Yanlin is like a perpetual motion machine in his work. Except for his momentary stupidity, he seems that nothing has happened.

He calmly made a phone call and told his men to investigate the cause and effect of the matter.

His people were also frightened by the news today, but Huo Yanlin's voice in the center of the whirlpool was calm and terrible, as if it was just a stranger who fell.

If Huo Yanlin didn't appear in the position where Wen Shutong fell, they would almost believe that Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong were married in marriage.

The rain is much smaller, Huo Yanlin a black suit long body Yuli standing on the muddy Panshan road.

The man behind him put a black umbrella on his head and cautiously opened his mouth: "there is no vegetation in this place. It is said that police officer Ji was hit by stones here because of the rain and soil erosion. Mr. Huo, stay in a safe place first... "

Huo Yanlin's eyes were cold and his eyes were straight at the cliff beside the road. His whole body exuded a terrible but calm atmosphere.

On the ground is the dark grass washed by rain. There should have been trees and branches born before, but it was broken by the falling car, leaving only a miserable root.

All kinds of traces around show the track of the modern car falling, but the only thing is that the car can't be seen.

You can see that there is a river under the cliff bottom. If the car disappears like this, it is likely that it will flow along the river or sink into the sand. If so, the probability of Wen Shutong's survival will be lower.

Everyone knows what this means, but no one dares to tell Huo Yanlin.

After silence for a long time, Huo Yanlin has moved his eyes slightly. It seems that he shakes off the starlight in his eyes. Even his eyes are empty.

At this time, Huo Yanlin's slender legs moved slightly, and he directly pulled equipment out of the trunk. He stepped on several branches that were broken by the car, and quickly fell to the cliff.

"Mr. Huo!" Just now, the man beside him almost glared out of his eyes. He walked quickly to catch Huo Yanlin in vain.However, Huo Yanlin's long hands and feet did not delay his falling action. Soon he had jumped to a prominent position and began to observe the following situation.

The man beside him put his hands in front of his mouth and roared at Huo Yanlin's figure with his broken throat: "Mr. Huo! You come up! There are professional search and rescue personnel, you are too dangerous

Huo Yanlin did not pay attention to his words, even in that less than 30 cm prominent position on one knee squat, carefully look at the terrain.

Huo Yanlin was tall, squatting in the narrow place, from the perspective of his subordinates, he was just tottering!

If something happened to Huo Yanlin, they would have been killed in the car!

He continued to roar: "Mr. Huo, you should be more careful. If you are injured, if your wife comes back to see how much heartache! Even if you don't care about us, you care about your wife! "

What else did he want to say? As a result, he stepped on the slippery mud at the edge of the cliff, and his body suddenly staggered. In addition, his position was too far forward, and the whole person fell down!

At that height, even if he did not fall to death, he would be tied into a hedgehog by all kinds of branches.

At this time, his falling body suddenly stopped. Huo Yanlin held the rope in one hand and held him tightly in the other hand.

"Mr. Huo!" He looked at Huo Yanlin's expressionless face and cried out excitedly.

Huo Yanlin didn't pay any attention to him at all. He also realized that Huo Yanlin was not in the mood to say anything more to him now. He could only chat up and shut up.

Huo Yanlin's tight arm, a force, directly brought him up, two people standing in this narrow place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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