At the end of their investigation, a child from a farmer's family said in a low voice: "we are not the only people who live here. A few days ago, there are some people who wear valuable clothes to play."

The child said so, his father also fiercely patted his forehead, such as a dream to wake up and said: "Oh, he said so, I think of it."

"At this time of the year, there are a few city children driving here like crazy running, with a group of cool dressed women, the night is noisy, but in recent days it has been quite quiet. I forgot them

The man's wife heard him say that there were a group of women dressed in cool clothes. Without saying a word, she twisted it in her husband's ear.

The family immediately began to quarrel.

However, at this time, Huo Yanlin and his colleagues did not care to appreciate the warm picture in front of them, because the new clues are so important!

When they left, Huo Yanlin left a pile of money at the door in a hurry. On the one hand, he told his staff to find out who the people who often came here in the past years. On the other hand, he began to search around to find out whether there were any buildings that were more eye-catching.

The person in charge of investigating the news was very fast, and the information was sent to Huo Yanlin's mobile phone in less than half an hour.

On the list of a large number of rich second generation, Huo Yanlin clearly saw the names of two people: Lu Linfang and Sui Jian.

In recent years, the Lu family has been extremely low-key, Huo Yanlin has even forgotten this person.

At that time, there were too many misunderstandings between him and Lu Linfang, but for various reasons, the two people have no contact for a long time.

Huo Yanlin is not the kind of person who clings to the past and does not like to explain, which leads to irreconcilable contradictions between him and Lu Linfang.

I didn't expect that Lu Linfang could have saved Wen Shutong. If he knew Wen Shutong's identity, how could he have let her go!

People under him also received the same information, followed by Huo Yanlin for a long time, saw the name also couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"We must find Wen Shutong as soon as possible. Lu Linfang has what kind of means he has. You know, if you delay, everyone doesn't have to come back!"

Fortunately, the people investigating Lu Linfang's news didn't delay them a lot. They quickly found their villa in the mountains based on the previous information.

They seem to be hiding on purpose. The villa is very remote. No wonder they didn't find Huo Yanlin in these two days.

In a villa in the mountains.

When Wen Shutong was pushed by Lu Lin, she felt the wound on her body as if it were burst open, and she was in severe pain.

She fiercely recoiled for a moment, avoided Lu Linfang's eyes, and said hoarsely with pain: "who are you? I don't know you at all."

"Ah," Lu Linfang lifted up one side of the lip, "it doesn't matter if you don't know me. Your husband can know me. But since you're going to die, I'll just let you die

Wen Shutong covered his chest and coughed violently. The cough affected her wound and made her face pale and terrible. It seemed that she might faint at any time.

Sui detective blinked his eyes, slightly leaning over his head, and he was not able to bear it.

"It's because Huo Yanlin has a good father." Lu Linfang clenched his teeth. "In order to help Lu climb up, he pretended to be too peaceful with my father. Behind his back, he signed a contract of yin and Yang, which my father didn't know until he died. That's what he thought his good brother did to him!"

Lu Linfang's last words were almost roaring. His face was getting closer to Wen Shutong. His hate looking eyes were like knives, which made Wen Shutong's cheek ache.

Now Wen Shutong is injured, and there are so many people on the other side. As long as Lu Linfang is willing, he can kill her anytime and anywhere.

Wen Shutong felt that he could not escape this time.

Anyway, I can't run. Just tell him something.

At this thought in her heart, she was quite reasonable.

Wen Shutong straightened his shoulders and said in pain: "this is the gratitude and resentment between his father and his generation. What does it have to do with Huo Yanlin? What does it have to do with me? "

Before Lu Linfang could speak this time, the Sui detective said in the back: "do you think Huo Yanlin is clean? Not to mention whether he helped his father behind his back. After my father died, Lu was in a state of depression. However, he kept his people at the door of our company. He was so aggressive that he almost killed Lin Fangge's mother! "

Sui Jian and Lu Linfang have been friends for many years. Naturally, he can't understand Lu Linfang's affairs. It is because of this understanding that he and Lu Linfang deeply hate Huo Yanlin and his family.

Lu Linfang sneers and grabs Wen Shutong's shoulder.

"Lu's life was hard under his strong pressure. It took me seven years to make him better again. During these seven years, I was thinking about how to kill Huo Yanlin every day! I didn't expect to let me meet you. I can't move Huo Yanlin, but I can kill Huo Yanlin's favorite. It's a big deal that a fish is killed and a net is broken! "Wen Shutong's previous stab wound is not good. Now being pinched by his hand is aggravating the pain on his body.

But there was no fragile look in her eyes. She slowly raised her head, staring at Lu Lin, and said, "you really don't know Huo Yanlin. If he really wants to target Lu, he won't let him have a trace of room to survive."

As soon as Wen Shutong's voice fell, this sentence seemed to have poked into Lu Linfang's death pit. He raised his hand and slapped him in the face: "Lu can't die. Lu will live forever in my hands."

He almost spared no effort in this slap, and Wen Shutong's face was directly pulled aside.

Lu Linfang has always been known for his elegance. Just because Wen Shutong said such a sentence, he was caught off guard and went crazy.

Not only did Wen Shutong not react, but also the Sui detective standing next to him was a little stunned.

The Sui detective pulled Lu Linfang's sleeve and whispered, "brother Lin Fang, are you ok? There's no need to be so angry with people like them. "

Hearing Sui detective's words, Lu Linfang seemed to suddenly come back to his senses. His face softened in an instant. He looked at Sui detective apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, but I was a little excited when I saw her speaking so reasonably."

After lulinfai calmed down, Wen Shutong felt something.

She pondered for a moment, turned her head to look at Lu Lin, and said, "what you hate is not Huo Yanlin, but the cowardice who was forced to the end by him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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