Jiaoya doesn't deny it, because many things Lin Qin is also a victim, and some things are unnecessary for her.

Jiaoya said frankly: "I want to do all the things behind me. I can't stand Yin Hong because she has been cared by all the family members. I hate LinQin. It's she who pulled me into this abyss."

"To tell you the truth, neither of these two things is a big deal. Even if it is found out, even if the Lin family has done justice to their relatives, you will not get any serious punishment. What's more, there's a family and husband behind you

Wen Shutong's voice stopped, and then his eyes, like two sharp blades, looked straight at Jiaoya, "but why do you want to die with all your heart? Why do you say your soul is dead

Jiao Ya choked, then looked at Wen Shutong calmly: "because these years of marriage, wear away all my dreams and soul. You can also see that my piano playing hand has changed between kitchen and housework. My dancing legs are now on the secular road. What's the meaning of my life? "

Jiaoya has also learned to sing, and her voice is very good.

Such a sentence was said by her like a poem, but the implication of it made people feel like crying blood and despair.

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment, ignoring her words. Instead, he directly asked, "is your husband cheating?"

This sentence, not only Jiaoya, but also Huo Yanlin looked at Wen Shutong in surprise.

After Jiao Ya reacts, she seems to be slapped in the face. Her eyes suddenly become fierce, and she rushes directly to Wen Shutong: "nonsense! How could he have cheated! He won't! "

Jiaoya's words do not know whether to deceive others or to deceive herself. She said that tears rolled down her eyes.

It seems that Wen Shutong has just stabbed the most painful point on her heart.

Wen Shutong also has some heartache in his heart, but at this time, he must open the truth to Jiaoya, so that she can wake up in time.

The first lady, who was once proud and arrogant, chose to marry her husband today, not only for his success or wealth, but also for a romantic and desperate love.

But when all this failed to the reality, Jiaoya could still rely on the last bit of love, difficult to live through the day.

But even this love has become a fake, she is naturally driven crazy.

How could she believe that her husband, who had been so fond of her, was secretly cheating on her!

Wen Shutong just helped Huo Yanlin stand up, Jiaoya rushed up and almost slapped her in the face.

Huo Yanlin couldn't help but clamp Jiao Ya's wrist and said in a cold voice, "don't do anything embarrassing to yourself."

Recently, Jiaoya has done too many embarrassing things.

Such a thing, in her past 20 years of life, is fundamentally despised by her.

But she did not expect that one day she would be forced to this point by life and become a real crazy woman.

Huo Yanlin's words made Jiao Ya's body stiff. Her thin wrist slipped from Huo Yanlin's hand, and then she squatted down, covering her face with both hands and crying bitterly.

Jiaoya was not a few years older than them. For Lin Chen, there was a layer of kinship.

But to them, Jiaoya was just an old acquaintance.

Wen Shutong looks at her now completely collapsed appearance, in the heart can not help but also a little bit more heartache.

But there must be something hateful about the poor. It is also a fact that she lost her red child because of jealousy.

Wen Shutong looked at the top of her hair and continued: "in fact, you have already discovered that Lin Shichen is cheating, haven't you? But you haven't told anyone, besides the shame you feel, because you still love him deeply

The Zhao family is extremely powerful. If the Zhao family knew that their daughter had been wronged in the Lin family, they would certainly bring down the Lin family regardless of the cost.

But Zhao's side has been very calm, and there is no action, which shows that Jiaoya did not tell anyone.

Jiaoya nodded heavily with tears, and opened her mouth with a strong nasal voice: "it's the one I choose, and the one I've made up my mind to spend my life with. I don't believe he'll cheat."

"So when LinQin came back from abroad, although you were afraid of her, you found that he was also trapped in love, so you two became an alliance, and you helped her deliver the message."

Wen Shutong's words are right. Jiaoya has nothing to refute, so she can only nod her head mechanically.

In fact, it's easy to understand that both of them are trapped in love, and both of them hate Yin Hong, so Jiaoya reveals all the information she knows to Yin Hong.

Including Yin Hong's pregnancy, the place where Lin Chen settled her should also be Jiaoya's.

"What did she promise you?" Wen Shutong's hand gently stroked Jiaoya's head and comforted her mood.The psychological counselor's hand is like magic. The spring breeze soothes Jiaoya's body, which makes her mood stable a lot.

After a long time, she sniffed and said, "the man who Lin Shichen was cheating on was known by him abroad. Lin Qin told me that she would find all the information about the woman, including how they fell in love. She was going to help me recover this relationship."

Wen Shutong can't help feeling a little. Lin Qin can't handle his own feelings well. He even plans to help others deal with them. It's ridiculous.

Wen Shutong continued to caress her, using words of persuasion: "but before your life has been normal, what makes you so anxious these days?"

Huo Yanlin remembered what the stars and the Moon said to him when he went home, so he cut in coldly: "in recent days, neither Zhaohe nor zhaoyue went to school. You can't use such a poor excuse that they are ill. The Moon said that the night before they left, they were not picked up by you, but by another group of people. What happened to them? "

Jiao Ya raised her eyes with red eyes, hooked her lips with self mockery, and said, "Wen Shutong, if my husband is half as good as your husband, I won't be so embarrassed to stay here."

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment and said in a soft voice, "you have been reluctant to say it before, is it because Someone's pushing you? "

"No!" Jiao Ya didn't want to directly deny Wen Shutong's words, and even her eyes were full of deep fear.

Jiaoya is a spoiled girl. She has never experienced the dangers of society. She even tells lies with such desire.

That person must have threatened her with something to make her dare not say it even at this point.

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