Zhou Wenruo, who was almost forced to collapse by Lu Xingchuan, thought that Lu Xingchuan had bribed them. His expression suddenly changed. He took out a pocket gun from his pocket and hit the head of the front man!

The man didn't even have time to make a look of panic, and a bloody hole appeared in his head.

Although Zhaohe and zhaoyue had experienced kidnapping, they had seen gun formation before their wedding, but they had never seen anyone shooting in front of them.

In addition, two reliable companions were injured. Although Zhao Yue was afraid on his face, he could barely keep calm.

But as soon as Zhaohe saw the man fall down, his mouth grinned and he burst into tears.

"What I said is useless!" Zhou Wenruo's eyes are bloodshot, holding a gun, looking around, "move quickly!"

"Don't move." Lu Xingchuan hands arms, leisurely looking at the weak, seems to be not affected by her anger.

Zhou Wenruo is annoyed by Zhaohe's crying. When the pocket gun turns directly, the black muzzle is aimed at Zhaohe's small head.

"Don't cry, don't think you are Lin family, I won't kill you! Your father, who has no status in the Lin family, has given birth to two of you. It's no use at all! "

Lu Xingchuan, with a smile in his mouth, looked at Zhou Wenruo, who was almost mad at the Opera: "it's really a dog in a hurry. When it comes to the critical time, it's too late to let them retreat."

His expression of maintenance is like how good he is with these children, but he seems to forget that it is himself who has hurt the stars and the moon so badly.

Zhou Wenruo was furious on the spot and killed a person in front of these men. Her dignity was enough.

She felt that at this time, even if these people were afraid of Lu Xingchuan, they knew that their real master should be themselves.

A few people have listened to Zhou Wenruo's order to act, but there are still some people like wood pestle in place.

Zhou Wenruo sneered in his heart. It seems that these lackeys were bought by Lu Xingchuan.

Her gun was aimed at Lu Xingchuan again: "I don't care what kind of ability you have or what kind of abacus you are playing in your mind. This is my territory. I have acted according to your plan, but this matter must be obeyed by me! Otherwise, you will die. "

"You dare not kill me," Lu Xingchuan chuckled at her. "If you kill me, you don't know how to go. What do you want to negotiate with Huo Yanlin? Do you rely on the crooked melons and bad dates downstairs? Or are you subordinates with only one brain? Zhou Wenruo, you are smart, but what can you do by yourself? "

Zhou Wenruo frowned. Now there is only Li Huanhuan in the villa.

After Zhao Linrui sent Liu Menglian, he disappeared. Wang Shasha followed Huo Yihong step by step, and did not return to the villa.

Now Zhou Wenruo's hand in addition to the people under her, there is really no one to help her negotiate.

She doesn't have the energy to deal with so many people alone.

"Oh - maybe Li Huanhuan can help you a little, but I think she should be too busy now." Lu Xingchuan raised his wrist and looked at his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I learned some knowledge when contacting pregnant women, so I took some medicine from your doctor's medical box. Now it's this point. Li Huanhuan should have an attack."

Lu Xingchuan's tone was very relaxed, as if discussing the weather today.

But hearing his words, Zhou Wenruo's face changed dramatically!

This Lu Xingchuan, originally already prepared, intends to Mantis catch cicada, yellow finch in the back!

Zhou Wenruo was cold all over and looked at Lu Xingchuan timidly: "Zhao Linrui hasn't appeared. Have you got him somewhere? Wang Shasha is also sent by you. You just want me to be alone behind me. I'm a good person to enjoy the success after I'm done! "

"How can you say that? How can you enjoy it?" Lu Xingchuan narrowed his eyes and laughed at him, acquiescing Zhou Wenruo's words.

"I make such a big battle, and then go back to my brother, how can he forgive me, so I have to sacrifice you and play a counter plot."

Before Zhou Wenruo could react, Lu Xingchuan shook his body and took his gun back. Instead, he pointed the gun at Zhou Wenruo's head.

At this time, the people who were bribed by Lu Xingchuan also moved at the sound, and directly clamped down Zhou Wenruo's people, so that they could not take several hostages upstairs.

"I told you earlier that you would listen to me. You must not listen." Lu Xingchuan pointed a gun at Zhou Wenruo and walked slowly to her side, touching her cheek gently like a lover.

"The original plan could have been postponed a little bit, and we could have a cooperative alliance relationship between us. You have to quarrel with me at this time. Look, you have to threaten you."

"It's you who are disgusting The calculation is so deep. " Zhou Wenruo was pointed at by a gun, and his body was trembling, but his face was still staring at him obstinately."I can't help it. I just get what I want." If Lu Xingchuan was wronged and pouted, "don't worry, as long as you cooperate well with me, you should have less things. I will let you have a way to explain at Ares."

Zhou Wenruo sneers. She doesn't believe Lu Xingchuan is so kind-hearted. Maybe it's just his plan to slow down.

"What can you do? Ares sees that I'm not doing a good job and will just throw me away as garbage. "

"What's wrong with you? Ruihe, Lin's and even Yinhong's companies are yours. My appeal is the same as before. I just need you to cooperate with me and not make trouble to the Lu family after controlling. "

Lu Xingchuan's hand across her chin, gentle smile, "I just let you accompany me to play a play, let them think I was forced by you can, this is not difficult?"

Zhou Wenruo raised his eyebrows and said, "do you think they will believe you when they are at this point? And these hostages are all present. If you go back and tell them to their parents, your plans are all exposed. Do you think I'm stupid? "

"It won't show." Lu Xingchuan smiles mysteriously and fiercely glances at several hostages.

Zhou Wenruo's heart was seized tightly: "are you going to kill them? How can we cooperate? "

"Accident." Lu Xingchuan was close to Zhou Wenruo's ear and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Just know the accident then. As long as Huo Yanlin promised to give in, what does it have to do with you that the child died in an accident? With so many eyes on him, can Huo Yanlin repent? "

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