Lu Linfang's active approach to Huo Yanlin's action makes him crazy with jealousy, and his mood is out of control.

Looking at Lu Xingchuan's madness, Huo Yanlin raised his eyebrows and eyes, and took a deep look at Lu Xingchuan.

But this action in Lu Xingchuan's eyes has become a real provocation.

He clenched his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "let Wen Shutong come up at once, otherwise --"

he turned directly and grabbed the moon in Huang Shuyun's scream.

The child was still injured, his face was pale, and his clothes were stained with mottled blood. He looked pitiful.

Wen Shutong's heart is like being pierced by thousands of arrows. Just watching this scene from afar makes her shiver all over.

She couldn't believe what happened to the stars and the moon in the hands of these two lunatics.

Without waiting for other people to say something, Wen Shutong went up to him and said, "OK, I can go in and negotiate with you. Don't hurt the child

Lu Xingchuan squinted at the anxious Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin, and a malicious smile arose from the corner of his mouth. He lowered his voice and said, "don't worry, I certainly won't hurt them. I haven't got what I want."

Wen Shutong is determined to walk inside. Huo Yanlin looks at Wen Shutong's back with heartache. He turns his head and orders to his own people: "keep an eye on the trend all the time. If something happens to her, all of you have to stay here!"

Wen Shutong approached the door of the villa step by step, and the door was suddenly opened. Two people behind the door could not help but pull her in.

The atmosphere in the villa is extremely tense, even the air seems to be solidified.

After searching her for a long time, the two men made sure they didn't take anything. They pushed Wen Shutong to the ground.

The two men said in a cold voice, "be honest and stay here. Don't make any noise. If you send out any signal later, don't blame us for being rude."

Even if Wen Shutong was pushed to the ground, his dignity still remained intact.

She straightened her clothes, stood up with the pain and said, "I'm here to negotiate. If you want to get any news from me, let Lu Xingchuan come down with the stars and the moon."

The man disdainfully spat: "you still dare to exchange terms with us, this underground is full of bombs, if you cause anything, the bomb exploded, everyone must go to heaven!"

"I just want to see the stars and the moon." Wen Shutong's expression is not a bit loose, still staring at the person's eyes.

Lu Xingchuan walked slowly down the stairs, holding a child in one's hand. It was Zhaohe zhaoyue.

He slowly sat on the sofa opposite Wen Shutong: "what's the hurry? To show my respect, don't I bring the baby down? Can we start our negotiation? I heard that Ruihe recently came into contact with a new project, but it's a big piece of fat... "

Wen Shutong's eyes swept lightly. Zhaohe and zhaoyue, who were scared to speak, said: "where are the stars and the moon?"

Lu Xingchuan leaned down and slowly approached Wen Shutong. He hooked his lips and said, "don't worry. Zhaohe and zhaoyue belong to the Lin family. You shouldn't be responsible for them. But I can't help it. I just want you to come in. "

"So, why don't you give me the big project Ruihe has got, and I'll give you Zhaohe zhaoyue. If you want to take back the loss, you can go to the Lin family to ask for it, OK?"

Wen Shutong lowered his eyes and said, "Why me?"

This sentence is not to ask why she came to be responsible for Zhaohe zhaoyue, but to ask why she wanted her to come in to negotiate.

Lu Xingchuan was silent for a moment, and the corners of his mouth cocked up: "Jiaoya can't make decisions for others. Even if I ask her to come in, it's useless. Huo Yanlin is so clever that I can't play with him. Come and go, you are the most suitable choice. More importantly, Lu Linfang appreciates you very much. "

"You like your own brother." Wen Shutong lightly gave him a definition. "It seems a bit stupid to prove that you can do great in this way."

As a psychological consultant, Wen Shutong never defines people, let alone some critical words.

But for people like Lu Xingchuan, the more you give in to him, the more he will push forward.

"You don't want to change the subject!" Lu Xingchuan's eyes had already taken some anger, "I only ask you, would you like to let that project out for Zhaohe and zhaoyue?"

That project is Huo Yanlin just got not long ago, the investment in the early stage has been completed, this is the time for the future to return to the original.

Giving them this time actually killed Ruihe's spirit. It's estimated that it will take a long time for Ruihe to recover.

But Zhaohe zhaoyue would dare to speak like this. When Huang Shuyun had stars and the moon, Lu Xingchuan would surely put forward more unreasonable demands.

Seeing Wen Shutong's hesitation, he gestured to a man upstairs.The man heard the sound and moved, ran to the top of the building, and soon dragged the injured moon down the building.

The moon has been in a semi coma due to the blood loss.

Standing on the stairs on the second floor, he vaguely saw Wen Shutong's appearance. Unconsciously, he extended his hand to her and said, "Mom The moon is so painful... "

Lu Xingchuan raises his legs and looks at Wen Shutong's reaction.

Testing a mother with a child is the most despicable but effective way.

He stood in Wen Shutong's ear and continued to speak leisurely: "how pitiful is the child. If the wound on his body is not treated again, I'm afraid there will be serious sequelae in the future."

"Lu Xingchuan!"

Wen Shutong's voice, with an imperceptible tremor, she turned her head and glared at Xingchuan.

Although the expression is cold and fierce, but under Wen Shutong's eyes, a layer of tears has been accumulated.

Lu Xingchuan agreed with a smile, and then continued: "are you still hesitating?"

Wen Shutong forcibly tears his eyes off the moon and stares at Lu Xingchuan without showing weakness.

"You said that we would be watched to negotiate. Do you really mean to let the media see it in this way? Are we pressing you, or are you forcing us? "

Lu Xingchuan didn't care, and he hooked his lips: "some words are just for people outside to listen to. Don't try to change the subject. What I said just now, do you agree? "

Before Wen Shutong could reply, Lu Xingchuan had pushed a document to her face.

Lu Xingchuan continued to lift his chin: "you have no reason not to agree. Because if you don't agree, you can't get out of this door. Are you going to let Huo Yanlin compensate his wife and break his soldiers? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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