Huo Yanlin's voice stopped for a few seconds. It seemed that he was smiling at someone. Then he heard him say a word of thanks in a soft voice.

Then he took the phone. Wen Shutong said, "I can't go back. There's a place to rest. You can sleep alone."

Wen Shutong would like to ask why Huo Yanlin didn't refute them just now, saying that Zhang Yingying is his good friend.

But she opened her mouth, but felt that she was still entangled in the love affair between men and women at this time. It was really naive, and she might be teased by Zhang Yingying.

She just suppressed the impulse in her heart and said, "it's a five-star hotel here, but I don't think it's so safe and complete. When I was going to sleep... "

"Huo Yanlin, have you finished calling? Don't you plan to eat Zhang Yingying's words interposed again, interrupting the two of them, "I'll pour you a cup of coffee! When you come over, we'll read the information together! "

Zhang Yingying, in the background voice, speaks very casually, as if the two of them had lived together for a long time.

Huo Yanlin answered her and then said to Wen Shutong on the phone: "hmm? What do you say

"Good night, my eyes fell down, and I fell asleep."

With that, she hung up.

Huo Yanlin can feel the tone of Wen Shutong's last sentence is not right. Just as he is about to dial back, Zhang Yingying's hand is suddenly pressed on his arm.

He raised eyebrows with displeasure and pulled back his hand quietly: "what's the matter?"

Feeling Huo Yanlin's refusal, Zhang Ying's eyes flashed a touch of loss, but soon recovered the usual bold and unconstrained appearance.

"We cracked the intranet over there, got the information, go to see it quickly, and it will be found immediately."

Zhang Yingying was very righteous. After she promised to help them solve the case, she called her best friends in the police station to help them investigate Shao Weiyan.

Hearing his words, Huo Yanlin did not dare to delay, and quickly followed him into the other side of the room.

This internal information is very magical, using extremely special processing methods.

Not only can't download, can't screenshot.

What's more, if you take a picture with your mobile phone, the picture you take is a mess of code, and you can't see what it is.

Only with the naked eye, can we see the contents of the data clearly.

In other words, all people can only use their eyes to see and remember these materials.

The person who is in charge of retrieving the data is very anxious, but Huo Yanlin stops in front of the computer slowly, staring at the screen.

There was still a little calmness in that expression.

However, in a short time of one minute, he ordered the dense words above and said in a deep voice: "turn the page."

"Are you finished?"

"I can probably remember." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth with an expression.

A few people behind him glared their eyes. They didn't even finish reading. The man in front of him actually remembered it?

Zhang Yingying was not surprised. She was even quite proud and said with pride, "Huo Yanlin's memory has always been very good. Do you think he is like your group of Muggles?"

Those people bitterly closed their mouths and said sarcastically, "we value color but despise friends."

As soon as the man's voice dropped, the man next to him hit him on the back.

The man warned him with his eyes, "how do you talk? They said it was his wife who called just now

Just now Huo Yanlin didn't answer Wen Shutong's words for a few seconds because he was explaining to the people nearby that it was his wife who called.

A trace of displeasure flashed on Zhang Yingying's face, and she quickly said, "yes, my good brother has a family, and his wife is excellent. Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Yingying's voice just fell, the computer screen suddenly black, they were directly kicked out of the intranet.

A group of people around the computer sighed heavily: "is it bt that maintains the intranet? I don't go to bed so late! "

At this time, Zhang Yingying's mobile phone rang.

She reluctantly looked at her mobile phone and raised eyebrows at her colleagues: "not only don't sleep, but also to be accountable."

Although the intranet is equipped with a complete firewall, it is monitored 24 hours a day in real time in order to prevent being hacked in by people with advanced permissions.

If someone hacked in, the monitor would quickly get the message and kick the person out.

What's more, those who can hack in will inevitably leave traces. The Intranet can only be accessed by the computer of the police station, so it will not take long to find out where the IP address is.

Zhang Yingying picked up the phone as if dying, and an old man's voice rang out at the end of the phone: "what the hell are you doing there! Can't we stop at night! Who broke into the intranet! "The man sounded very angry and added a lot of swearing to accentuate his tone.

Zhang Yingying made a face at Huo Yanlin, but the voice was still able to keep a strong and clear voice.

"Back to Mr. James, we just think that the way of handling that case is not quite right, so we want to find out the doubtful points and not check other important information!"

Of course, James knew they didn't check other important information, otherwise it would be more than just calling to scold them.

The telephone side pondered for a moment and then said, "that means that you also know about this matter and have participated in it? From today on, the bonus of your whole detachment will be cancelled this month, and the salary will be reduced by half! Come to me tomorrow and get the punishment! "

Zhang Yingying's mouth is open, just want to say something more, the end of the phone has been mercilessly hung up.

She reluctantly showed her mobile phone to her colleagues, and what she thought was the head of James on the other end of the phone.

"I knew this old gentleman would call me. How could he know that I did it?"

"Who else but you has the courage? If you go to get the punishment this time, it should be a big part of it. The year-end bonus is estimated to be gone. "

Zhang Yingying looked at Huo Yanlin with the rest of her eyes. Then she stretched out her hand and hit her colleague: "you talk a lot!"

Huo Yanlin light mouth way: "this time to you caused all losses, I am fully responsible."

"No!" Zhang Yingying immediately magnanimous opening, "we haven't seen each other for so long, let me help you! Wen Shutong's younger brother, I'll take it as my own, and I'll certainly do my best to help him solve the case! "

Huo Yanlin did not answer her words, but slightly tilted his head to look at her. Then he chuckled and said, "then I will thank you for her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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