Wen Shutong's eyes stopped for a long time before he recognized the meaning of her words. It turned out that the stars and the moon had destroyed a machine!

Before she reacts, Shao Yunzheng has quickly stood up. The melancholy on his face just now has been swept away, replaced by self-confidence and elegance.

"They are both children. Please don't embarrass them. Please take me to have a look."

Wen Shutong is also flustered to catch up, because the action is too anxious, almost hit the corner of the table.

Shao Yunzheng is very gentlemanly to help her block under the corner of the table, but his own hand is mercilessly touched on the corner, immediately on the back of his hand is red.

Before Weng Shutong apologized, he said quickly: "it's important to deal with children's affairs first."

The waiter walked quickly, with an anxious look on his face, for fear that his boss would find out and turn his anger on her.

Shao Yunzheng has long hands and long feet, so it is not hard to catch up.

Wen Shutong was struggling to catch up with him. He put his hands behind him. The gentleman took her by the wrist and led her to the stairs.

Wen Shutong couldn't help but be stunned. His appearance now is completely different from that he wanted to move on the table just now.

Now he is a very polite rich young master.

Is it that when he was on the table just now, he really regarded himself as the white moonlight that he could not forget, so he could not help but do that to himself?

In a daze, they have arrived upstairs. The stars and the moon are standing in front of a machine and looking at them.

In fact, the toys on the second floor are not very fancy. On the contrary, there is a unique game machine. When the stars and the moon were never seen in China, they played more for a while.

Later, they found that there was something wrong with the rules of the game machine. After they studied for a while, they found that they had been changed.

The game machine that has been changed is completely deceiving. The probability of winning is extremely low, that is, cheating people to constantly invest money into it.

When they were not used to it, they simply made a program to blacken the machine and let it return to its original winning rate.

But the waiter didn't know what was going on. As soon as she saw the stars and the moon making a series of random codes on the machine, she thought that they had broken things.

If she went to the boss, she would be punished.

She couldn't solve it for a while, so she rushed down to find Wen Shutong and Shao Yunzheng.

Wen Shutong has never stopped the stars and the moon from doing some demolition and mending work. Many things in the house have been dismantled and reassembled by them. She has never said anything.

Even if it's not good to dismantle and repair, it's also quietly thrown and replaced with a new one.

But it's not curiosity, it's impolite to move people's things in public.

Wen Shutong, with a stern look on his face, pulled the two children back and said, "there are different rules in different places. Even if you think this kind of play is unfair, you shouldn't do anything to the machine, understand?"

Wen Shutong seldom talks to the two of them with such an expression.

For a moment, the two children were startled and raised their eyes to look at her like a frightened bird.

Wen Shutong was staring at with such eyes, and his heart softened instantly.

Her tight face slowed down and was about to speak again. Shao Yunzheng knelt down on one knee and held the two little guys in his arms: "how can you two be so powerful? Why don't you teach me how to do it?"

Wen Shutong frowned and was about to speak, but he gestured to her, turned to the waiter and said, "this machine is not broken. Let them play a little longer. If anything happens, I will take full responsibility."

The waiter rubbed the corner of his coat with a hesitant look on his face.

Shao Yunzheng first took out a note paper, wrote a line of words, and then close to her ear, whispered a few words, put the note into her hand.

The waiter blushed, nodded with a smile and left.

Wen Shutong was a little surprised for a moment, but he couldn't care to be childish with the stars and the moon. He began to wonder, "how did you tell her? How can it be done in a twinkling of an eye? "

Shao Yunzheng raised his eyebrows confidently: "I told her that I originally wanted to buy this machine, but because I didn't bring much money here, I could only owe it. I wrote her the address of the hotel and asked her to come to me if there was any responsibility. "

His appearance belongs to the elite type, which can be eaten by both the East and the West.

This kind of person left a note with the address of the hotel, which is simply daydream.

Wen Shutong was about to say something more when the stars and the moon pulled Shao Yunzheng excitedly to show him how they had done just now.

Ming Ming's age is very different, but Shao Yunzheng, like their two friends, from time to time puts forward two seemingly professional points of view, as if he is really serious about playing with the two children.After fiddling with it for a while, the stars and the moon ate the machine completely, and they had no interest in it any more, and they were about to leave.

Before Shao Yunzheng also promised them to play other projects, the three people like many years old friends, hand in hand, side by side.

On the contrary, as a family member, Wen Shutong became the most superfluous among the three, and could only walk behind in obscurity.

It has been half a day. Although the misunderstanding was lifted yesterday, she is no longer making trouble about the relationship between Huo Yanlin and Zhang Yingying.

But until now, Huo Yanlin has not sent a message, always let her feel in the heart, as if something is missing.

She took out her mobile phone and fiddled with it for a while and was about to send a message to Huo Yanlin.

Walking in front of the people suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "elder sister, what are you doing?"? If you don't catch up, you'll get lost. "

Wen Shutong stopped for a moment, quickly put away his mobile phone, and quickly walked two steps: "my sense of direction is OK, I won't get lost in this kind of place."

"What were you doing just now? Did you miss your brother-in-law?" Shao Yunzheng's face was dark and his mouth was unclear.

His tone is a little frivolous. Wen Shutong seldom hears his brother-in-law, which makes her face a little red.

At this time, Shao Yunzheng suddenly turned his head and looked at the two villains around him and said, "do you like your father or your uncle?"

Although the two children are very happy to be coaxed by Shao Yunzheng, the central idea is still not affected.

The moon's smooth tongue mouth way: "today's favorite is uncle when playing, but if you go home, the favorite is Dad."

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