Wen Shutong looked at his face with clear and bright eyes without a trace of dirt.

Shao Yunzheng's hand hanging on one side involuntarily tightened his fist, even his back tightened.

But at this time, Wen Shutong's lips spread out a soft smile: "how can you always be so careful, you do well, has been very good."

He gave a sudden thump, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

His fingertips trembled gently. In his bottomless eyes, huge waves of complex emotions rolled up.

Then in a flash, he was buried in the bottom of his eyes and looked at Wen Shutong deeply.

At this time in the bar, a slender figure stood in front of the huge French window, watching Wen Shutong's car go away.

Lu Xingchuan, who was like a king at the party that day, stood beside Chen Qingshu with his head slightly lowered.

Even though he was wearing a mask, he could still see a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Let them go like this?" Lu Xingchuan bit his teeth and spoke in a low voice.

"It's really interesting. I broke into my intranet with a little friend." Ares raised his eyebrows. "It's so boring if I just grab her for such an interesting person."

Lu Xingchuan lowered his voice: "Huo Yanlin and they have already gone to Decheng. They may arrive this afternoon."

"It's him," ares chuckled. "He's going there alone."

"He has a very arbitrary style of behavior, and he has no idea what he will do next. I don't think we can relax our vigilance against him now..."

Ares raised his hand and interrupted, "I see. In that case, you put the main force on him."

"And you?"

Ares slowly withdrew his eyes, with a few shreds of ferocity on his originally smiling face.

He raised his hand and lifted Lu Xingchuan's masked chin: "how can you like Zhou Wenruo to ask questions about the East and the west? The dog who stays by my side is a good dog without barking."

Lu Xingchuan hung down his head and did not speak again.

At that time, he was nearly killed in the explosion. It was ares who rescued him and saved his life with great medical power regardless of everything.

When he wakes up, Ares has only one request, that he be used by him.

Originally, he thought that with the power of Ares, he could retaliate against Huo Yanlin and successfully win the whole Huo family.

But don't want to see Huo Yanlin after they, this ares unexpectedly play heart four!

Ares closed his eyebrows and eyes, and said faintly: "let's inform Wen Shutong of the information he has found, and let the people there be prepared. Don't be caught off guard and come to me crying again. The two children around him seem to have some Kung Fu in them... "

"When I kidnapped them, I fought with two children. They are so smart that they set up a transceiver base station with limited land and informed Huo Yanlin to save them. " Lu Xingchuan raised his head, "never take them lightly."

"Bring them here sometime." Ares said indifferently. He lifted his feet and went outside.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhou Wenruo standing carefully at the door.

In the villa before, Zhou Wenruo and Lu Xingchuan had torn their faces, but now they are all working under Ares, and they dare not be the enemy in front of him.

But the two of them almost never appear in the same space.

Ares looked at her with disgust, raised his eyebrows and said, "what are you doing here? Have I allowed you to come here? "

Since knowing the existence of wenshutong, this bar that ares hardly enters has become his second residence. He comes here almost every day, just for the convenience of seeing her.

If it is other reasons, Zhou Wenruo will be happy.

But this person is Wen Shutong!

Moreover, Ares, who has always been too lazy to put on a trace of emotion in her eyes, is actually interested in her!

Zhou Wenruo lowered his head and could not say a word for a long time.

Ares put his hand in her hair and forced her to look up at herself. "I don't want you to bow when I don't ask you to do it. Who taught you so impolite?"

Finish saying, his hand fiercely a force, a burst of sharp pain then passed over.

Zhou Wenruo frowned with pain, but she didn't dare to make a redundant voice. After a long time, she said, "master, I just want to know, are you really interested in Wen Shutong?"

Ares squinted at her, his eyes full of irony: "when will it be your turn to question me?"

"Wen Shutong is extremely cunning. You should also know that he is a psychological counselor, and the one I sent out at that time..."

Ares took a slow step forward, almost sticking to the man in front of him.

Because he pulled his hair, Zhou Wenruo was in a dilemma.This close distance let her pupil shrink for a while, the body slightly trembles, feels his near breath.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at him with cold eyes: "you squat outside and eavesdrop on my talk with Lu Xingchuan. Now you talk to me again. You won't Are you jealous

Zhou Wenruo was shocked. She had been hiding this feeling in her heart and did not dare to publicize it in her mouth.

But she did not know that she thought she was hiding a good mood, already poured out of her eyes.

Ares not only knows her feelings, but also uses them mercilessly.

Zhou Wenruo quickly broke free from his arms, and his white face turned red.

"I never dare to think of you, and I dare not interfere with your decision with my personal feelings. I just want to remind you that... "

"You're right," ares frowned, almost pitying. "You really shouldn't think about me, because no owner will fall in love with his dog."

Zhou Wenruo, like being struck by lightning, fell in place and stood there stiffly, unable to say a word for a long time.

Ares didn't even look at her. He just lifted his foot over her body and left like a gust of wind.

"Well, it's a shame."

Lu Xingchuan opened the door and sarcastically said, "when did you do a good job in front of him, you still expect him to see you more and talk about dreams."

Zhou Wenruo changed his acquisitive manner just now. He glared at the person in front of him and said in a sharp voice: "what are you again! It's not easy to catch someone, and I've been beaten all over my body, and my face is arrogant in front of me? "

"At least yesterday at the reception I played his boss and took over the wine he handed me." Lu Xingchuan raised his eyebrows, "and you?"

"Lu Xingchuan!" Zhou Wenruo shrieked, "sooner or later, I'll make you look different!"

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