The driver was so scared that he didn't speak. He pressed his lips tightly and forced the man away. He continued to accelerate.

The man may have been hit by a car and injured, but he didn't catch up for a while.

But behind the roar of the locomotive is more and more, more than one car catch up!

The cars that had just come with ares are catching up. A man rolled down the window and yelled, "Sir, we can't go back the same way!"

"These people are very thieves. They are familiar with the road here, and there are their cars in front of them. They may bet us here!"

Ares put his hand out of the window, made a simple gesture, and then whispered to the driver, "turn left."

Hearing this, the driver braked the car and forced a left turn.

At this high speed, the car suddenly turns around, and the people in the car suddenly stagger. Wen Shutong's body can't help leaning against Ares.

He put his arms across her in front of her and said with a light smile, "we are all desperators. Do you want to throw yourself into my arms?"

The moon immediately turned back: "who wants to throw your arms to you? It's clear that the car is turning! I have a father

Ares chuckled, "don't worry, I don't have to be your father."

Wen Shutong looked at the man with his side eyes and admired him for being able to laugh at this time.

The road in this slum is not easy to walk, and the people behind them are far away. They are more familiar with the road here than they are, and soon they are closely behind their buttocks.

Some alleys are very low, so it's difficult for cars to pass, so we have to take a detour.

Even under Ares' guidance, the driver lost his way.

The original formation of four or five vehicles was completely broken up, only two of them were still behind them, and the rest of the cars did not know where they were going, let alone whether they were in danger.

The car went round and round, and finally came out of the alley and came to an open grassland.

It used to be a factory, but for some reason it has been abandoned.

The driver said excitedly, "we are out at last."

For the first time this evening, Ares's face showed a look of security: "fool! There's not even a place to hide. If they catch up, there's no place to hide! "

The driver's body was stiff, and his hand on the steering wheel shook violently. He turned his head in horror and looked at him in a daze: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Ares quickly turned his head and looked at the cars behind him. He lowered his voice and said, "it's too late now. Do you see that old house in front of you? Make a few circles and go there, and I'll try to get them out of here. "

The facial features on the driver's face were distorted, but not because of fear, but because of the attitude of the man behind him.

If he had made such a mistake, he would have been kicked out of the car and had no way to live.

But today, he had the patience to reason with him, and even taught him how to escape. It was so different from the past.

His eyes looked at Wen Shutong in the rearview mirror and silently expressed his gratitude to her.

If she had not been present today, he would not have realized the gentleness of his boss in his life.

The driver thought in his mind, but he didn't dare to stop. He stepped on the accelerator all the way and galloped wildly in this open place.

Those people also know that they have reached the end of the road stage, and they are not in a hurry to catch them. Several motorcycles surround them, like preying on prey, a little closer.

"Where else do you want to escape?" A man took off his helmet and smashed it directly at their car. He jokingly said, "don't you just go ahead and tell us all the information you know?"

Relying on ares's good temper today, the driver bravely said, "Sir, these people really regard us as the people sent by the police. Do you want to go down and explain to them?"

Ares slightly tightened his fist, his eyes flashed a dangerous look, and his eyes had already burst out the intention of killing.

If it wasn't for the special situation today, he would have disposed of the driver!

He lowered his voice: "you go down to explain, let them shoot your head open flowers, I will find you a good place to bury, go ahead!"

The moment his voice fell, his helmet hit the iron sheet of the car. The driver was so scared that he shut his mouth and didn't dare to speak again.

The car soon drove to the abandoned factory. Just before turning the corner, Ares did the same trick again. In an instant, he opened the door and jumped down with Wen Shutong in his arms.

Two children are not vague, the moon holding the stars also jumped down.

They rolled over and hid in a corner of the factory.

Ares side eyes admiringly looked at the moon: "sure enough, you little guy, your Kung Fu is still very good, come with me."The moon does not like this person, simply lazy to pay attention to him, but still follow him behind.

Ares raised his eyebrow and looked at her: "you should be glad that these two little guys in your family are good at it, or I may have to give up the little one and keep the big one. After all, I don't like them."

At such a critical time, Wen Shutong was not interested in receiving his joke.

What's more, no matter what, he saved himself today, and she shouldn't have been turned upside down.

Those people have not yet found that they have entered the waste factory, the car roared to chase the driver's car.

Ares gestured to them to follow him upstairs.

"Are you familiar with it?" Wen Shutong lowered his voice.

"I'm not familiar with it at all. I just want to survive."

He said with a smile, "the second floor is higher, so we can observe their situation. The driver will lead them away and we can go out again. The haystack here is quite high, so you can climb out. "

Wen Shutong looks at the man in front of his eyes. He is tall, wearing a valuable suit, and his face still has that noble aura. It doesn't look like he can climb the grass.

People in front of her seemed to be able to feel what she was thinking and turned to look at her: "I said that I have a strong desire to survive, as long as I can survive anything."

Wen Shutong couldn't help but ask again, "why did you come to save us today? You know it's so dangerous."

When the question was in the car, she didn't get an answer.

At this time, he suddenly pulled Wen Shutong's body, gently pulled her whole body into his arms, and then the two people's bodies were close to the wall.

Then he made a shush gesture to the stars and the moon, and said in a low voice, "you two stick it too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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