"Huo Yanlin's phone has not been answered, they should have encountered some trouble there."

Wen Shutong remembers that Lu Xingchuan has mastered the things in their hearts, for fear that it is he who takes the initiative to provoke.

If he really wants to do something, things will be in trouble!

"I have to go over there and see what's going on," Wen Shutong's tired face swept away. "But this suspect..."

The stars and the moon immediately stood beside her like a guardian God: "Mom, we'll go with you!"

Shao Yunzheng said decisively: "I will stay here to investigate the evidence. You can go to find the brother-in-law first. Keep in touch at any time. I will meet you soon."

Wen Shutong nodded solemnly and quickly began to book tickets.

Shao Yunzheng looked at her worried appearance, and his gloomy look flashed in his heart.

Then he quickly said: "call on a few people to go with you, safer."

She shook her head. "It's too easy to scare the snake. What's more, we're not sure what's going on there. Let's go there first."

Shao Yunzheng opened his mouth, only nodded for a long time, without any more words.

As long as the matter of Huo Yanlin is concerned, her whole body is like full of fuel, burning tirelessly.

Almost without much delay, she took the stars and the moon, and he got on the plane to another city

Meanwhile, in another city, Huo Yanlin and Zhang Yingying found an underground boxing ring.

It is true that Shao Wei came to this city alone.

But after he got off the plane, there was no trace of him, and no surveillance at the airport could trace him.

So Huo Yanlin and they concluded that he came to this city was coerced by people. After getting off the plane, he was taken away!

The last time he appeared on surveillance was this underground ring.

Whether he is here or not, he must have something to do with this place.

The whole place is a serious business, that is, an ordinary flower shop. The manager is a woman who looks weak and thin.

if they hadn't investigated in advance, they could not have guessed that there would be an underground fireplace in this area.

When they entered the florist's shop, the shopkeeper, with a smile on his face, said, "what flowers are you going to buy? Is it for friends or lovers? Between husband and wife, we recommend... "

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Zhang Yingying leaned over and put a card in her hand.

They have already played before they come. If they want to enter the underground ring, they must have this appointment card, which says the fight times of this evening.

The moment the woman saw the card, she changed her face.

Her innocent expression had become charming. She chuckled and made a gesture to them to move back.

Huo Yanlin and Zhang Yingying followed him to the compartment of the florist's shop. She patted a pair of decorative paintings on the wall.

An ordinary landscape painting turned into a ferocious and strange pattern in a flash.

Huo Yanlin gazed at the pattern, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He vaguely felt that he had seen it before, but he could not remember it.

But as soon as the pattern changed, the next door opened something.

The woman bowed to them with a smile on her face and said, "you are the distinguished guests of the evening. Please come in."

Zhang Yingying's face changed slightly.

She asked people to help, saying that the lower the profile, the better. It was better to just be an ordinary audience. Then they took advantage of the chaos in the ring to investigate Shao Weiyan's affairs indirectly.

But when did they become VIPs?

Her body slightly close to Huo Yanlin, whispered: "I feel things may have changed, but now it is difficult to get off the tiger, then we must be more careful."

In fact, no matter whether it's a tiger riding a tiger or not, today's incident must be investigated, because it is related to Shao Weiyan's life safety.

Huo Yanlin motionless nodded, the face does not have a different color with that person to go inside.

As if attracted by him, the woman could not help turning her head to look at his face.

She turned around at least four or five times in a short distance.

Zhang Yingying felt uncomfortable.

She raised her chin, with a possessive look on her face and said, "why do you always have to turn your head to see if there is any difference between us?"

The woman's smile is particularly conspicuous Mingyan: "you are not different, I'm just interested in the man around you."

Huo Yanlin frowned slightly, avoiding her gaze.

He lowered his voice and said, "are you deliberately delaying time?"

"How can it be? It's just a group of strong and short monkeys who are fighting here. It's rare to see such a beautiful oriental face like you. It's not against the law to look at it more. Everyone has a heart for beauty, isn't it?"As she spoke, the woman stirred her hair and looked at him with a soft look in her eyes.

Huo Yanlin's handsome eyebrows and eyes pressed down, suddenly stretched out his hand and directly grasped the woman's arm.

He remembered where he had seen the painting.

It was that day when Lu Xingchuan and they grabbed him into the room, the huge wall behind him was this pattern.

However, the pattern in Lu Xingchuan's room was hidden in the painting, which was not as straightforward as the one just now, so he didn't recognize it for a moment.

In that case, the origin of this woman is not simple.

He sneered coldly in his heart, these people also so a little bit of a pattern, play to play are only a few things.

The woman was suddenly seized by the hand, but there was no look of embarrassment on her face.

She even met her body with great cooperation and said with a light smile, "why, is this handsome Oriental guy interested in me?"

Zhang Yingying's face instantly became extremely ugly, and almost couldn't help standing between them.

"Who were you sending a message to?" Huo Yanlin's voice was gloomy, as if it was fished out from the bottom.

He had just clearly seen that the woman's hand moved in front of her, and then put a black object into her pocket.

As if she had heard some joke, the woman chuckled and took out her communicator.

"Since you are VIPs, naturally you should be treated as VIPs. Send a message to our boss and ask him to come out to meet you in person."

She bit her own two words very heavily, even with a bit of banter tone, as if laughing at his fuss.

She tilted her head to look at Huo Yanlin and said in a low voice: "has this handsome man been cheated before? How can you make a little noise? Don't worry, I'm a good man. "

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