Zhang Yingying opened her mouth and was about to retort. She only heard the star whisper in: "the program I set up grabs the face Let's see if this is uncle Shao Weiyan... "

No matter what the conflict between them is, Shao Weiyan's business is the most important thing.

Wen Shutong immediately put down the things in front of him, turned around and ran to the stars.

Before Shao Weiyan came to this city, it disappeared mysteriously. Huo Yanlin and they just got the news that he was in the underground boxing ring and didn't know the exact place.

But if we have the image captured by the face, we can basically determine where he is. This is a huge breakthrough.

The star calls out that image and locates the surveillance video of the captured image. It is found that it is less than two blocks away from the underground boxing field just now.

"What other useful information have you found? Don't waste time Zhang Yingying also rushed to open the way.

Although they didn't understand it just now, they also knew that mother had a conflict with this woman.

When she asked, could you look at the stars in her eyes

Zhang Yingying's face changed for a while, and she retreated to the back.

"It's not the time to be a kid. Uncle's safety is the most important thing." Wen Shutong's face with a bit of awe, "is there any way to locate his specific trajectory of action?"

Star flat mouth, or clever mouth: "the previous video has been covered, can not be restored, here only capture today's."

Huo Yanlin looked at the screen for a moment and said in a soft voice, "it is obvious that they brought Shao Weiyan out in a hurry. It should be that today's action is so noisy that it has already alarmed the snake, so these people need to transfer him in a hurry. "

"Is there any connection between the man who detained him and the man in the ring? Will they collude with us in the past Zhang Yingying's face was dignified.

"It doesn't make any sense to go into it now. As long as you bring him back, everything will come to light." Huo Yanlin received the words lightly.

Just now he said it without mercy, but now she has denied her words so directly. Zhang Yingying's face is really a little bit hard to hang.

She looked at Huo Yanlin angrily and said, "I don't mean anything else. I want to find out the cause of the matter. Otherwise, with his present situation, even if he finds someone, he will be taken away by the police when he goes back."

Huo Yanlin looks bad looked at her one eye, did not open mouth again.

The star's hand fell heavily on the Enter key, then raised his voice and said, "yes! Their tracks emerged from here and disappeared into a narrow alley. This is not a residential area. I tried to find out. There is also an underground boxing ring in this place! "

As long as you make sure he's in that place, then everything is fine.

Huo Yanlin did not hesitate to open his mouth: "now go to that place first!"

"And what does he do now?" Zhang Yingying reached out and pointed to Shao Yunzheng, "now he is not worthy to be believed by us any more."

Shao Yunzheng because of the dislocated place is still painful, so his face looks particularly pale.

Sitting on the sofa, he said casually, "isn't it really cool? I'll assassinate you behind your back when I'm afraid to go out and handle a case? "

"You Zhang Yingying took out a gun and directly put it on his head, "I tell you, you can still live because my profession is binding me! Otherwise I would have killed you

Shao Yunzheng pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a kind of sarcastic smile: "Oh, is it not that there are no bullets in your gun that binds you?"

Although he looks weak, he has lost the cautious look in his eyes. Instead, he has an indescribable confidence.

Especially when looking at Zhang Ying with this expression now, I feel like a kind of literate scum.

Wen Shutong in the heart of a small sigh, perhaps this is the real him.

Zhang Yingying ate on him again. She clenched her teeth and said, "I don't think so. Let Wen Shutong and him stay here. How about taking our two children to the underground boxing ring?"

"No Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin spoke at the same time.

Shao Yunzheng raised his eyes, eyes slowly fell on her body.

"I don't agree with that. This time I have to go to the scene." I don't know his brother's situation. I don't want anyone to hide the truth in the name of my good! "

Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a strange look, his retort is only subconscious, he does not want to let these two people stay together.

"You may not be able to help in this situation." Zhang Yingying frowned and said, "are you sure?"

The moon turned down her mouth and said, "please, aunt, now it's clearly you who are injured. It's you who can't help?"He put his arms in his arms, raised his chin, and looked at her unhappily.

People that mom doesn't like, that is, people he doesn't like.

"Since we can't persuade each other, we should find a compromise," Shao Yunzheng stretched out his hand at will. "Since you don't believe me, he might as well tie me up and take me away. We will never delay your plan."

After that, his eyebrows and eyes slightly pressed down: "but since the Qing Dynasty, if you can't find anything in me after this matter is solved, you should apologize to me! Especially you

His cold eyes turned to Zhang Yingying with the sound of the wind.

She coughed awkwardly, "it's just you who are filthy

His eyes, which were still warm and moist just now, were filled with blood, almost gnashing their teeth.

"You'd better put down your posture and apologize to me, or I'll expose your abuse of power and abuse of power for personal gain. Let's see who can be cruel to whom, how about?"

"Good!" Zhang Yingying's breath was uncontrollably rapid, and she bravely responded to his words.

"Yunzheng..." Now is not the time to get angry. Wen Shutong calls his name gently.

He seemed to suddenly wake up from a dream, his face instantly returned to calm, and said in a soft voice, "just tie me up, or let the stars stay by my side. I can't move my hands and feet. So you can always believe me? "

Huo Yanlin's tall body stood in front of her, the shadow shrouded in an instant.

He grabbed Wen Shutong's wrist and said in a cold voice, "when are you going to delay? Both of them were injured, so they stayed in the hotel together, waiting for our help at any time. "

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