He wandered around for a few times in a strange way, then opened his eyes wide and said, "what's going on here? Doesn't my brother-in-law like my brother? "

Wen Shutong doesn't want to make things too ugly. After all, they have to face Shao Guoping and them when they go back.

She coughed a little and said, "something happened in the middle of it. It will be clear after you. It's important to solve your problems now."

How can this explanation satisfy his heart of gossip? His eyes stare like copper bells and blink at them: "what's going on?"

Shao Yunzheng's face became a bit strange. He took the lead in saying, "I like Wen Shutong. Does this satisfy your heart of gossip?"

Now Huo Yanlin's expression is not right.

"This..." Shao Weiyan has a big mouth and can't say a word for a long time.

He almost wanted to slap himself in the mouth. If he didn't have to ask, he wouldn't be so embarrassed now.

Wen Shutong heaved his brow in sorrow, and the good meal became a Shura.

The problem is that she did nothing, but became the center of the vortex.

At this critical time, Huo Yanlin's mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was Zhang Ying who called.

At this point in time, she should have just got off the plane.

Huo Yanlin knew that his call was likely to be the matter of the case, so he directly pressed the hands-free.

After the call was put through, she didn't say any nonsense. She said, "I've asked someone to help with the investigation, and now it's out. Lome's autopsy report was replaced

This matter is now the focus, everyone forgot the embarrassment just now, and immediately put up their ears to listen to her.

Wen Shutong has never been so grateful to her as she is now. If it wasn't for the phone call, she still doesn't know how to relieve the embarrassment.

"The autopsy report was changed? Did anyone even do it? " Shao Weiyan said in surprise.

Hearing his voice, Zhang Ying at the other end of the phone paused for a moment, then slowly said, "well, there is an unidentified human liquid residue in her body, which is not consistent with your DNA test results, but it was not mentioned in the previous practice report."

Shao Weiyan frowned and said, "in fact, the reason why I quarreled with her before was because I smelled something that didn't belong to me in the bathroom. That's why I suspected that he was cheating, and we had a fight, so I was... "

"Someone can change the autopsy report in the system, indicating the identity is not easy." Zhang Yingying face dignified opening, "we this time even if the investigation out of the truth, I also think this is only that person wants us to investigate."

Huo Yanlin agreed to nod his head and said: "from such an easy way to rescue him, everything is ready."

"Well, but now let's take a step and have a look. The soldiers will cover up the water and the earth."

Zhang Yingying whispered, "I'll go back and find the suspect and find a way to get the DNA comparison report. If you have a good rest, you'll come back and try to find evidence of his entry and murder."

"Good." Huo Yanlin nodded lightly.

"Beautiful sister, thank you very much. Are you angry with me now?" Shao Weiyan suddenly put his head close to the microphone and spoke with a bit of frivolity.

"First think about how you intend to solve your problem! Otherwise you'll be in prison for the rest of your life! Goodbye

Even if Shao Weiyan did not say anything, but still can accurately touch her point.

After that, Zhang Yingying hung up the phone without saying a word.

Shao Weiyan scratched his head and was about to speak. Shao Yunzheng took the lead and said, "since there has been a result there, it is not convenient for us to delay. I think it is better to go back as soon as possible."

With the deepening of the investigation, their ideas are gradually confirmed.

This man has not only a simple purpose, but also a huge force behind him.

But what is his purpose? Everyone has no idea.

Since this man is so powerful, he can do whatever he wants.

Why should we start with Shao Weiyan, an unknown overseas student, and make such a big detour.

Is he trying for people or things?

After thinking for a long time, he didn't think of anything useful. Wen Shutong had to nod his head solemnly.

"Well, since things are not so simple, we should start with the simplest direction, and there is always a way to find the people behind us step by step."

As soon as her voice fell, Huo Yanlin stood up and went out the door without saying a word.

Wen Shutong quickly nodded to them in a hurry, then got up and chased out with his two children.

After they got out of the door, Shao Weiyan came over with a gossipy face and said, "brother, you don't really like sister?"Shao Yunzheng raised his hand and played it on his head: "if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

He rubbed his head and was about to speak. Shao Yunzheng did not say anything.

Just turned his head, Shao Yunzheng's indulgence on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by mysterious dignified.

He really didn't expect that Huo Yanlin would be so bold to test him now.

His hand hanging on one side was squeezed uncontrollably, and he walked to the front platform with a heavy face.

The lady at the front desk said with a smile: "Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

His face immediately put on the usual elegant appearance: "room 1, settle the bill, thank you."

Because his English pronunciation is particularly noble, it matches his noble temperament. The girl on the front desk can't help but blush.

She hung down her head and said in a low voice, "room 1 has been settled, and the guest has left a card for you."

Shao Yunzheng did not understand to pick under the eyebrow: "give me?"

The girl nodded shyly and handed it to him.

Shao Yunzheng took it over and looked at it and changed his face in an instant.

The card was printed with a picture, and it was not from any religion.

Above was a demon, half of his face was smiling, and the other was a terrible grimace.

There's a line in English that says, "I'm watching you.".

Just looking at this picture, he understood what it meant.

This card must have been left by Huo Yanlin!

This means the same as he said today that he wanted him to remove the skin of hypocrisy!

The English at the bottom must be written by him. Even if it's just a simple sentence, it's so powerful that Shao Yunzheng can feel the killing intention from it.

He is declaring war on himself!

Just because he said he liked Wen Shutong, he wanted to be like this?

If he really pays attention to it, the winner is not sure!

Did he really think he was invincible?

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