Ning Jiwei searched in the old factory for more than half an hour, and finally found the unconscious jianhaixi from the abandoned warehouse.

When she came near haiweining, she saw haiweining's face white and relaxed.

No, I'm late.

He quickly walked into the warehouse, squatted in front of jianhaixi, reached out and gently patted her face, and called in a low voice: "Haixi, Haixi?"

But jianhaixi is still sleeping, no sign of soberness.

Ning Jiwei frowned and reached out to help Jian Haixi up from the ground. He leaned against his arms and looked at her whole body carefully. When he touched the bruise on her neck, he couldn't help but pause and his eyes suddenly darkened.

It seems that this is the reason why jianhaixi is unconscious.

Distressed to see the people in her arms, Ning Jiwei carefully looked around her. After confirming that there was no hidden time bomb, he picked up Jian Haixi and walked out of the factory.

See Ning Jiwei holding jianhaixi out, jianchenran busy welcome up, "Haixi? What happened to Haixi? "

Ning Jiwei shook his head, "it shouldn't be a big problem. I passed out."

After that, Ning Jiwei gently put jianhaixi into the back seat of the car.

Seeing that Jian Haixi really didn't look like something happened, Jian Chenran was relieved. Then looking at Ning Jiwei's empty back, she asked, "where's Yi Yi?"

Ning Jiwei's eyes were awe inspiring and said in a deep voice, "I didn't find Yi Yi. Didn't you find Yi Yi, either?"

"No Jian Chen Ran was flustered. "I just looked for you separately, but I didn't find Haixi and I didn't see Yiyi. I was worried that you came out first, so I came out ahead of time and waited. We haven't found Yiyi. Where on earth has Yiyi gone? "

After listening to Jane Chenran's words, Ning Jiwei's face is gloomy, and it's about to rain, which makes Jane Chenran look stunned.

At this time, the police just passed by. Ning Jiwei grabbed him and asked, "have you gone in to dismantle the bomb?"

"Don't worry, someone has been sent in." The police said, staring at Ning Ji and Jian Chenran, for fear that they would break in again, and quickly told them: "now it's in the process of bomb removal, there is the possibility of explosion at any time, you must not go in again."

Ning Jiwei's lips were tight, and even his voice was tense and hoarse Have you found Jian Yi? It's a six-year-old boy

"Child?" Hearing Ning Jiwei's question, the policeman was stunned and shook his head: "we haven't seen the child yet?"

"What?" Jane Chen Ran's face turned pale for a moment. She grabbed the policeman's arm and asked eagerly, "how can I not see it? Yi Yi has been here for a long time. How can you not see so many people when you go in? "

"Don't do that. We'll try our best to search and rescue. If there is a child in it, we'll certainly save him." The police comforted him.

Next to Ning Jiwei, he gritted his teeth and turned around to enter the factory again.

"Why are you going?" As soon as the police saw it, they quickly grabbed Ning Jiwei and said, "you can't go in any more. Now it's very dangerous inside..."

"But my son is still in it!" Ning Jiwei roared: "my son has not been found so far. How can you make me wait here at ease?"

With that, he shook off the police's hand and was about to rush into the factory. Jane Chenran ran ran behind him.

But before they got into the factory, they heard the noise coming from the factory, and then a large group of people ran out.

"What's the matter?" The policeman who stood outside to answer quickly asked.

"Run, run!" The police who rushed out from the inside yelled as they ran: "it's going to explode inside. Run

"What?" As soon as Ning Jiwei heard it, he bit his teeth and ran to the factory.

"Hey, are you crazy?" The policeman next to him grabbed him tightly, "didn't you hear that it was going to explode?"

"Let go!" Ning Jiwei roared: "my son has not been found, even if the explosion, I will go in to find my son!"

"How can you be sure that he must be in there, maybe..." The police just wanted to persuade Ning Jiwei, but before they finished, they were interrupted by a policeman who just came out.

"There is a child!"

One of the policemen who ran out yelled, "I saw a boy about six years old."

The policeman put a bullet proof vest on his body as he said, obviously ready to rush in again to save people.

Hearing that he met Jian Yi, Ning Jiwei was stunned and quickly asked, "have you met Yi Yi? Where is he? "

"Right here..."

"Boom boom!" Before the police finished, the factory was surrounded by huge explosions and flames.

Ning Jiwei and Jian Chenran were staggered by the aftershock. Looking at the ruins of the factory in front of them, their hearts were cold.

"Yiyi, Yiyi!"

Ning Jiwei looked at the explosion in front of him in a daze. After a few breaths, he rushed into the factory with a roar.——


When she woke up, she felt pain all over her body, especially at the back of her neck, as if she had been cut several times.

"Hiss ~" Jian Haixi takes two mouthfuls of cold air and blinks at the ceiling. She can't react. Isn't she kidnapped by Qin Tian?

"Haixi, are you awake?" Ning Jiwei's voice came, with concern and worry, "how do you feel? Is there anything wrong? "

Looking at Ning Jiwei, Jian Haixi is stunned and shakes her head slightly. Unexpectedly, it involves her neck, and her painful face changes instantly.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong? " Ning Jiwei asked.

Jian Haixi reluctantly pulled a smile and said, "no, it's just a little pain in the neck."

Ning Jiwei looked her up and down several times, saw nothing else, then relaxed his mouth: "they should be cut in your neck artery, so it will make you coma."

"Well." Jian Haixi nodded, "that man cut my neck twice."

Ning Jiwei put his hand under Jian Haixi's head, helped her gently press her neck and asked, "is this better?"

"It seems a little better." Jane laughs at Haixi.

In fact, where can good so fast, she just don't want to let Ning Jiwei worry.

Looking at Ning Jiwei, jianhaixi some sorry way: "sorry Jiwei."

Ning Ji Wei Leng next, don't understand of looking at her, "why apologize with me?"

Mingming, it's up to him to apologize

Jian Haixi scratched his head and said, "it's my fault that I was careless. I fell into the trap of Qin Tian. You must be worried."

Ning Jiwei shook his head, "since she's staring at you, no matter how careful you are, it's useless."

Jian Haixi nodded. Thinking of Qin Tian, she was afraid and panicked. "I didn't expect Qin Tian to do this, either. She It's crazy. How can there be such a madman in the world? It's as if all the people and things are just a game for her. "

Feel jianhaixi body in slight shaking, Ning Jiwei brow a wrinkle, clenched her hand comfort way: "it's OK, has passed, don't be afraid."

Jian Haixi tightly grasped Ning Jiwei's hand, bit his lip, looked at him and said, "Jiwei, I was really afraid that I would never see you and the children again."

"No..." Ning Jiwei voice hoarse several degrees, strong from pull the lower lip angle way: "won't."

Jian Haixi nodded and drew some strength from the hand he held with Ning Jiwei. "I know you will save me, and Yi Yi will find me."

Speaking of this, Jane Haixi paused, looked at Ning Jiwei curiously and asked, "by the way, Jiwei, how did you find me? I don't even know where I am. "

Ning Jiwei is helping jianhaixi press the neck of the hand suddenly stopped, complexion complex to avoid jianhaixi line of sight, did not answer.

"Jiwei?" Seeing that Ning Jiwei didn't answer, Jian Haixi thought he didn't hear, so he asked again.

"Oh, yes..." Ning Jiwei's voice was unnaturally stiff, and her eyes didn't look at Jian Haixi. "It was Yi Yi who found it. Yi Yi guessed that it was Qin Tian who was playing a trick. Then she got her phone number from JOJO and traced her location."

"It's really Yi Yi!" When Jian Haixi heard what Ning Jiwei said, he laughed happily. "I said that Yi Yi would find me. I told you that Ji Wei and Yi Yi have been smart since childhood. I didn't know who he inherited before. Now I know that he inherited you. That's why he is so smart."

"Well, it's..." Ning Jiwei reluctantly should her words, avoid the eyes of the line of sight has been full of blood and wet.

"Jiwei? Jiwei Jianhaixi Leng Leng, looking at ningjiwei asked: "is something wrong?"

"No, it's not." Ning Jiwei shook his head, touched Jian Haixi's hair and said, "you're scared. Have a good rest first. Don't worry about anything else, OK?"

Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei and nodded obediently.

She believes in ninjiwei, unconditionally.

Coax Jian Haixi to close his eyes to rest, Ning Jiwei just took the mobile phone out of the door.

Looking at the closed door, Jian Haixi had some doubts in his eyes.

She always felt that something was wrong

Ning Jiwei out of the door of the ward, saw Jane Chenran eyes red standing at the door, see him out, Jane Chenran quickly asked: "how? Is Haixi awake? "

Ning Jiwei nodded, "just woke up for a while, a little frightened, in addition to the neck injury, other no serious problem, now has a rest."

Listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Jane Chenran was a little relieved, but she couldn't laugh.

In fact, he has been standing here for a long time, but he never has the courage to go in.

He was afraid, afraid that he would not control crying in front of jianhaixi.At the moment, when she heard that jianhaixi was ok, jianchenran's breath was finally relieved. The whole person squatted in the corner with her head in her arms, suppressed her voice and cried in a low voice: "what should I do? If Haixi knows that Yiyi is gone, what should she do?"

Ning Jiwei's throat rolled down and didn't speak.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Jian Chenran said to herself, "I should have stopped him at that time. He is a child. How can I let him go alone? If I stop him, maybe nothing will happen. It's all my fault! "

His cry was hoarse and low, because he was afraid of crying loudly, which made jianhaixi in the ward, so he tried to suppress it.

Looking at Jian Chenran wailing, Ning Jiwei raised his head and closed his eyes, clenched his teeth and swallowed his tears back.

"It's all my fault..." Jian Chen Ran punched the ground and said in a dumb voice, "Yi Yi, it's my uncle. I'm sorry. It's my uncle who hurt you."

"It's not your fault." Ning Jiwei's voice sounds as hoarse as Jian Chenran's. he reaches out and pinches Jian Chenran's shoulder tightly and says, "Yi Yi, I won't blame you either..."

After that, Ji Weining turned and stopped.

He has something else to do.



Ning Jiwei calm face, raise a leg a foot in the past, vigorously kicked open the door.

Seeing Ning Jiwei coming, Li Fu nodded to him and put his foot on the woman who was tied.

"Oh ~"

when I felt a pain in my body, I heard the warm moan of love and woke up slowly.

When she saw Ning Jiwei in front of her, she was stunned first, and then cried: "Jiwei, why do you treat me like this?"

Ning Jiwei sneered, "why? Don't you know? "

"I, how do I know?" Hearing Qingnuan's big eyes full of tears, he looked at Ning Jiwei and cried: "Jiwei, you left me that day. I thought you would not save me. When the explosion sounded, I thought I was dead, but what's the matter now? Now that you have saved me, why do you tie me here? "

"Smell the warmth of love!" Ning Jiwei roared: "I'm in a bad mood now. Don't try to challenge my patience."

"Ji Wei, looking at your men bullying me like this, don't you really feel sad at all?" Wen Qingnuan bit his lip and said, "I know you blame me for not telling you where jianhaixi is, but I was also locked up at that time. How can I know where she is? Qin Tian didn't let me near her at all. Besides, I was so scared at that time that... "

"I don't want to hear that."

Ning Jiwei said in a cold voice, "don't force me to do something to you."

Hearing the warmth of love, he looked a little unnatural, but he still looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Jiwei, my life is already yours, isn't it? Besides, what else can I do when I'm locked up here by you? How do you want to torture me? Can I resist? "

Ning Jiwei squinted and looked at her in silence.

Wen Qingnuan saw that he didn't speak, gritted his teeth and then said, "Ji Wei, I won't, and I dare not cheat you now."

"Smell the warmth of love." Ning Jiwei's eyes shoot out the cold knife light, which makes the whole body tremble and ask unnaturally: "what's the matter?"

Ning Jiwei said coldly, "I've given you a lot of opportunities, but no matter how much old love you have, it will be consumed. Especially after you have done unforgivable things, it won't be useful to talk about old love with me."

"Jiwei, you..."

Ning Jiwei waved to Li Fu and said, "go and get the video."

"Yes." Li Fu nodded, turned and went out.

"What, what video?" Wen Qingnuan asked suspiciously, but he was also very nervous, for fear that Ning Jiwei had any evidence.

Ning Jiwei said with a cruel smile: "don't be nervous, I just want you to see your lessons."

As he spoke, Li Fu had already taken his mobile phone and turned on the video.

"No, no! Help

Tears come out of the video. Hearing the warmth of love, she looks at Xu Hui and Ning Jikang in the video. Even though she is sitting on the ground, she still staggers in fear and leans against the wall.

"He, they..."

Looking at Ji Weining, he asked, "how?"

"If you move the idea that you shouldn't move, you move the people you shouldn't move, so just give them a little punishment." Li Fu took over.

Wen Qingnuan swallows his saliva and hears Ning Jikang's cry in the video. He is so scared that he shakes all over. He lowers his head and doesn't dare to see Ning Jiwei again.

Looking at Wen Qingnuan's appearance, Ning Jiwei's eyes are as frightening as the coming gale. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Wen Qingnuan, don't you explain?"

"Hand in, tell me what?" Hearing that Qingnuan was questioned by Ning Jiwei, she shook subconsciously and then said, "I don't know what you want me to explain. I've told you all I know. This is a trick of Qin Tian from the beginning to the end. I'm just used by her and threatened by her...""Shut up

Ning Jiwei roared, stepped forward and grabbed Wen Qingnuan's chin, staring at her coldly and said, "do you know what I asked?"

"Pain, Ji Wei, you hurt me..." Hearing the warm pear blossom crying with rain, Chao Ning Ji Wei cried softly: "Ji Wei, what kind of person am I? Don't you know? Have I done anything harmful to you in all these years? I am infatuated with you. Why do you treat me like this? Jiwei, did you forget... "

"Do you want to die?"

Seeing and hearing the warmth of love, not seeing the coffin, not shed tears, open mouth to mention their past, Ning Jiwei eyes suddenly narrowed, holding her chin big hand down a slip, moved to her neck.

"Ji, Ji Wei..."

Feeling the big hand around his neck, he turned pale when he heard the warmth of love. "Jiwei, what do you want to do? You, you let me go... "

Ning Jiwei pinched her neck, fingers gradually forced.

"No, Ji Wei, don't..." Wen Qingnuan is scared to cry by Ning Jiwei's emotionless eyes and the strength of her hand. She struggles to escape, but she is tied up and can't escape the control of Ning Jiwei.

"It hurts, Ji Wei, I hurt..." Wen Qingnuan cried and begged: "Ji Wei, don't do this to me. Please let me go. Please, Ji Wei, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Whatever you want me to say, let me go Let me go... "

Speaking of the end, Ning Jiwei's hand strength has made it very strong. Hearing the warmth of love, he is almost pale and turns his eyes to beg for mercy.

Hearing that she said she was willing to explain, Ning Jiwei released her hand and stared at her tightly. She was not allowed to hide anything.

"Ji, Ji Wei..."

At the moment when Ning Jiwei opens his hand, Wen Qingnuan quickly moves back two steps, but he is quickly grabbed by Ning Jiwei and pulled back by his chin.

"I ask you."

Ning Jiwei stares at Wen Qingnuan, iron cold voice, grits his teeth and asks: "before the explosion, have you ever seen a child?"

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