Indeed, Li Fu's worries are not superfluous.

When jianhaixi was about to leave work, Sang Lan came.

Thinking of what Li Fu had reminded her, Jian Haixi was not surprised, but a little tired of such a drama.

In fact, she is very gentle to people and things in the workplace, but Sang Lan is just like her nemesis.

It always inspires her to fight.

Sang Lan lost a lot of chores as soon as she came, and told her to do it, and she was not allowed to leave work until she finished it.

There are piles of documents that need to check data and correct errors. It's just someone else's workload for a few days. She even asked her not to leave work until she finished it? What wonderful flower? Jian Haixi is so angry that she just wants to pick up the paper on the desk and smash it on her head.

Sang Lan's appearance, as well as the one who ordered Jian Haixi to do it, caused quite a stir.

Jian Haixi doesn't accept Sang Lan's arrangement, so they are deadlocked.

The director, Sister Zhang, came over to explain to Sang Lan for Jian Haixi: "Miss sang, Haixi's family has special circumstances and needs to get off work on time. Do you think these jobs can..."

"Oh, special circumstances? What kind of big brand do you need to serve like this? "

Sang Lan sneered.

Jianhaixi looked at Sister Zhang's face changed, some distressed, because she was taught, so she looked at Sang Lan and said: "I'll take the job, if it's OK, you can go."

"That's about the same."

Sang Lan sneered and looked at Jian Haixi with pride, then turned and left.

Sang Lan's so-called work is not Jian Haixi's work at all, but the summary of all kinds of management information of the floor and signature leak detection. Although it is not difficult, it is very cumbersome.

Zhang Jie also helpless, patted Jian Haixi's shoulder to comfort her.

"Sister Zhang, it's OK."

Jian Haixi sighs and helplessly sends a message to the children, telling them that she has to work overtime tonight.

The two babies quickly replied to the message, in addition to understanding her work, but also with several refueling pictures.

Looking at those lovely pictures, Jian Haixi couldn't help laughing.

No matter when, as long as there are two little baby's encouragement, she can survive.

When Xie wennuan saw that she was still smiling, she said, "you can still laugh. You can't do so much work well."

Jian Haixi shrugged, "what else can we do? Can she let me go when I cry? "

Xie wennuan also sighed and said, "Sang Lan is too bullying. Relying on being the future president's wife, she usually acts like a bully. She just came to the company and acts like a bully to you."

Then she looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "Haixi, have you offended her?"

"Offend, hehe."

Jian Haixi thought about it and said with a bitter smile, "maybe I don't agree with her."

From the first time we met, we had to say that ape dung was deep enough.


it's so easy to get to the end of the day, when Jian Haixi worked hard to finish one third of the work.

Unfortunately, it rained heavily outside.

Landing outside the window of the world, the vast black is the rain curtain.

Xie wennuan also helped jianhaixi to do some work just now, but her family has a family dinner at night. She is sorry to say that she wants to go first.

"Oh, go away, it's not your job. I'm sorry if you help me!"

Jian Haixi quickly pushes Xie wennuan to get her off work.

Looking at the unfinished work, Xie wennuan sighed helplessly and handed his umbrella to Jian Haixi: "Haixi, here's the umbrella. I don't need it when I take a taxi. I think it's raining. You can finish it quickly and go back early."

Jianhaixi looked at the weather, but did not refuse, took the umbrella and thanks warm thanks.

Thinking that the babies at home were afraid of thunder, she was worried and worried, so she could not help speeding up her work.

It's just that Haixi is not good at all kinds of data.

It's annoying.


by the end of the video conference between Ning Jiwei and the French delegation, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

He went downstairs to leave. When he passed the high-rise office area, he noticed that the light was still on. He frowned and walked over.

Just went there a few steps, saw a body shadow, is seriously buried head looking at the things in hand.

It's jianhaixi.

The senior designer from abroad.

Ning Jiwei wanted to go away, but when he moved, the design drawings he saw in the daytime came into his mind.

The design drawing perfectly fits the theme of the project and is full of soul.

This is the only sentence in Ning Jiwei's mind when he was reviewing those design drawings.

A little curious, he took a few more steps to the office area.

Under the lamp, the outline of jianhaixi's appearance became clearer.Looking from the side face, Jian Haixi has a pair of beautiful eyes. They are bright and clear. They are as beautiful as ink jade. They are as clear and aural as bright all over the world.

When you focus on your work, you look smart and interesting.

For a while, Ning Jiwei was stunned.

At this time, jianhaixi is busy and eager to use both hands and feet. She is tired after several hours of constant busyness.

Upset, she suddenly lost the pen in her hand, ready to stretch, happened to see approaching Ning Jiwei.

The man bathed in the dim light of the desk lamp, a pair of narrow and introverted Phoenix eyes with a gentle smile.

She stood up with a jerk.

"President, President..."

What the hell is ninjivi doing here?

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