"What do you mean the big one is too useless?" Listening to Dou GE's words, Qin Zhixu rolled his sleeve angrily, "my young master is just keeping a low profile. Look at the biceps brachii. Do you see the little mouse? Where is the waste, where is the waste? "

Dou Ge scornfully glanced at the muscles on Qin Zhixu's arm, and with a cold hum, he stretched out his arm and slightly strained his shoulder and neck.

For a moment, not to mention biceps, triceps, deltoid, pectoralis major and trapezius, they all looked like statues.

Looking at the muscle pimple which symbolizes the absolute strength value, Qin Zhixu smashed his mouth and took back his arm.

Jian Yi said to Dou Ge, "Mo Tong's injury is not good yet. You need not worry. It's important to lay a good foundation. As for my apprentice... "

After a pause, Jian Yi looks at Qin Zhixu and says to Dou Ge with a smile, "just teach me what you mean."

Jian Yi's words let Qin know Xu's head is full of black lines. He said unhappily, "what's the meaning? I don't need to be funny. I'll just put it in order! "

Dou GE's mouth cold a hook, staring at Qin Zhixu, as if staring at a fresh fat lamb, "this is what you said, don't regret later."

Looking at Dou GE's eyes, Qin Zhixu suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart

Three hours later, Dou Ge returns with Mo Tong, followed by the limping Qin Zhixu.

Jianhaixi and others are preparing for Jianyi and Jianrui's birthday. Seeing him come in like this, they can't help but smile and ask, "Zhixu, do you mind?"

Qin Zhixu held his hand on his back and said, "what do you think?"

Dou Ming said in a quiet way: "I feel like you are about to be born."

"Poof ~" Luo Er spurted out a mouthful of juice, pointed to Qin Zhixu and said with a laugh: "it really seems to be oh!"

Qin Zhi Xu Leng hum a way: "don't tell you, a group of no compatriots love."

With that, he went back to the room.

Jian Haixi looked at him and shook his head in a funny way. However, she kindly sent a bottle of safflower oil to him.

After coming out of Qin Zhixu's room, Jian Haixi thinks about it and goes into Jian Yi's room.

"Mommy, what's up?" Jian Yi is reading the information Luo Er has given him. When Jian Haixi comes in, she asks.

Jian Haixi sat down beside him and thought, "Yi Yi, can you tell mommy why she asked Dou Ge to train Qin Zhixu?"

For Mo Tong, she can understand, because Mo Tong has a good foundation. Besides, it's a good thing for Mo Tong to practice martial arts with Dou Ge since he was a child. But for Qin Zhixu, Jian Haixi doesn't understand, "can he not bear such high-intensity training?"

"Mommy." Jian Yi looked at Jian Haixi solemnly and said, "the enemy we are facing is very strong. Although we have the help of the Dou family, no one can guarantee that there will be no accident. Before the accident, what we can do is to improve our strength as much as possible. "

After a pause, Jian Yi continued: "besides, I guess the purpose of Qin Zhixu's coming here is not just to stay with us. He should have his own plan."

Jianhaixi Leng Leng nodded: "I think so, although he didn't say something about Qin Tian, he should want to find out the real culprit behind the scenes."

"So he needs to improve his strength." Jian Yi said.

Jian Haixi nodded thoughtfully and decided to go back to talk with Dou Ge to see if there was a suitable way for her to practice.


Because of the two children's birthday, jianhaixi and Luoer specially took them and motong out for a walk, and bought a new dress for everyone.

In the afternoon, he took the children to the skating rink for a long time, waiting for everyone to be exhausted before stopping.

In the evening, everyone is waiting in the living room. Mo Tong pushes Jian Yi and comes out with Jian Rui. They all change their clothes and go there to find three porcelain dolls.

Luo Er looks at three people, tut tut shakes his head a way: "this appearance value, grow up to get harm many people."

Jianrui looked at jianhaixi and asked: "Mommy, where's the gift? Isn't it true that Ruirui can see as many gifts as the mountain after she changes her clothes? "

She thought she would open the gift as soon as she came out, but now the living room is empty, where is the gift box.

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "of course there are gifts, but there are so many gifts that need to be sent by special people. Guess who will give them?"

"Is there anyone else coming?" Jianrui chewed her fingers and thought hard.

Jian Yi's gaze sweeps all of you. With a pick of her brow, she seems to have an answer.

Just then, a familiar voice came from outside the door: "Yiyi, Ruirui, have you forgotten me?"

Listening to this voice, Jianrui suddenly realized, "ah! Uncle Mike

Outside the door, Mike came in with a small cart of presents. As soon as he got to the door, he saw Jianrui running towards him. He put down the cart and reached for Jianrui.

"Uncle Mike, why are you here? I miss you so much Jianrui holds Mike happily."Really?" Mike rubbed Jianrui's head with a smile and said, "I thought there were so many handsome uncles around Ruirui that I forgot your uncle Mike long ago."

"Why, Uncle Mike is Ruirui's first uncle. Ruirui will never forget you." Jianrui said with a smile.

"Look at the sweet little mouth." Mike squeezed Jianrui's face and said, "well I haven't seen you for more than half a year. It's a little bit higher and heavier, and it's more beautiful than when I was young. "

"Hee hee ~" Jian Rui tried to imitate Mike's appearance and pinched his cheek, saying: "Uncle Mike's mouth is also very sweet ~"

"OK, I stole some honey before I came here, otherwise how can I deal with you little girl?" Mike puts Jianrui down with a smile, goes to Jianyi and squats down.

He had a video with Jian Yi before, and occasionally had contact with him during this time, so he knew what he looked like. However, after seeing himself, Mike felt a little uncomfortable.

Jian Yi said with a generous smile, "Uncle Mike, you didn't tell me you were coming when we chatted two days ago."

"As a big surprise, I have to keep it a secret in advance." Mike walks up behind him with a smile. He wants to push the wheelchair, but he looks at Mo Tong.

Jianrui said, "Uncle Mike, this is mo Tong."

"Mo..." Mike squinted, looked up and down at Mo Tong and said, "are you the child who grew up in Mo's family?"

Mo Tong nodded politely and said, "Hello Uncle Mike, my name is mo Tong."

"Boring." Mike turned his lips and said, "what the hell is Mo's family? I've taught my good child to be an old scholar. Fortunately, Yi Yi and Ruirui didn't grow up there."

Then he reached out and touched Mo Tong's head and said, "fortunately, you have escaped from the sea of misery now. Don't worry, my uncle will take you to play in the future, so that you can enjoy the beauty of the world."

Jane Yi gave him a white look and said, "Uncle Mike, don't take Mo Tong bad, or my mom won't forgive you."

"Cough What do you say? How can I bring Mo Tong down? " With a guilty smile, Mike reached over the wheelchair and said to the three children, "come on, open the presents."

"I'll come first, I'll come first!" Jianrui excitedly took the gift box piled outside and said, "this one is prepared by sister Luo Er."

"Why do you say that?" asked Raul

"Because there are Barbie dolls on it." Jianrui said with a smile: "in addition to sister lol and Mommy, who else will use the Pink Barbie gift box?"

Lol shook her head with a smile and said, "Ruirui, you are really wrong this time."

"Wrong?" Jianrui asks for help and looks at Jianyi, "brother ~"

Jianyi takes the Pink Barbie box, looks up and sweeps around the crowd, and looks at Dou Ge with an embarrassed face. "Uncle Dou Ge, this is from you."

Dou GE's face turned red and said, "I checked online and said that girls like this kind of doll, so..."

When saying this, Dou GE's eyes subconsciously glanced at Jian Haixi.

People laugh, did not expect steel straight man will be so attentive.

Jianrui took the doll and hugged Dou Ge with a smile. She said, "thank you, uncle Dou Ge. Ruirui likes it very much."

Jian Yi then picked up the next box and looked at all kinds of professional electronic devices on it. Without thinking about it, she said, "Dou Ming's."

Dou Ming scratched his head and said with a smile, "I think this is more practical."

As the gifts were opened, Jianrui was disappointed, even in jianhaixi's eyes.

There is no ningjiwei.

Yes, he left in such a hurry. How could he have time to prepare the gift?

It's just such a happy moment, but I can't share it with the people I love the most. Anyway, it's hard for people to calm down.

"Well, let's blow out the candles." Jian Haixi smiles and brings the children to the birthday cake, "make a wish first, then blow the candle."

Jianrui nodded obediently, put her hands together and made a sincere wish: "I hope daddy is safe and our family can spend the next birthday together."

Jian Yi doesn't believe in Buddhism, but at this time she closes her eyes and prays, hoping that Ning Jiwei will be well.

When the candle blows out and the light goes dark, the TV set that has been turned off suddenly is turned on quietly by Jane Chen Ran.

"Yiyi, Ruirui..." The familiar sound came out of the TV, and everyone looked at it.

In the screen, Ning Jiwei said with a gentle smile: "my children, I'm sorry daddy can't accompany you for your seventh birthday, but please believe that no matter where daddy is, he will always remember you in his heart."

"Daddy..." Jianrui looks at Ning Jiwei's video on the screen and her eyes turn red.

Beside her, Jian Yi reaches out and grabs her hand in silent comfort.

"Finally..." Ning Jiwei's voice rang out again, "Haixi, I'm sorry to give you the burden of protecting the children. It seems that I'm busy outside, but in fact, your pressure is greater. If you work hard, I will solve all the problems as soon as possible and go back to reunite with you. Don't worry about me. I'm all right. And I love youLooking at the video, Jian Haixi smiles and swallows the crystal in her eyes. She silently responds: "I love you, too."


Mo family.

The next morning, Ning Jiwei got up. He remembered that today was the children's birthday. Although he had recorded the film in advance and handed it to Jian Chenran, he still wanted to fly to his family with wings.

When Yue Feng knocked on the door and came in, he saw Ning Jiwei sitting on the sofa with his mobile phone. Although he didn't see what he was looking at, he could guess from his missing expression and the page that didn't slide for a long time that he missed his children.

Thinking of Mo Wanshan, Yue Feng proposed with a smile: "if you miss miss miss, you can send someone to pick her up."

"No more." Ning Jiwei closed his cell phone, looked at Yue Feng and asked, "so early, what's up?"

"Yes." Yue Feng respectfully said: "the master ordered you to meet his family."


"It's the wife and the second young master," Yue Feng explained

Ning Jiwei frowned slightly. He had read the information before and knew that Mo Wanshan married another wife named Jia Minzhi after abandoning Fu Xiang. They also had a 13-year-old son, the second young master Mo Xiuyu.

He did not plan to deal with these people, so he rejected Mo Wanshan's arrangement. "Is this necessary?"

"Master, I know that you have some bad feelings about the past, but since you want to succeed as the head of the family, the first hurdle is the wife and the second master," Yue Feng explained

Ning Jiwei was silent for half a minute and said, "I know. You go out first. I'll be there later."

"Yes." Yue Feng takes orders.

In the room, Ning Jiwei snapped his fingers and said, "shadow."

In the open room, there was no one else except Ning Jiwei, but after he snapped his fingers, a figure flashed out from behind the curtain and knelt down to Ning Jiwei, "master, please command."

"Get up." Ning Jiwei said, "what does uncle say?"

"Back to the master." The man named Ying stood up, bowed his head and said respectfully, "the old master said that since he has given the shadow department to you, the shadow department will only obey the master's command in the future, and there is no need to ask him again."

Ning Jiwei nodded and said: "very good, then you clean up, from today on you will follow me."



The main living room.

Mo Wanshan is sitting in the middle of the sofa, next to a dignified lady. Next to the lady, a young man is slouching in the sofa, playing games with his mobile phone.

In addition to the sound of the game, there was no other sound in the whole living room. As he fell to the ground again, the boy swore and angrily dropped his mobile phone, "Damn, what pig teammate!"

Listening to the boy's words, Mo Wanshan frowned and scolded: "Xiuyu, how do you speak?"

Mo Xiuyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "just talk like this."

"You..." Looking at his son, Mo Wanshan said, "look at you now, do you sit or stand or not, playing games all day and swearing all the time, what's the system?"

Mo Xiuyu hummed coldly: "it's not the first day that I'm like this. Father, do you know it until today?"

"Son of a bitch!" Mo Wanshan was so angry that he patted the table, "who taught you like this?"

"You didn't teach it anyway." Mo Xiuyu didn't flinch back.

"Xiuyu." Jia Minzhi, who had been silent, frowned and said in a cold voice, "don't talk back to your father."

When Jia Minzhi opened his mouth, Mo Xiuyu gave a cold hum, turned his head and stopped talking.

Mo Wanshan said to Jia Minzhi with a black face: "look what you have become accustomed to him?"

Jia Minzhi pulled down the corner of his mouth and said, "master, this is the reason why he is so anxious to find the one out there?"

Mo Wanshan choked on her words and froze without speaking.

Jia Minzhi sneered: "but I don't think the one outside is very good. We've been waiting here for a good time, but he didn't even see a shadow. By contrast, at least Xiuyu is not late, is he?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Mo Xiuyu sneered: "anyway, for my father, I'm a waste. My big brother, who is not masked, is a genius. It's nothing to be late."

"You..." Listening to the mother and son's words, Mo Wanshan was so angry that his eyes turned black.

Just then, Yue Feng came in and said, "master, madam, the young master is here."

Hearing Yue Feng's words, Jia Minzhi's eyes were awe inspiring. Even Mo Xiuyu, who was lazy, sat up straight and looked out the door with curiosity and hostility.

Ning Jiwei strode into the living room, first glanced at Mo Wanshan, then glanced over Jia Minzhi and Mo Xiuyu.

Being swept by Ning Jiwei's sight, Mo Xiuyu feels inexplicably swept by the X-ray, which makes him sit straighter unconsciously.Looking at Ning Jiwei, Mo Wanshan breathed a sigh of relief, but in his mouth, he said in a cold voice: "why is it so late?"

Ning Jiwei frowned slightly, "one, you didn't make an appointment with me. 2、 If you had told me about it in advance, I might not have come here

“……” Mo Wanshan was so angry that he choked. He endured it again and again, but it didn't happen.

He really doubted that his two sons had agreed. Otherwise, how could he be so good at connecting him one by two?

Listening to Ning Jiwei's two words, Mo Wanshan was speechless. Mo Xiuyu couldn't help looking at him more.

For this "brother", Mo Xiuyu had heard some rumors since childhood, and was curious and disgusted, but he didn't expect that he was like this.

Knowing that it was meaningless for him to dwell on the topic of "being late", Mo Wanshan said coldly, "this is your mother and your brother."

Ning Jiwei looked at Jia Minzhi, only slightly nodded and said: "Mrs. mo."

Jia Minzhi pulls the corners of his mouth and looks at Ning Jiwei with a smile. He neither answers nor opposes.

Mo Wanshan sighed and turned to say, "you stay for dinner at noon. Tomorrow, you will go to my home with me and hold a meeting with the owner."

Ning Jiwei nodded in silence, but he had no opinion about this arrangement.

He also hopes to take over the Mo family as soon as possible. Only in this way can he start to arrange many things.

Listening to the meeting, Jia Minzhi frowned and said, "master, I've just found my son. I'm going to hold the meeting. Are you in a hurry?"

Mo Wanshan said, "it's better to be early than late. Anyway, it's all a matter of time."

Jia Minzhi said with a sneer: "it seems that the master of the family is going to go his own way this time. I'm afraid that the second and third will not agree tomorrow."

Ning Jiwei listens to Jia Minzhi's words, and finally finds out why Yue Feng wants to succeed as the head of the family. Jia Minzhi and Mo Xiuyu are the first steps.

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