Mo shengben thought that his people could win Jian Haixi before Ning Jiwei got the news, but it turns out that he underestimated the ability of Gu Chenyi and others, and also underestimated their combat effectiveness.

But Ji Weining was not afraid of him even before.

Because now Ning Jiwei is anxious to want Mo family, how can he do it at this time?

No matter how important women and children are, they are no more attractive than Mo's position.

It is obvious that Ning Jiwei is not a person who plays according to common sense.

Until Ning Jiwei pinches him, Mo Sheng finds that he misjudges the man again.

"Ning, Ning Jiwei..." Mo Sheng throat was tightly shackled, difficult way: "you dare to me, careful of your wife and children's life."

Ning Jiwei sneered: "I'll give it back to you intact. If they lose a hair, I'll let you pay for it."

Mo Sheng stares at Ning Jiwei tightly. He glimpses the figure standing behind him from the corner of his eyes. He says, "you don't dare, unless you don't want to be the head of the Mo family."

Ning Jiwei is too lazy to break with him. For Jian Haixi, time is life.

So Ning Jiwei simply tightened his throat and said, "I'll give you a minute. In a minute, if I don't hear from them that they are safe, you can go to huangquan to water the flowers."


Mo Sheng was stunned. He didn't expect that Ning Jiwei was not fooled by him at all. He didn't intend to negotiate terms with him at all.

Throat has been unable to breathe, Mo Sheng's face turns blue gradually.

Mo Ting, who was standing at the gate, saw this and her face changed slightly. She rushed forward and said, "Ning Jiwei, you are too brave. This Mo family is not so lawless as you can be!"


Yue Feng had already stopped Mo Ting when she was near.

"Yuefeng, how dare you stop me?"

Mo Ting stares at Yue Feng angrily, "don't think that you really take yourself seriously when you are with big brother. This is Mo's family. You are just a slave of Mo's family. Make your position clear."

Hearing the word "slave", Yue Feng's eyes flashed with anger, but he soon calmed down. He stood firmly in front of Mo ting and said, "I'm under the command of my master to help the young master. Please don't interfere in this matter."

Mo Ting sneered and said, "what if I have to step in?"

Yue Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. He waved to the people beside him and said, "don't blame me for being rude."

Words fall, immediately four or five people come forward, Mo ting and her side of the man tightly surrounded.

"Yue Feng, you..." Mo Ting can't believe looking at the people around her, gnashing her teeth: "Yue Feng, you dare to move me to try."

Yue Feng respectfully said: "I dare not, but if you really want to be passive, you can try."

"You..." Mo Ting was so angry that she turned blue, but looking at the people around her, she still didn't dare to rush forward.

In the Mo family, there is no such thing as brother and sister affection.

The reason why Mo Ting came to the theatre and wanted to help Mo Sheng was that she didn't want Mo Wanshan and Ning Jiwei to gain power.

On the other side, Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Sheng and said, "you still have half a minute."

Mo Sheng took his cell phone in one hand and dialed his subordinates in Iceland.

At the same time, behind Ning Jiwei, one of Mo Wanshan's people suddenly pounced on Ning Jiwei.

Looking at the figure, Mo Sheng's eyes showed his ambition.

In vain, if he exposed an insider, he would not believe it and could not control Ning Jiwei.

No matter Ning Jiwei or those people in Iceland, he will win today!

Sooner or later, Ning Jiwei suddenly flashed a gray shadow behind him, blocking the people who came.

Ning Jiwei said with a cold smile: "shadow, don't let him die."

"Yes." The man named Ying answered, pulled the man and put him on the ground.

"It seems that you don't want to live." Ning Jiwei stares at Mo Shengdao.

Mo Sheng a stiff, did not expect that Ning Jiwei was still with people.

This time, Ji Weining really doubts his ability.

Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes, pinched Mo Sheng's neck and gradually increased his strength.

"I, I call!" Mo Sheng is busy.



Jian Haixi followed Dou Ge into the mountain forest, and soon a large number of people came after him.

Jianhaixi worried asked: "how can they all come after?"

"Just in time." Dou Ge sneered: "I just wanted my brothers to go first, otherwise it would be too unworthy to expose our fighting power for this time."

"I know what you think, but what shall we do now?" Jian Haixi said with a bitter smile, "I don't want to drag you down, but I'm sorry that my fighting capacity is really limited.""I didn't mean to let you fight." Dou Ge see jianhaixi also distressed how to help him, can't help but smile, pull her around the mountains, hiding in a hole.

"I've come here to check it before. The hole is very secret. It should be left by the hunter." Dou Ge said as he picked up some hay branches and spread them at the entrance of the cave and said, "hide here. No matter what you hear, don't come out until I come to you."

Jian Haixi was stunned. Looking at Dou Ge who had jumped out of the cave and was ready to leave, she bit her lip and asked, "I know that I will only drag my feet if I follow you. I also believe in your ability, but there are so many of them Dou Ge, please promise me that you will come back to me, OK

"Good." Dou Ge laughed, bent down and reached out, gently rubbed Jian Haixi's hair and said, "I promise you."

As the footstep approached, the tip of Dou GE's ear moved and left the cave with a sneer.

Jianhaixi hid in the cave. The dead leaves on her head covered the light. She could only hear the rustling footsteps passing by and chasing Dou Ge.


Jian Haixi leans against the earth wall, hands together, praying devoutly, hoping that Dou Ge will be safe.

As time went by, Jian Haixi was almost staring at the stopwatch and counting how long it would be from the agreed 20 minutes.

Every second was like a century to her.

There's no news from his son or daughter, and Mike has become a bait. Now Dou Ge is in danger again.

And the only thing she can do now is pray for them.

What else can I do for you?

Jian Haixi's brain is turning rapidly. Of course, she wants to contact Ning Jiwei.

But for one thing, Ning Jiwei's situation is not good. For another thing, far water can't save the near fire. Besides making him worry, it doesn't help much.

Before she could find a way, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

As soon as the bell rang, Jian Haixi felt nervous.

She forgot to mute!

At this moment, outside the cave, one of the pursuers of Dou Ge suddenly stops and looks at the position of Jian Haixi.

"What's the matter?" Asked the companion.

"I seem to hear a voice." The man said, "you go first. I'll go and have a look."

With that, he turned and walked in the direction of jianhaixi.

In the cave, Jian Haixi quickly hung up the phone, pressed the mute button, then took out Dou GE's bone fan for himself and looked at his head nervously.

Creak ~

although it is very slight, jianhaixi still hears the sound of stepping on the dead branch.

If someone found her!

At this moment, Jian Haixi's breathing tension to the extreme, holding a bone fan hand can not stop shaking.

No matter how calm and brave she was, she had never seen real cruelty.

The withered grass on the top of the head has been lifted.

Jianhaixi has been able to vaguely see the figure standing outside.

"Oh, I'm hiding here."

A strange male voice came, jianhaixi nervous swallow mouth saliva, holding the hand of bone fan has pressed the button.


Just as Jian Haixi wanted to press the button, he suddenly heard a loud noise, and the fuzzy figure outside suddenly fell to the ground.

Jian Haixi was stunned. The next second she saw Jian Chenran pulling away the dead leaves and looking at her nervously, "Haixi, how are you?"

Jian Haixi shook her head and said with red eyes, "I'm ok, brother. Why are you here?"

Jian Chenran stretched out her hand and pulled jianhaixi out, saying: "when I returned, I saw that the villa was in ruins. It was the driver who found the footprints that brought me here."

"And the driver?" Asked jianhaixi.

"I've gone to help Dogo." Jane Chenran said, "don't worry. Now let's hide. It's not safe here."

Jane nodded to another place to hide.

Jane Chen Ran asked in a low voice, "are the children arranged?"

"Well." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "it has been arranged. Now there is no news. It should be safe."

"That's good. Fortunately, we found it early, otherwise it would be dangerous this time."

Jian Haixi is also palpitating, "brother, you have to thank Xiaodou. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't go back to China today, and you wouldn't meet those people. We can't prepare ahead of time."

Jane Chen Ran said with a smile: "yes, after you are safe, I will go back home to accompany Xiaodou."

Thinking that she could be with her lover's children right away, Jane Chenran was very excited.

Jian Haixi is also happy for him.

At this time, they didn't know that the danger originated from the Lin family.

Jian Haixi stares at the countdown on the mobile phone screen and looks at Dou GE's direction. He turns to Jian Chenran and says, "brother, there are still two minutes left. Shall we go to help?"Jane Chen Ran looked at her and said, "just go, brother. You wait here."

"I'm going too." Jian Haixi said, "I have the bone fan that Dou Ge gave me. It will be OK."

Jane Chen Ran thought about it, nodded and took her to Dou Ge.

"Ha, you said you couldn't find anyone, so you came here by yourself."

See jianchenran and jianhaixi appear, besieging Dou GE people instantly toward two people rushed in the past.

Dou Ge saw this, eyes a Lin, hand action is more fierce.

Jianhaixi and jianchenran don't dare to neglect. They are different from Dou Ge, but now they are back-to-back and can block one or two.

After much less pressure, Dou GE's fighting power suddenly became more apparent, and the enemies around him fell one by one.

Just as Jian Haixi was relieved, she was suddenly resisted behind her.

The leader sneered, "stop it, or her life will be gone."

"Haixi!" Jane was shocked and stopped immediately.

Dou Ge and the driver also quickly stopped, at the moment two people have different degrees of injury.

The leader looked at the compromise with satisfaction, directed the people around him to take all the weapons of Dou Ge and the driver, and said with pride: "now, hold my head in both hands and kneel down!"

"Presumptuous!" The driver's face changed and yelled.

How can they kneel down to such people?

The leader gave a cold smile, clasped jianhaixi's throat with his big hand and said, "I think you are presumptuous."

"You..." As soon as the driver froze, his face turned ugly.

Dou Ge looks at Jian Haixi and bends his knee without saying a word.

"Young master!" The driver's eyes were red.

Although they agreed to cooperate with each other, they could not be humiliated but killed. This kind of humiliating thing should never be done.

Jian Haixi looked at Dou Ge, in addition to shock or shock.

To tell the truth, if in front of Ning Jiwei or other people, she would not be surprised.

But dougo Although they have been together for some time, Jian Haixi doesn't think he has the obligation to do so for himself.

"Ha." Dou Ge, the leader of the group, bent his knees and prepared to kneel down. With a smile, he said, "what about the little master of the Dou family

Now that he knows the identity of Dou Ge, he can report such important information to Mo Sheng.

Jane had clenched her hand on the side of the sea fan.

Just then, the leader's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He also looked down upon Jian Haixi, but he was so careless that he answered the phone.

At the moment when he got through the phone, Jian Haixi clasped his arm with both hands and twisted it with all her strength, and instantly broke away from his arms.

At the same time, Dou Ge quickly pounced on him. Before he could react, he clasped and broke his hands, and the man immediately lost his fighting power.

The driver and Jane Chen Ran were not idle. There were not many people who were still standing. At the moment, they were fighting against each other. Naturally, they couldn't resist.

Less than half a minute, the other party's men and horses have all fallen to the ground.

"Hello, do you hear me?"

The leader's mobile phone was still ringing. Jian Haixi squinted and stepped on the high-heeled shoes, which directly crushed the mobile phone.

Dou Ge turned to look at the driver and Jian Chenran and said, "clean up the scene, don't leave our traces."

When the driver and Jian Chenran went to take care of the surroundings, Dou Ge turned to Jian Haixi and said, "didn't I ask you to hide? Why come out? "

"I..." Jian Haixi was staring at him, subconsciously shrunk his shoulder and said: "I calculate that there are only two minutes left, and you are injured again, so..."

"I said you just had to believe me." Dou Ge clasped Jian Haixi's shoulder and asked, "or don't you believe me?"

Rao is Jian Haixi again careless, this time also aware of Dou Ge eyes strange look.

She was embarrassed to avoid the next line of sight, dry smile two ways: "no don't believe you, just worry about it."

Dou Ge Zheng next, stare at her double eyes way: "do you worry about me?"

"Of course, I'm worried to see you all hurt." Jian Haixi said, turned to the driver and asked, "are you ok?"

"Nothing." The driver looked at Dou Ge and shook his head.

Dou GE's eyes changed slightly, but he said nothing more.

After checking the woods, Jian Haixi has time to call Gu Chenyi back.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gu Chenyi's worried voice came out, "Haixi, how are you?"

"I'm fine." "How do you know we had an accident?" asked Jian Haixi

"It's all..."

Gu Chen Yi words didn't finish, the voice suddenly cut off, and then Yunling took the phone and said: "Haixi, you're OK, Chenran? Is he back? "

"My brother is next to me. When something happens, he will go back soon." Jianhaixi road."Well, that's good." Yun Ling said briefly: "you should give Ji Wei peace. He should have taken some actions."

"Does Jiwei know about it?" Jian Haixi frowned and said, "why do you all know?"

It is said that this incident happened so suddenly, even they were alert only after Jian Chenran and the driver accidentally found each other's people, but now even Gu Chenyi and Ning Jiwei know it.

Jane Haixi is sensitive to find out what else she doesn't know.

But Yunling didn't say much, only told Jane Chenran to return home as soon as possible and then hung up.

"It's strange..." Jian Haixi frowned at Dou Ge and Jian Chenran and said, "it's so sudden that even we are unprepared, but now how can everyone know?"

"Yes, where do they know that?" Jane Chen Ran is also puzzled: "from the accident to now, we did not care to call."

One side of the Dou Ge listen to two people's words, eyes a Lin, but didn't say much.

After coming out of the woods, the three went to the airport together. Jian Chenran returned to take care of Lin Xiaodou, while Jian Haixi and Dou Ge went to Jiangnan.

On the way, Jian Haixi called Ning Jiwei.


Mo family.

Mo Sheng is on the phone, but unexpectedly, the line is suddenly cut off before he has finished.

Mo Sheng's mouth twitched.

Early continuous line, late continuous line, partial pick at this time, this is to his death?

Ning Jiwei noticed the difference and his eyes changed slightly.

Soon, his cell phone rang.

Ning Jiwei picked up, and Jian Haixi's voice came from the opposite, "Jiwei..."

Hearing this voice again, Ning Jiwei only feels that the piece lost in his heart seems to have fallen back to the original place, and finally he can breathe freely again.

"Jiwei, are you listening?" Didn't hear Ning Jiwei's voice, Jian Haixi asked suspiciously.

"Well." Ning Jiwei uttered a voice, slightly choking, "are you ok?"

"I'm fine. We're all fine." Jian Haixi recognized the fear in his voice and gently comforted him: "don't worry, we are all fine."

"That's good." Ning Jiwei took a deep breath and said, "I still have something to deal with here. Can I talk to you later?"

"Well, you'll be busy first."

After receiving the call, Ning Jiwei looks at Mo Sheng and slowly releases his hand.

After his palm left his throat, Mo Sheng was relieved.

He didn't feel like he had survived for so many years.

Mingming is in his territory, and everything is under his control, but he didn't expect to make a mistake at the last moment.

Ning Jiwei looked at him and said, "this time, I'll let you go. Next time, I'll make your life worse than death."

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