"President, what can I do for you?" Emma came in and asked respectfully.

Ning Jiwei said: "what happened to the task I arranged for you the day before yesterday? Has the design department handed in the manuscript yet? "

Emma said, "yes, but It's not up to your standard. "

Ning Jiwei frowned and said, "bring me the manuscript and I'll have a look."

"Yes." Emma nodded and quickly turned back with the manuscript. "Now there are fewer people in the design department. There are only ten designers in total. This time, we have handed in seven manuscripts, but it's very difficult to complete them in such a short time."

Ning Jiwei roughly turned over the design draft, then said with a heavy face: "it's not a matter of time, but they didn't really do it."

Emma looked at him, bowed her head and said nothing.

Ning Jiwei looked at her and said, "if you have any opinions, just say it."

Emma thought about it and said, "president, I know you are eager to make achievements, but with all due respect, don't lose There are too many problems. It's not easy to improve in a month. "

Ning Jiwei slightly picked eyebrows, looked at Emma and said, "what do you think is the problem of Mo negative?"

Emma Leng next, don't know why Bai Ning Ji Wei has this one to ask.

Ning Jiwei said with a confident radian: "in a month, I will be able to bring Mo negative back to life, but I need your help. Since it has been rotten for so many years and you have not abandoned it, you should not abandon it now. "

Listen to Ning Jiwei's words, Emma is surprised and happy, "president, can you really make Mo negative come back from the dead?"

"Just try and see." Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "in recent days, I have carefully read the information of Mo negative in recent years, and have some understanding of the situation of the company, but I don't know as much as your old employee, so I hope you can tell me your opinion."

"No problem. I'll tell you what I know." Emma immediately nodded excitedly.

Ning Jiwei pointed to the chair beside him with a smile and said, "please sit down."

Emma sat down with a deep breath and said, "in fact, I have mentioned the problem of Mo negative with the Mo family leader more than once, but he has too many scruples and is always unwilling to do it boldly, so Mo negative can only get worse and worse. In the final analysis, there are only three problems: capital, channels and talents. "

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "let's talk about it in detail."

Emma said: "in terms of capital, in recent years, Mo Yin's financing has become less and less. Because of our own poor business, coupled with the obstruction of interested people, there are fewer and fewer businesses and banks willing to cooperate with us. Most of the talents in the company have been poached, and the rest are old people. However, there are few people who sincerely work here, and many people who depend on the old and sell the old. In the long run, there will be a vicious circle. "

Ning Jiwei thought for a moment and nodded: "it's similar to what I expected, but I still overestimated the current situation inside the company. There is no need to worry about funds and partners. The key now is talent. At any time, if the economy wants to develop, it can't do without talent. "

Emma said, "I don't want to be praised by many people now."

Ning Jiwei pondered for a moment and said, "what if we select talents by means of national competitions?"

Emma was stunned and looked at Ning Jiwei strangely, "president, do you mean But in that case, we need to have enough prizes. Let's not lose now... "

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it." Ning Jiwei said: "you are going to draw up a competition announcement now. The world-wide fashion designer competition will be held. The first place will get ten years of personal creation funds and the promotion and cooperation services of the exclusive stores. Second and third place, within ten, designers who are willing to cooperate with Mo can get our greatest support and promotion. "

After hearing this, Emma got up and said, "it's the president. This is my advertising plan."

After talking with Emma, Ning Jiwei calls Li Fu and asks him to transfer out all available working capital of maiteng to support Mo's turnover.

After Gu Chenyi hangs up, he calls again.

After listening to his words, Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "it's easy to say, whether it's the friendship between us or the love between Haixi and me, I can't help, but..."

After a pause, Gu Chenyi said, "let's talk about it first. If you mention it to me in the name of your friends and brothers, I'll give you the money without any charge. But if you talk to me in the name of your partner, I'll talk about the terms."

"Of course." Ning Jiwei said: "I can't let you do business at a loss. I'll give you 30% of the profit share or the capital interest. How about that?"

"So generous?" Gu Chenyi is surprised. He knows that Ning Jiwei has money in his hand. Apart from maiteng and Huiyi, plus other zero and zero, it's definitely no less than 70%. But if he is willing to give himself 30%, it means that Gu's club is the biggest shareholder in this competition besides Ning Jiwei.

Thinking of this, Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "you are so generous. It seems that I don't have much bleeding this time. I can't say it."Ning Jiwei said, "you just know."

"Tut tut." Gu Chenyi shook his head speechless and said, "it's really crafty."

"So don't you think about it?" Ji Weining said with a smile

"I see." Gu Chenyi has no good way: "won't delay your progress."

hung up the phone, Gu Chen Yi could not help but make complaints about the cloud. "Look at this man, he put me in 32 sentences."

Yunling said with a smile, "are you sure you're not stupid?"

Gu Chenyi rolled a white eye way: "have so say oneself person of."

Yunling said with a smile, "but it's OK. We just need to follow Ji Wei's business. He will never let us suffer."

"That's good." Gu Chenyi spread out his hand and said, "well, we can spare the next projects. Such a big game, we can not lose the model

Cloud Ling lips a hook way: "rest assured, I have a hunch, this competition will be unprecedented sensation."

Ning Jiwei, after talking with Gu Chenyi, is trying to contact Jian Yi. Before dialing the phone, Jian Yi calls him first.

Looking at his son's safety, Ning Jiwei was relieved and asked with a smile, "Yi Yi, is everything ok?"

"Well." Jian Yi nodded and said, "the environment in Xiangcheng is good. I'm used to living there."

In a word, Ning Jiwei was frozen there for a while, and didn't know what to do.

After a long time, he found his voice, "son, where do you say you are?"

"Xiangcheng." Jian Yi picked up her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Daddy, I'm only a few blocks away from you. You can come and have tea when you're free ~"

Ning Jiwei immediately stood up and gritted his teeth and said, "send me the address."

Then he hung up the phone, took the key to the car and went out.

Emma saw that he left in a hurry, so she ran up to him and asked, "president, are you in a hurry? I'm almost ready for the competition advertisement... "

"Send me email, I'll come back in the afternoon." Ning Jiwei said that, without waiting for Emma to ask again, he had already left the company.

Looking at the phone, Jian Yi shrugs at Qin Zhixu and Mo Tong and says, "my daddy is coming."

Qin Zhixu glanced at him and said, "didn't you let him come?"

Jian Yi said innocently, "how can I know that my father is so upset that I still want to talk to him on the phone. Who knows that he will hang up before he finishes speaking."

Qin Zhi Xu speechless, "please, I'm anxious if I'm your father. Well, my son didn't go far and didn't say it, and he got to the enemy's nest. Which father can be calm?"

Jian Yi looked at him and said, "apprentice, don't think about it. You can only be my apprentice in your life. You can't be my father."

"Bang ~" Qin Zhixu refused and said, "give it to me. I don't want to be. With you and Ruirui, I can't be exhausted."

"Is it?" Jian Yi said, "I thought you wanted to be my stepfather."

"Poof ~" Dou Ming, who was drinking water, suddenly spat out his water. He looked at Qin Zhixu in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a history!"

"Go, what history, listen to his bullshit." Qin Zhixu awkwardly changed the topic and said, "Jane Yi, don't say I didn't remind you. After your father arrives, you can think about how to tell him."

"Cough." Mo Tong looks at Jian Yi and says, "Yi Yi, why don't I dodge for a while?"

"Why?" Asked Jian Yi.

"Because..." Mo Tong looks at Jian Yi and says, "because I think uncle Ning might be very angry, so..."

"So you want to run first?" Jane Yi gave him a white look and said, "Mo Tong, why didn't I find you such a thief before?"

Mo Tong said with a righteous face: "it's not a thief, it's a hero who knows current affairs."

Jian Yi is so choked that she doesn't know how to speak.

Qin Zhixu and Dou Ming are happy to see the play.

The four were thinking about what to say when Ning Jiwei came over for a while. Before they could think of a reason, they heard the door outside banging.

Listening to the knock on the door outside, Dou Ming shrunk his shoulders. "Jian Yi, how about I'll avoid it, too? "

"You dare." Jian Yi stares at the three and says, "no one is allowed to leave. Open the door, apprentice."

Qin Zhixu accepted his fate and went out.

As soon as the door opened, Ning Jiwei stood outside with a black face.

"I don't know," he said

Ning Jiwei ran into the room without looking at him.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Jian Yi sees Ning Jiwei come in and says with a smile, "Daddy, Yi Yi misses you so much."

Ning Jiwei mouth slightly smoke, came forward to rub his hair and said: "don't learn that set of pistils, it's useless."

Jian Yi said wrongly, "Daddy, it's too obvious that you are biased."Ning Jiwei said: "do you know today?"

Jane Yi sighed and said, "well, it seems that I can only do it another way."

Ning Jiwei picked his eyebrows, sat down on the sofa and said, "if you have any other moves, just let them out, so that I won't move my hand for a while. You'll feel embarrassed."

As soon as Jian Yi draws her mouth, she waves to Mo Tong and says, "Mo Tong, come here."

Mo Tong came to Ning Jiwei and said, "Uncle Ning, that Actually, I want to come back, so... "

Before he finished speaking, Jian Yi couldn't help interrupting him and said, "I don't believe this bad excuse, OK."

Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "OK, talk about it."

Qin Zhixu said, "it's actually Haixi's idea."

"Haixi?" Ning Jiwei was surprised. He thought it was Jian Yi's own opinion.

Jian Yi said, "Mommy said that our group of people have too big a goal together. It's better to act separately so that if anyone else has an accident, everyone won't be in a hurry."

"I agree with that." Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "but why are you here?"

Jian Yi said, "it's also mommy's idea. If you have any questions, daddy, why don't I call mommy and ask her in person?"

Ning Jiwei a stiff, in the end or counselled, dry cough two voice: "call even, I'll talk to your mommy later."

Qin and others secretly smile at him.

"Cough." Ning Jiwei covered his lips with his hand and changed the topic abruptly: "are you the only people here? Is the security system ready? What's next? "

Although it is clear that Ning Jiwei is changing the topic, people do not expose him.

Most of the people in the courtyard are from the same family. The defense system is ready. The next plan depends on how you arrange it, daddy. "

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "there's no big deal at present. You can find an opportunity to trip Mo Sheng, but don't expose it."

"That's what we mean." Qin Zhi said with a smile, "are you really father and son? Yi Yi just mentioned this idea before you came here. "

Ning Jiwei said with a proud smile: "tiger father naturally has no dog son."

Jian Yi also asked with a smile, "Daddy, what can I do for you?"

"There's no big deal, but there's really something you and Zhixu need to help with at present." Ning Jiwei said: "I accepted a clothing company and wanted to bring it back to life within a month..."

After finishing the story, Ning Jiwei looked at Qin Zhixu and Jian Yi and said, "in short, I need your money."

Qin Zhi and Xu Dafang waved his hand and said, "it's no problem. I'll contact Yaru right away and ask her how much money she can transfer to you. In addition, if you need e-commerce channels in the future, I can help you."

"Thank you very much." Ningjiwei road.

"It's all small things." Qin Zhixu is indifferent to Tao.

Jian Yi thinks about it and says, "Daddy, Huiyi is rich, but it's not easy to expose. After all, the composition of Huiyi's staff is complicated. If someone finds out Luo Er and Dou Ming, they're not good. So I'll give you the money in my personal name."

"Well, I think so, too." Ningjiwei road.

After all, now the Dou family is still a trump card in their hands, it is not appropriate to expose their strength too early.

After staying at Jian Yi's residence for a long time, Ning Jiwei helps to check their defense system again. After confirming that the surrounding area is absolutely safe, he returns to the company with ease.

On that day, the long quiet city of Hunan suddenly became lively.

The reason is because a sunset industry Mo negative clothing company issued an advertisement to organize a clothing competition.

If in the past, we will laugh at Mo negative, but this time is different, because the advertisement not only marked the sky high price bonus and attractive sales channels, but also each participant.

From maiteng to Gu, and then to Ru, everyone is a big company with a name. In addition, Catherine, a world-famous designer, serves as the judge.

You know, it's not difficult to get funds and sales channels. After all, we all know Ning Jiwei's background.

But it's not just money and influence that can find Catherine to be a judge.

She was once invited as a judge in a world-class fashion competition, but she refused.

What's more surprising is that it takes a few days to publicize such a contest advertisement. However, as soon as the advertisement appears, it occupies the front page of all the headlines. It's only half a day for it to be widely known.

Looking at the content of the contest on the hot search with satisfaction, Dou Ming said to Jian Yi with a smile: "with us, it's hard to think about this contest without fire."

Jian Yi smiles and doesn't speak.

Because of this sudden appearance of the competition advertisement, there are also several other big families in Xiangcheng.

Song family.

Looking up at Song Liangjiu's son, he asked, "how do you frown?"Song Wei said with a smile: "what do you think? Dad, you don't know. Our family has been in the same boat with Mo Sheng for a long time. Now it's impossible to get off the boat again. The only way is to let other people's boat overturn thoroughly so that we can stand more firmly."

Then Song Wei looked at his elegant and mature sister, song Lu, and said, "Lulu, don't you study fashion design? It's just useful."

"Me?" Song Lu frowned and said, "brother, I'm just a three legged cat. Even if I take part in this kind of competition, I can't win."

"Who said you were allowed to take your own things to the competition?" Song Wei said, "as long as you are present, I'll do the rest."

"Weir, you mean..." Song Mu hesitated: "will Kening Jiwei notice?"

Song Wei looked at Song Lu with a different meaning and said, "with a beauty like my sister in front of him, even if he detects it, what's the matter? Do you have the heart to hurt the beauty? "

Smell speech, song Lu proud straight back way: "Dad, you don't worry, I must that Ning Jiwei bow in front of me."

"Ha ha." Song Mu said with a laugh: "that father is waiting to see my baby daughter's strength."

Children's home.

Tong Chaoyang is looking at the competition advertisement for his wife Zhao Yi, "what do you think?"

Zhao Yi said with satisfaction: "whether it's from the information or from the Mo family, Ning Jiwei seems to be a talented person. I don't have any opinion about giving him sixu, but I don't know how to say it."

After a pause, Zhao Yi worried: "also, I heard that Ning Jiwei once had a deep love for a woman. I don't know now..."

Tong Chaoyang said: "no matter how deep the feeling is, it's a thing before. As long as I'm satisfied, I think this marriage can be accomplished."

Thinking of becoming in laws with the future Mo family leader, Tong Chaoyang said with a smile: "madam, as long as we get married like this, Xiangcheng will be our world in the future."

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