After discussing with Luo Er, Jian Haixi finds Dou Ge and tells him his plan.

Dou Ge nodded and said, "I have no problem. I'm just worried about your safety."

"It's OK. The sun family doesn't know me." Jian Haixi said with a smile, "luo'er has already helped me with my identity information. Even if the sun family wants to find out the problems, it will take time. When they find out, we are finished."

"It's best, but just in case." Dou Ge thought about it and said, "well, I'll arrange people to stay around your house. If there's something, you can know it at the first time."

"Well, I'll trouble you." Jian Haixi said with a smile.

Dou Ge looked at her and said, "you don't have to be so polite to me. It's my responsibility to protect you, and it's also me What you want to do. "

Jianhaixi Leng next, opened mouth, don't know how to answer this words, had to embarrassed smile.

Fortunately, Dou Ge didn't force Jian Haixi to respond. He just went out to prepare after saying his words.

Looking at his figure, Jian Haixi sighed and rubbed his eyebrows.

When I was young, I always felt that it was a very happy thing to be liked. But when I grew up, I knew that only when I was liked by the person I liked was happiness. Otherwise, the unresponsive feelings would only make me and the other party feel tired.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?" Jianrui's small head came out from behind Jianhai River, and she opened her eyes and said, "old sighs will grow old. Mommy, don't sigh."

Looking at her clever and sensible daughter, Jian Haixi smiles happily, reaches for her cerebellar pouch and says, "thank you, baby. Mommy is OK."

Jianrui hugged jianhaixi's thigh and said, "Mommy, we are separated by a big river with my brother. Can we go to my brother's house by boat in the future?"

"Puchi ~" Jian Haixi was amused by her daughter's words. She bent down and held her in her arms and said, "little girl, just arrived here, you want to visit your brother. Do you still want to visit daddy's new home by the way?"

Jianrui spits out her tongue mischievously and says: "people have this idea, but they can't say it all at once. Only step by step can they let mommy accept it a little bit."

Jian Haixi looked at Gu Ling's daughter in surprise and asked curiously, "do you know all this? What did your brother teach you? "

"No Jianrui shook her head and said, "my brother disdains to study these. I learned them by reading."

Jane Haixi wondered, "what book do you read? Why doesn't mommy know?"

"On my cell phone." Jianrui hugged jianhaixi's neck and said, "Mommy, you all work so hard. Ruirui also wants to help, but Ruirui is not as smart as her brother and Mo Tong. She can do too little, so she can only learn some temporarily."

Listening to her daughter's words, a warm current rises in jianhaixi's heart. She hugs her daughter and coaxes: "Ruirui, just do what she likes."

"Taking care of mummy and helping mummy is what Ruirui likes to do." Jane said.

"It's nice, baby." Jane Haixi hugged her daughter and said for a long time, "baby, if Mommy is going to leave for a few days, can you take care of yourself?"

"Leave?" Jianrui was stunned. She looked up at jianhaixi and said, "where is Mommy going? Looking for daddy and brother? "

"No "It's going to help sister Luo Er's house for a few days," she said

"Oh." Jianrui suddenly realized, nodded: "is to help sister Luo Er."

"Yes." Jian Haixi educated her daughter and said, "sister Luo and uncle Luo have helped us so much. Now they are in trouble. Shall we help them as well?"

Jianruidu hugged jianhaixi's neck with her lips and said, "Ruirui knows, but How long is Mommy going? Ruirui will be scared by herself. "

Jane Haixi fondly stroked her daughter's cheek and said, "you won't be left alone. Sister lol will come to play with you, and uncle Dou Ge is here."

Jianrui wrinkled her face and said, "Ruirui knows she shouldn't stop mummy, so mummy, just It's just that mommy has to follow Ruirui's video every day, otherwise Ruirui will miss you very much. "

Looking at her daughter's slightly red eyes, Jian Haixi hugged her tightly and promised, "Mommy promises that she will send videos with her baby every night, help her sister Luoer's work early, and then come back to hold my baby, OK?"

"Yes, yes." Jianrui choked and nodded. At the thought of separating from mummy, she hugged jianhaixi's neck tightly and was reluctant to let go.

All day long, jianhaixi was with her daughter, until she was put to sleep at night, jianhaixi was relieved.

The next morning, Raul's.

As expected, Hao Li and sun Yao came back early. This time, they brought several pots of flowers instead of fruits.

While directing the servants to help put the flowerpots around the living room, Hao Li said to sun Yuqin and Luo Er with a smile, "sister, I said that the arrangement here is too monotonous. After I went back to discuss with a ping yesterday, he sent people to transport these expensive flowerpots from all over the country overnight, and put them in the living room. On the one hand, they can be used as decorations, and on the other hand, you can also look at your mood Better. "Sun Yuqin frowned at the flowers and said coldly, "I just want to see the flowers in the garden. Why bother?"

"Of course it's different." Holly said with a smile, "only when you are near can you see it at any time."

"That's right, auntie. It's heavy when we move here. You must take it." Sun Yao said.

Sun Yuqin showed an impatient look, but he didn't know how to refuse for a moment, so he could only watch those people put the flowers on the balcony and stairs of the living room.

Paying attention to sun Yuqin's look, Hao Li's mother and daughter smile successfully.

As long as they don't care about the Yuqin, they can send them in.

Seeing that the bouquet was finished, Holly said with a smile, "OK, sister, what do you think of it? Do you think the living room is much brighter? "

Sun Yuqin frowned. She didn't feel whether it was bright or not. She just felt that the red and flamboyant bouquets were very incompatible with her living room.

But she is not good at dealing with this kind of thing, especially thinking that it is about Luo Meng and sun's family, and Sun Ping can't notice it now, so she doesn't know how to refuse.


Just when sun Yuqin was worried about what to do, a sneeze suddenly came from upstairs. Luo Er covered her nose and said, "what's the smell? It's so choking."

Hao Li looked at Luo Er who came down from the upstairs and said with a smile, "Luo Er, this is the flower that your uncle and I specially sent to your family. Do you like it?"

"What is this?" Luo Er looked at those vulgar colors and said frankly, "it's so ugly. Who let you move in?"

Hao Li's face was stiff, and Luo Er's rude words made her not know how to answer.

Sun Yao said: "Luo Er, how do you talk? My mother is your elder. It's also a good intention for us to send flowers here. What's your attitude? "

"What's wrong with my attitude?" Lol sneered, "I beg you to come? To ask you to send me flowers? I don't know what you're thinking about delivering flowers in broad daylight. "

"You..." Sun Yao was so angry that she almost couldn't help fighting with her.

Jane Haixi smiles and grabs Luo Er and says, "Luo Er, you can't be rude. The visitors are guests. How can you talk to others like this?"

Luo Er haughtily snorted a way: "but cousin, people don't like flowers."

"Sister?" Sun Yao frowned at Jian Haixi, who appeared abruptly, and asked, "who is this?"

"Didn't you hear me calling cousin?" Luo Er affectionately hugged Jian Haixi's arm and said with pride, "this is my cousin. It has nothing to do with you."

"Cousin?" Hao Li's eyes narrowed, and then she said to sun Yuqin with a smile, "it's my brother-in-law who has relatives over there."

Sun Yuqin nodded and said, "yes."

Hao Li choked. Seeing that sun Yuqin didn't mean to say more, she turned her head and looked at Jian Haixi with a smile and asked, "what's the name of a pretty girl?"

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Luo Sheng. I'll come here to play with Luo Er for two days during the summer vacation."

"Oh, Luosheng." Holly asked, "go to college. Where do you go to school?"

"I said, aunt, do you have too many questions?" "My cousin is my guest, not the prisoner who needs you to interrogate," said Raul impatiently

"Look what you're talking about." Hao Li's smile became more and more ugly, but she couldn't help but smile and said, "lol, my aunt only cares about you and Luo Sheng, so she will ask more questions. Let's see what you're talking about."

Lol snorted coldly and turned away from her.

Jian Haixi nodded with a smile and said, "thank you for your concern."

"It's still Luo Sheng." Holly said with a smile, "lol, it's not your aunt who said you. You should learn more from your cousin if you have nothing to do. We can't give up the tutoring of the sun family."

"Do you have anything else to do? If you don't mind, just go Raul said in a deep voice, "and I don't like taking all your flowers with me."

Holly's face froze, and her smile could not be stopped.

Jian Haixi turned her eyes slightly, pulled larol's finger secretly, and said with a smile, "I think these flowers are very beautiful. It's really my uncle's and aunt's intention. It's hard for people to move them back."

"That's it." Seeing that Jian Haixi was talking for herself, Hao Li said with a smile, "it's hard to move all the way here, and if we move back again, your uncle will blame us for not doing a good job."

As soon as Luo Er wanted to answer the phone, Jian Haixi grabbed her, turned to Hao Li and said with a smile, "it's right that my aunt has this kind heart, but..."

"Just what?" Sun Yao asked.

Jian Haixi walked down the stairs with a smile, glanced at the decoration around the living room and said: "the layout here was originally elegant and elegant, and the balcony and the windows of the living room just formed a convection, including the door and the stairs. In short, it was a layout with the wind and the water. But aunt, when you put these flowers here, it happens to block the balcony window, so that the wind can't convection. There are also flowers on the stairs, blocking the care of the front door. This... "Hao Li Leng next way: "I just send a flower, where want to get so much."

"Yes, aunt, you are not mean, but other people's eyes don't think so." Jian Haixi always smiles, even his voice is not urgent, his face is not red, "if you know, you will praise my uncle and aunt. You are kind-hearted, thinking of reading my aunt and them. If I don't know, I think... "

"Why Sun Yao frowned and said angrily, "are we still wrong to send flowers with good intentions?"

"Yao Yao." Hao Li stares at Sun Yao, turns her head to Jian Haixi and says, "Luo Sheng, go on."

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "it's wrong. I can't say it. It's just that if someone wants to find fault, I'm afraid they'll say that uncle and aunt's family deliberately continue to give gifts. In fact, they want to destroy the pattern here. Their intentions are not simple."

"Nonsense Sun Yao said angrily, "what's the intention? Doesn't it mean that we want to harm people?"

Jian Haixi laughed but said nothing. She just looked at Hao Li and said, "I just said it from the perspective of onlookers. If it's wrong, please forgive me."

Hao Li frowned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and said, "we have not considered this matter carefully. Since Luo Sheng said that placing these things would destroy the pattern, then Then we'd better move it back, so as not to cause trouble. "

"But, ma..."

Sun Yao wanted to say more. Hao Li glared at her and said, "shut up! I've moved things. "

Luo Er looked at Hao Li's mother and daughter, leading a group of people to move out the bouquet again. She almost couldn't help laughing. "Aunt, cousin, please don't move such heavy things next time, so you won't be tired when you move back."

"Lol, you..." Sun Yao wanted to speak angrily, but Hao Li stopped her and scolded her: "hurry to work!"

Sun Yao gritted her teeth and reluctantly helped to carry the bouquet away.

Wait until outside, sun Yao just can't bear to throw the flowerpot in hand and ask: "Mom, why do we want to move these back?"? Dad said that we should send it in anyway, so that we can monitor it.... "

"Shut up "Can you say that now?" Holly scolded

After a pause, sun Yao said wrongly, "but we are so hard to move here. Why do we have to move back again? Just because of what Luo Sheng said?"

Hao Li said with a heavy face, "we'd rather believe what we have than believe what we don't have. We're here to show us that we're good. If someone catches hold of it in advance, how can we do things in the future?"

"Dad's there..." Thinking of Sun Ping who lost his temper, sun Yao shook subconsciously.

Hao Li sighed and said, "I'll talk about it."

"It's all the fault of that Luo Sheng." Sun Yao is not reconciled to way: "originally all smooth affair, who knows half way to kill out Cheng Yaojin."

"This Luosheng..." Hao Li's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "I'll talk to your father when I go back. Let him check her background."


the first teahouse in Xiangcheng.

Ning Jiwei poured a cup of tea for the lady in front of him and said, "thank you for helping me."

Opposite Ning Jiwei, an old lady with white hair, gold glasses and elegant clothes looked at Ning Jiwei kindly and said, "your mother Fu Xiang and I are intimate friends who forget their years. Later she retired. I'm sorry that I can't discuss the artistic charm of fashion design with her any more. Now that you have found me for the company Fu Xiang left behind, I will certainly help you without hesitation. "

"I don't know what to say, except thank you, thank you." Ning Jiwei's sincere way.

Catherine said with a smile: "I know you are a businessman. Businessmen are very profitable, but if you really want to thank me, please promise me that this competition must be fair and just. I hope to find the best designer."

"Of course." Ning Jiwei raised his teacup and touched Katherine's next cup and said, "this is my promise to you."

Looking at Catherine and Ji Ning's lips, they look like three corners.

After chatting with Catherine and taking her to the hotel in person, Ning Jiwei drives back to Mo's home.

But what he didn't expect was that the Mo family had a play waiting for him.

Almost as soon as his front foot got home, Yue Feng, his back foot, came to him and asked him to come to the living room.

Ning Jiwei asked: "what's the matter?"

Yue Feng said vaguely, "I need you to meet some guests."

"Do you want me to meet you?" Ning Jiwei frowned and said, "which one is coming?"

Mo Wanshan couldn't have asked him to come unless the families in Xiangcheng came.

Yue Feng has long been used to Ning Jiwei's keenness, but now he just says perfunctorily: "yes Children's home. "

"Tongjia..." Ning Jiwei slightly recalled the information about Tong's family, nodded, got up and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

Seeing that he agreed to come down, Yue Feng was relieved and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead quietly.

Ning Jiwei caught a glimpse of his action, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sense of vigilance rose in his heart.Naturally, he could see Yue Feng's concealment, but no matter what, he would go and have a look.

In the living room, Mo is chatting happily with Tong Chaoyang at night, while Zhao Yi occasionally talks with Jia Minzhi.

Mo Wanshan looked at Tong Si, who was quiet and virtuous. He turned to Tong Chaoyang and said, "I didn't expect that you could give birth to such a beautiful girl. Look at how beautiful she is now."

"Ha ha." Tong Chaoyang laughs: "this is my daughter-in-law's credit."

"Of course." Mo Wanshan said: "fortunately, it's like a sister-in-law. If it's like you, it's all over."

Tong Chaoyang waved his hand and said, "what's the matter? Can our family worry about not getting married?"

"It's impossible to get married because of the appearance and knowledge of Sisi." Mo Wanshan pointed out: "I just don't know who can have this blessing!"

Listening to Mo Wanshan's words, Tong Si blushes and smiles.

There was mo Xiuyu sitting on one side, who also didn't speak. He looked at the harmonious scene here sarcastically.

I don't know how Ning Jiwei will accept or resist?

Thinking of the scene that Ning Jiwei was pushing Mo Sheng in the West courtyard, Mo Xiuyu could not help looking forward to the arrival of his "big brother" Ning Jiwei for the first time.

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