At the end of the competition, the host came on stage to announce the result, Qiao Ya was the first, song Lu was the second, and there were top five and winners.

After knowing the result of the competition, everyone was very excited, but the top two, Qiao Ya and song Lu, were obviously not so happy.

Because although the two were ranked one or two, Catherine's score was only five points short.

It also means that in Katherine's opinion, the two are equal. The five points are given to JOYA this time, but it's hard to say who they will give next time.

JOYA was dissatisfied. She had absolute confidence in her ability, so she never doubted whether she would be the first one.

But the five points were like a thorn in her heart, which made her uncomfortable anytime and anywhere.

On the other hand, song Lu is also very dissatisfied. She thought that she was determined to win this competition, but she didn't expect that Qiao Ya also came to participate in the competition.

In the end, you don't know who will be in the final.

Qiao Ya and song Lu stand on both sides of the stage and look at each other at this moment.

Although the competition is over, it is just the beginning for them.

The host seemed to feel the invisible competition between the two people, some moved forward two steps, and said with a smile: "well, today's competition is over, and the next is the final in seven days. I believe that at this time, like me, you are looking forward to the form of the final. Now let's invite Miss Catherine, the judge of the competition, to announce the theme of the final for us. "

In the audience's warm applause, Katherine got up gracefully, took the microphone and said: "thank you very much for Mo Ying's invitation. I not only met many excellent designers, but also made friends with some gifted children. Although some people may not be famous now, they are still pursuing their dream of designers in obscurity, but I believe that heaven is not the only one One day, you will open the door of the world and see the colorful scenery outside. "

After a pause, Katherine continued: "this is also the origin of the theme of this second round competition. For the final, I would like to see a designer go all out. Therefore, after discussing with the person in charge of Mo, I decided not to set the theme. All the contestants can choose your best field to design. I hope all the designs will be successful Every teacher can show his greatest talent. Let's look forward to the grand banquet of the final in seven days

As soon as Catherine's voice fell, there was a burst of applause.

Everyone is excited at this moment. A costume competition without theme is just like a singing competition with optional songs. Singers may choose jazz rock pop songs, or ancient rap songs, or typhoons may be graceful and moving, or they may be enthusiastic and unforgettable.

Everything is unknown, everything is full of adventure.

Seemingly free, in fact, it increases the difficulty of the game.

Qiao Ya and song Lu frowned at the same time, which is not only as simple as designing a suit of clothes, but also to examine the acuity of the designer and the understanding of the audience.

What kind of clothing can arouse the audience's resonance and liking in the shortest time, and what way the opponent will take. These are all factors to be taken into account.

JOYA looked up at Catherine, puzzled, wondering why she was designing such a final.

It was already noon when the audience came out from the venue one after another. Gu Chenyi led Gu Xiaomian, turned to Ning Jiwei and said, "what's the matter, where are you going?"

Ningjiwei did not speak, but turned to look at George.

George said, "what do you think I'm doing? I'm not going with you. "

Ning Jiwei raises eyebrows, "are you sure?"

George just wanted to say "sure". Before he could say anything, he saw Yang Yaru running over and said to Ning Jiwei, "the hotel is reserved and the car is waiting at the door."

Ning Jiwei looked at George in his spare time. Gu Chenyi also said with a smile: "how about brother, are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"What are you talking about?" Yang Yaru asked

"Keke ~" George hastily coughed two times and said, "I didn't say anything. I'm leaving."

"Eh?" Yang Yaru looked at him suspiciously, "are you going to have dinner with us?"

It's so hard to talk about it!

George tripped under his feet, and nearly fell a dog to eat Baba.

Yang Yaru held his arm in time and asked, "are you ok?"

George grinned awkwardly. "No, it's OK."

Jianrui covered her mouth and snickered. Her big eyes kept looking between Yang Yaru and George.

Ning Jiwei looked at Catherine who had just stepped down from the stage and asked, "are you coming with us?"

Catherine waved her hand with a smile and said, "I'm not going to join you in the Party of young people."

Jianrui said sweetly: "grandma, you are not an old woman. You are as beautiful as Ruirui's mother!""Honey, you have such a sweet mouth." Catherine fondly pinched your face and said.

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "I'll send you back first..."

"No, No." "Just let Emma see me off," Katherine said

Emma also nodded: "president, please treat Mr. Qiao and Mr. Gu. I will take good care of Miss Catherine."

Ning Jiwei also does not insist, just nodded: "something to call me."

"All right, don't worry."

Emma sent Catherine to leave, Ning Jiwei and others also intend to leave.

Just a few people haven't had time to move their feet before they heard a voice.


Xiaorui looked at the soft girl and said, "I don't like it."

Gu Xiaomian blinked and asked, "why?"

"Hum ~" Jianrui snorted, "because she wants to be my stepmother."

"Poof!" One side is drinking water, Gu Chenyi heard two people's dialogue, a saliva directly spouted out.

"Dad, why are you so stupid?" Gu Xiaomian frowned and patted Gu Chenyi's back awkwardly. He said, "you always talk about me. Look how old you are. You can't even drink water."

"Go Gu Chenyi pushed Gu Xiaomian's hand away, looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "cough Ji Wei, I didn't expect you to have new peach blossom here? "

Ning Jiwei looked at him and said nothing.

Tong Si walks up to Ning Jiwei and greets George and Yang Yaru with a smile. Then he looks at Gu Chenyi and reaches out his hand with a smile and says, "you are president Gu. I'm Tong Si."

"Oh ~" Gu Chenyi picked his eyebrows, nodded and said with profound meaning: "it's Miss Tong of Tong family."

Tong Si nodded shyly and did not speak.

George raised his eyebrows. "Tong Si, are you going to have dinner with us, too?"

Tong Si was stunned and said with a smile: "as the partner of Mo negative this time, since President Gu is here, of course, I should try my best to be a host."

Ning Jiwei frowned and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but without waiting for him to speak, Gu Chenyi nodded with a smile and said, "well, I've always admired Miss Tong."

George shrugged, but he didn't care, "so go?"


The voice fell, and another voice came.

Listen to this voice, George mouth a draw, Gu Chenyi is ha ha a smile.

This time, Gu Xiaomian frowned, hugged Jianrui's neck and said in her ear, "Ruirui, I don't like this aunt either."

Jianrui nodded clearly and said, "I understand, but she is my uncle George's sister. You can give her some face. Don't make it too ugly."

"Don't worry, I know." Gu Xiaomian took a deep breath, patted his chest and said, "man, I still have this measure."

Listening to the conversation between two villains, Gu Chenyi smiles and shakes his head.

After greeting George and Gu Chenyi, Qiao Ya turns to Ning Jiwei and says, "Hello, President Ning. I'm Qiao Ya and George's sister."

This is Qiao Ya's first meeting. She appears in front of Ning Jiwei as the first designer in the competition, and then spits out her relationship with Qiao's family. No matter the background or talent, Ning Jiwei will definitely be impressed.

But Ning Jiwei's reaction is not the same as what she imagined. He just nodded coldly and said, "Hello, Miss Qiao."

George was speechless. "Gioya, you're not going to have dinner with us, are you?"

Qiao ya a pick eyebrow, is full of proud to stare at him one eye to ask a way: "can't?"

With that, he specially glanced at Yang Yaru, with the meaning of "if you don't let me go, I'll bully your woman.".

"Bang ~" George sneered coldly and waved his hand impatiently, "OK, I'll take you there."

JOYA raised her chin with pride.

"Uncle Ning, can we go now?" Gu Xiaomian asked: "there won't be any more people, will there?"

"I don't think so." Yang Yaru thought about it and shook her head. "It seems that there is no one left."

"That's hard to say." George sneers and pours in one direction. Everyone turns to see the second song Lu coming towards them.

Gu Chenyi forehead black line, discontented stare an eye, rather Ji Wei way: "you this peach blossom also open of too much?" Don't try to open another branch while Haixi is away.

Ning Jiwei gave him a white look, and without saying a word, he picked up Jianrui and went out.

Seeing that he didn't plan to wait for song Lu, Gu Chenyi was satisfied and took his son's hand to follow him.

Song Lu didn't expect that Ning Jiwei and they even went out after seeing her. They didn't mean to wait for her at all. They couldn't help but frown and trot after her with their skirt in their arms.

"Uncle Ning, run, she's catching up!" Gu Xiaomian shouts anxiously.

Ning Jiwei is speechless. Looking at Song Lu who has caught up, he frowns and asks, "what's the matter?""Er..." Song Lu choked. How could it be different from her imaginary reaction?

After a pause, take another look at Tong Si and Qiao ya, song Lu understands.

At this time, if you go online again, it's no doubt to annoy yourself, so song Lu just smiles and shakes her head and says, "it's OK. I just want to say hello to you and get to know you."

Ning Ji Wei nodded slightly, discontent on the face retreated a little.

George and Gu Chenyi looked at each other and thought the same thing.

It seems that the number of these segments is not low!

Old friends get together into a business dinner, Yang Yaru busy midway to change the larger compartment, a large group of people rushed to the hotel.

Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi lead two children in a car.

As long as xiaorui'er is sitting in the back seat of the car, she doesn't care about other things.

Oh, forget, he cares about the same thing - food.

"Ruirui, I brought you new chocolates. They're all in my suitcase. I'll give them to you later." Gu Xiaomian said with a smile, Jianrui has no doubt that as long as she wants, Gu Xiaomian can put all the good things in front of her.

Jianrui poked Gu Xiaomian's fat face, "don't you come here to play for two days and then go back, how can you still take the suitcase?"

"Who said I only came for two days?" Gu Xiaomian complacently said: "summer vacation, Dad specially brought me here to play with you, I can probably stay for more than a month."

"More than a month?" Jianrui blinked, "is it OK to stay so long?"

"What does it matter?" Gu Xiaomian scratched his head, didn't understand Jianrui's meaning, thought she was worried about his summer homework, so he said with a smile: "don't worry, I also brought my homework, I won't leave the course."

Jianrui looked at him and didn't ask any more.

On the copilot, Gu Chenyi looked at Ning Jiwei and asked, "I said, you have so many peach blossoms here, aren't you afraid of Haixi?"

Ning Jiwei picks eyebrows, "as long as you don't talk much, she won't know."

"Cut ~" Gu Chenyi disdained: "do not know does not mean that does not exist, in case one day Haixi know, how do you do?"

"What to do, what to do." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "it's not me who let those flowers bloom, so how they bloom and where they bloom have nothing to do with me."

"Tut tut." Gu Chenyi shook his head and said, "if those beauties hear what you say, they will break their hearts."

Ning Jiwei gave him a squint. "Do you like it? I think they'll be willing to open a door to you as a family member. "

"No," he said Gu Chenyi waved his hand and said, "I can't stand it."


Compared with the harmonious atmosphere in this car, the car behind is not very happy.

George drives. On the issue of who is the co driver, Qiao Ya and Yang Yaru have a dispute.

Qiao Ya stood beside the co driver and looked at Yang Yaru with a sneer, which meant "you have the ability to come and grab it".

Yang Yaru was stunned and didn't step forward. She turned around and wanted to sit in the back row.

But before she started, her wrist was grasped by a big one.

George glared angrily and said, "what are you doing? Sit in the back

"I don't know. I'm going to take the co driver," she said

Yangyaru see two people quarrel, busy play round to George way: "it doesn't matter, I sit in the back, just take a rest."

"No way." George took her by the hand and did not allow her to shrink back. He turned his head and looked at her coldly and said, "I repeat, go back, or you'll go home."

"George!" "I'm your own sister!" she said

Why don't you give me a smile

Qiaoya chokes and stares at Yang Yaru, stomps her foot and turns to the back seat.

On one side, Tong Si watched the scene with great interest and sat in the back seat smiling, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

George will Yang Yaru into the co driver, and help her fasten her seat belt before driving.


At the hotel, Yang Yaru and George lead the way. Gu Chenyi takes Jianrui in one hand and Gu Xiaomian in the other.

But when it was time to sit in the box, they made trouble again.

To be exact, it was Mr. Qiao and Tong Si who made the trouble.

They both want to sit next to Ning Jiwei. Ning Jiwei looks at the two people around him and frowns irritably.

"Come on, let's have a go ~" Gu Chenyi leads the two children to come over and pushes Tong Si and Qiao Ya away.

"Daddy ~" Jianrui grabs Ning Jiwei's thigh and says, "Daddy, Ruirui wants to eat prawns!"

"Well, daddy will peel it for you later." Hearing her daughter's voice, Ning Jiwei's frown stretched out immediately. She touched her daughter's head and let her sit beside her."Uncle Ning, I want shrimp, too!" On hearing something to eat, Gu xiaomiandun rushes to Ning Jiwei's side, pouts Tong Si to one side, and sits down firmly on the other side of Ning Jiwei.

"I want to peel myself." Gu Chenyi was not angry and sat down next to his son. He gave him a white look and said, "why do you want uncle Ning to peel shrimp for you? I don't even have that treatment for your father. "

Gu Xiaomian looked at Gu Chenyi with disgust and said, "Dad, your understanding ability is too poor. I mean, I want you to peel shrimp for me."

"Oh, you think too much." Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "you might as well expect your uncle Ning to peel shrimp for you."

"Dad!" Gu Xiaomian pesters Gu Chenyi until he agrees to peel shrimp for himself.

Although Qiao Ya was squeezed out by Jianrui, it was good to sit next to Jianrui, at least closer than Tongsi.

George sits next to Qiao ya, next to Yang Yaru, separating them. Qiao Ya of the province bullies Yang Yaru again.

Tong Si sits down beside Gu Chenyi with a calm face, and lowers his head in sullen mood.

Seeing Tong Si's unhappy appearance, Qiao Ya felt comfortable all over. She said to Tong Si with a smile, "sister Si, you can eat whatever you want. Don't mention it."

Tong Si sneered in his heart, but his face didn't show the mountain and water. He replied with a smile: "Qiao ya, I haven't congratulated you. You won the first place, and you threw the second place for five points."

The smile on Qiao Ya's face suddenly stiff down, stare an eye, Tong Si Leng hum a no longer talk.

Yang Yaru sat on one side and sighed wearily.

"What's the matter, uncomfortable?" George tilted his head and asked in a low voice in Yang Yaru's ear.

Yang Yaru shook her head and said, "it's not uncomfortable. I just think this meal will be very tired."

George smile, comfort pinched the back of her hand, said: "don't worry, anyway tired is not us, we just watch the play, when a qualified melon people can."

Yang Yaru was amused by his words and said in a low voice: "you said this, but the singer is your own sister."

"Oh, don't worry." George lazy way: "this kind of scene she is very good at, can't take a loss."

Yang Yaru was speechless.

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