Xishan villa.

Qin Zhixu sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, just like when he was at Sun Li's.

It's just that Hao Li and sun Yao are not as nervous as Sun Li.

Sun Li obviously knew something in advance, so he felt guilty.

But Hao Li and sun Yao are different. They obviously don't know that Sun Ping has abandoned them. So they are still sitting on the sofa and staring at Qin Zhixu: "President Qin, right? What do you mean when you come here?"

Qin Zhixu sighed, pitiful for the innocence of his mother and daughter.

He didn't say much. He just showed them the surveillance video of Jian Haixi being abducted by Sun Ping at the gate of sun Yuqin.

After watching the video, Hao Li and sun Yao are in a daze. No matter how stupid they are, they will react now.

Sun Ping robs Jian Haixi, and Qin Zhixu comes to find them.

After thinking about it, Hao Li said haughtily, "I don't know what you want to show me. It's all done by Sun Ping. It has nothing to do with us. If you want to find Sun Ping, it's useless to find us."

Qin Zhixu's eyes narrowed, and his lips began to smile. Looking at Hao Li, he said, "do you think that I brought so many people here to ask you something and make fun of you?"

Hao Li is stunned, and shrinks back after being scared by Qin Zhixu's smile.

Qin Zhixu stared at her and said, "I ask you, how much do you know about Sun Ping?"

"I don't know." Hao lifeI shook her head quickly and said, "I don't know anything. He didn't tell me anything."

Sun Yao also shook her head and said, "I don't know. My father's affairs are always hidden from us. I really don't know anything."

"Ha ha." Qin Zhixu chuckled, glanced at Hao Li and sun Yao and said, "it seems that you really don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin."

With that, the man behind Qin Zhi and Xu Chong raised his chin and said, "take sun Yao to another room and interrogate them separately."


Immediately, two men answered, grabbed sun Yao and escorted her to the next room.

"Mom, mom, I don't want to, I'm afraid!" Sun Yao struggled violently.

"Yao Yao!" Hao Li's face suddenly changed. She stared at Qin Zhixu and said, "please let them let go of my daughter."

Qin Zhixu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not going to do anything about her. I'm just asking you a few questions. But... "

"But what?" Holly asked.

Qin Zhixu looked at her, then at Sun Yao, and said with a smile, "if your two answers are not the same, you'll have to be wronged."

Then he gave a sign to the two men, and sun Yao was immediately taken to the next room.


as soon as the door was closed, all the sounds inside were cut off.

Hao Li nervously looks at Qin Zhixu and asks, "what do you want to ask?"

Qin Zhixu said with a smile, "first tell me what you know. I'll see if you have any value."

Hao Li pursed her lips and said nothing. If Qin Zhixu asked her a specific question, she could grasp the size and figure out what she could say, what she could not say, or how much she could say.

But now Qin Zhixu doesn't ask anything, so she lets herself confess, but she doesn't know how to say it.

"You don't know what to say?" Qin Zhixu laughs, "it doesn't matter. We can ask your daughter first."

"No, no!" As soon as Hao Li heard that Qin Zhixu wanted to interrogate sun Yao, she immediately said, "don't hurt my daughter. I I said

Qin Zhixu hands crossed, pick eyebrow looking at her, "said."

Hao Li swallowed: "Sun Ping, he In fact, they have been stealing the company's property for so many years. "

"Oh, what else?" Qin Zhixu's light way.

"That's it. That's all I know." Hao Lidao.

She thought to herself that even if she knew that Sun Ping had embezzled the company's property, Qin Zhixu was not a member of the sun family. Now that Jian Haixi had an accident at the door of sun Yuqin's house, Qin Zhixu might not be willing to help sun Yuqin.

So although the embezzlement of company property seems not small, it is not big for Qin Zhixu.

"No more?" Qin Zhixu sneered, took his mobile phone and said, "I heard that. Ask sun Yao the same question and see what she says."

When Qin Zhixu asked sun Yao, Hao Li's face changed.

She just wanted to talk, but Qin Zhixu didn't plan to listen. She just lowered her head and played with her mobile phone.

Two minutes later, the person in the room replied, "Sun Yao gave up Sun Li, and there is another director."

"Oh?" Qin Zhixu looked at Hao Li with a sneer and said, "it's really good. Can you hide it?"

"I, I didn't..." Hao Li also wanted to explain, but Qin Zhixu said to the room, "chop off a finger of sun Yao."


Listening to him, Holly turned pale. "No, you can't!""Why not?" Qin Zhixu sneered, "all said I didn't come to play with you, you still don't believe it."

In the room, sun Yao's cry was already heard.

Hearing her daughter's cry, Hao Li said in a hurry, "I said, I said that Sun Ping colluded with Sun Li in the board of directors, and they did everything in the company."

"Oh." Qin Zhixu nodded, "what else?"

"And, and..." Hao Li looks at Qin Zhixu in fear and doesn't know what to say.

"Ding ~"

just at this time, an e-mail suddenly came into Qin Zhixu's public mail. He picked his eyebrows and found that it was a list of evidence.

The email details what Sun Ping and Sun Li have done in the past ten years, and there is also conclusive evidence.

Qin Zhixu narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. He could almost guess whose handwriting it was. After a smile, Qin Zhixu handed the e-mail to Hao Li and said, "just look at this and explain it one by one."

Hao Li took the phone in doubt. When she saw the contents clearly, she took a cold breath and fainted immediately.

"I, I..."

Hao Ligang wanted to speak. Qin Zhixu raised her hand and interrupted, "if you want to say something you don't know, please be prepared to lose your daughter first. I don't have the patience to stay here with you."

Hao Li's face is stiff. She looks at Qin Zhixu and hesitates how much to confess.

Looking at her look, Qin Zhixu knew what she was thinking without guessing. He sneered and said, "do you think Sun Ping can come back?"

"What do you mean?" Hao Li suddenly looks up at Qin Zhixu and asks.

Qin Zhixu said: "from the moment he took the hand at Haixi, he was finished."

After a pause, Qin Zhixu stares at Hao Li and says, "if you and your daughter don't want to go in and accompany him for the rest of their lives, they'll explain it as soon as possible. If you don't tell me, it's easy to do. I'll ask someone to hand in your mother and daughter together with the evidence in this email. You'll have to sit in it for at least three or five years

Hao Li swallows her saliva and looks at Qin Zhixu without saying anything.

After a long time, she said, "I'll tell you..."

Then it was easy. Hao Li and sun Yao each told what they knew. Because they were afraid of being hurt, no one dared to lie.

Qin Zhixu asked someone to record a picture, and then left two people here to watch them before he left with the rest.


As soon as Qin Zhixu left, sun Yao ran out of the room and burst into Hao Li's arms crying.

"Yao Yao, have they done anything to you?" Holly hurriedly took her daughter's hand, but she saw that her fingers were intact without any damage.

Sun Yao shook her head and said, "they just asked me questions and didn't do anything to me."

Hao Li was stunned and looked at the direction of Qin Zhixu's departure. After a while, she burst into tears.

She followed Sun Ping for half of her life and mistakenly thought that all men were demons. Only now did she find out how wrong she was.


in an old mud house, Jian Haixi was tied to a pillar, with obvious palm marks on her face, swollen corners of her mouth, and bloodstains overflowing from the corners of her mouth.

Sun Ping went to Jian Haixi, grabbed her hair and said with a smile, "Jian Haixi, right? Luo Sheng, right? It's fun to play with your uncle."

Jian Haixi didn't speak. Now that she has come to this stage, it's useless to say anything. It's better to keep a little dignity.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Sun Ping snorted and punched Jian Haixi in the stomach.

"Well," said Jian Haixi, frowning with pain.

"Quite stubborn." Sun Ping patted Jian Haixi on the cheek and said, "do you think Ning Jiwei will come to save you? I tell you, you can give up the idea now. "

Jian Haixi doesn't speak, and Sun Ping is used to it. He doesn't get angry. Instead, he says with a smile, "do you know why Ning Jiwei won't come here? I tell you, even if he can come here, it will take at least three days. You should thank God that this heavy rain has caused mud flow under the mountain. Now all the roads up the mountain are blocked. Even if Ning Jiwei walks and climbs, he can't come here until three days and three nights. "

Jian Haixi was stunned, looked up at the heavy rain outside her eyes, and a touch of despair flashed in her eyes.

Is Is that all she can do?

"Pingge, this thing is powerful." An cuntou man came over with the weapon that Dou Ge gave to Jian Haixi in his hand.

After they rolled jianhaixi into the car, they searched it.

Sun Ping glanced at the things in his hand and asked, "can you use them?"

The man shook his head. "I dare not use it, for fear of self injury."

Sun Ping nodded and said, "it's right not to dare to use it. It's not that I didn't weigh my hands for you. Throw this thing away. Who knows what poison is inside."

"Well, brother Ping, I'll listen to you." Cuntou man a simple and honest smile, throwing things into the corner.Jian Haixi lowered her head and didn't look, let alone open her mouth.

She was wet by the rain hair on the shoulder, so a bow, white neck perfectly exposed.

"Brother Ping..." Cuntou man swallow mouth waterway: "this woman is so beautiful."

"Ha ha." Sun Ping squinted at Jian Haixi, turned to the man and said, "Liu Er, remember, the more beautiful a woman is, the more vicious she is."

Liu er

Hearing the name of the cuntou man, Jian Haixi's ear tips moved and suddenly raised her head.

Liu Er doesn't prevent her from suddenly raising her head and being stared at by her big eyes, she immediately nailed in the same place.

"You, what do you want me to do?" Liu Eryi was so nervous that even his native dialect came out.

"Liu er?"

"Yes, my name is Liu er." Liu Er scratched his head and asked, "beauty, why do you ask my name? Do you think your second brother I look good? "

Jian Haixi squinted and asked in a cold voice, "who is Liu ma?"

"Mother Liu?" Liu Er Leng next, smile a way: "you say an MA, how do you know her?"

Sun Ping heard Jian Haixi's words and confirmed her conjecture with a smile: "what's the matter? I didn't expect that you would end up in the hands of Liu ma?"

Jian Haixi was calm and did not speak.

Sun Ping kindly explained: "I didn't expect that you were very good at the beginning, so I only let Liu Ma lead you to the small garden, but unexpectedly let you run away. Fortunately, you didn't let me down. Liu Ma told me that you had a fight with my sister. Later, your people even went to Liu Ma's house. But in the face of an old lady, your people couldn't fight, so they just threatened and left. "

After a pause, Sun Ping continued: "he left on the front foot, and Liu Ma came to me on the back foot, and then she had a series of plans. I guess you and my sister can have another fight because of Liu Ma's quarrel. With my sister's temper, I'm not afraid that you won't go. Even if you really stay there and don't leave, I have a way to make you fight for a third time. Every time I feel uncomfortable, you will always leave, and as long as you leave, my chance will come. "

Jian Haixi looked at Sun Ping and asked, "do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"Consequences?" Sun Ping said with a smile: "nothing more than being found and chopped by your man, but only if he can find me. We'll leave the country early tomorrow morning, and I'll see where he goes to find me at the end of the world. "

Jian Haixi pursed her lips.

Sun Ping dares to tell her all his plans, but he doesn't intend to let her live.

"Brother Ping, the meal is ready." Liu Er came over with his meal and said politely, "brother Ping, you can eat some. There's nothing delicious here. You can only eat the box lunch we brought."

Sun Ping didn't say anything. He took the meal and ate it.

Liu Er looks at Jian Haixi and turns to bring her a steamed bread.

"Have some, too."

Jane Haixi stares at him coldly and doesn't speak.

Sun Ping said with a smile, "Liu Er, you are so compassionate."

Liu Er scratched his head and said, "brother Ping, I'm not afraid that she will starve to death."

"One night I can't die of hunger." Sun Ping glanced at Jian Haixi and said to Liu Er, "if you are hungry for her, it's better to let her have no strength to make trouble."

"Oh, yes." Liu Erwei nodded his head, took the steamed bread and turned back to Sun Ping.

Jian Haixi lowered his head, listening to the door like never stop rain, slowly closed his eyes.

After so much suffering from Sun Ping, and being caught in the rain and going up the mountain, she can't hold on until now.

Fortunately, Sun Ping returned her to sleep, and finally recovered a little physical strength.


Don't know what tomorrow will be like, jianhaixi heart pray, I hope she can recover some physical strength tomorrow, I hope she has a chance to live tomorrow.

Sun Ping and others have been struggling all day, so they don't have the strength to deal with Jian Haixi at night.

Because of the mud flow at the foot of the mountain, Sun Ping is now very relieved. He thinks Ning Jiwei can't come here.

So he just takes jianhaixi out of the country tomorrow, and then gives jianhaixi to the man.

In this way, even if the business between him and the man is concluded, it will be a huge sum of money, which will be enough for him to eat and drink abroad for a lifetime.

As for Hao Li and sun Yao

No more granddaughter-in-law.

As for the daughter, it's OK to pick her up in the future.

In the middle of the night, jianhaixi suddenly woke up.

She was not awakened by starvation, nor by freezing, but by touching.

Just opened his eyes, Jian Haixi saw Liu Er squatting in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Jane Haixi's whole body's cells are scared by Liu Er, and instantly wake up.

Liu ER was yelled by her and said, "hush, beauty, don't yell. Although the room where Pingge is resting is a little far away from here, if you yell too loud, he can still hear you."After listening to the heavy rain, Liu said, "I don't think it's going to rain tonight."

With that, Liu Er extended his hand to jianhaixi.

"Don't touch me!" Jian Haixi shrieked.

Liu Er stares at her and swallows: "beauty, I haven't seen such a good-looking person like you since I'm so long. Would you please stay with me for one night?"

"Get out of here!" Jian Haixi roared, but her hands and feet were tied, even if she wanted to struggle.

Liu Er stares at Jian Haixi greedily, shaking and reaches out his hand to touch Jian Haixi's face.

"Go away!" Jian Haixi roared.

"Don't yell, don't be angry." Liu Er is infatuated with the way: "beauty, you see you, the whole life is not good-looking."

He said while helping Jian Haixi smooth the tumultuous hair on her face.

The pious look, like a believer facing his goddess.

But Jian Haixi was even more afraid.

Intuition tells her that now Liu Er is nothing she said.

"Well, it's all clean." Close to jianhaixi, Liu Er took a deep breath and said, "good fragrance, beauty, you are so fragrant."

Said, Liu Er licked his dry lips: "you so fragrant, must also be delicious, give me a taste."

After that, Liu Er pounced on jianhaixi.

"Get out of here!" Jianhaixi heart a ruthless, in the moment he rushed over, suddenly head forward toward him.

Liu Er didn't take precautions. He stepped back after being hit by Jian Haixi. He covered his bloody nose and said dizzily: "beauty, why are you so cruel? Sure enough, as brother Ping said... "

Before he finished, Liu Er raised his head and looked at Shangjian Haixi.

That pair of eyes don't life like ruthless strength and madness let Liu Er Zheng under, dare not act rashly again.


on the road to Jiushan.

Ning Jiwei, Dou Ge and the people and Film Department of Dou's family rushed to the old mountain in a dozen cars.

But no matter how fast they are, it will take them one night to get to the old mountain in such bad weather.

Ning Jiwei closed his eyes and sat in the back seat of the car, making people unable to see the thoughts in his eyes.

Dou Ge lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "I made a weapon for Haixi before, but Since she let her go, I don't think she can keep the weapon. "

Ning Jiwei's eyebrows moved, but he didn't open his eyes, let alone answer.

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