The next day, because Ning Jiwei was not there, Gu Chenyi had to go to momei to deal with the stall left by Ning Jiwei, so the three children had to stay at home.

Mo Wanshan doesn't know that Mo Tong is back. He just thinks that Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian are not safe at home, so he asks Yue Feng to take them all.

Anyway, he has nothing to do and is happy to have children with him.

So Yue Feng went to Ning Jiwei's building.

As soon as he got to the door, Yue Feng heard the smiles of Gu Xiaomian and Jian Rui.

Listening to the carefree voice of the two children, Yue Feng's lips bend involuntarily.

It seems that it's good to let Gu Chenyi and Gu Xiaomian live here. Since Gu Xiaomian came here, Jianrui is happy every day.

Yue Feng thinks that if he talks about it with Mo Wanshan later, maybe Mo Wanshan will let Gu Chenyi stay longer.

While thinking about it, Yue Feng laughed, shook his head, pushed the door and went in.

After seeing the people in the living room, Yue Feng was stunned.

Jianrui and others were stunned.

Yue Feng looked at Mo Tong, frowning slightly invisible, "Mo Tong?"

Mo Tong nodded and said, "Uncle Yue."

Yue Feng scanned Mo Tong and Jian Rui Gu Xiaomian several times in doubt, "you Are you playing

When did Mo Tong and the two children get on so well?

Although he has checked some information before, the information does not say that the three of them have such a good relationship.

Besides, didn't Mo Tong disappear before? Why come back all of a sudden?

Look at him and Jianrui familiar appearance, this "missing" is also related to Ning Jiwei.

Jianrui saw that Yuefeng was staring at Mo Tong all the time. Her eyes turned and she pulled Yuefeng's arm. She was also in front of Mo Tong intentionally or unintentionally. She said to Yuefeng with a smile, "Uncle Yue, why are you here?"

Yue Feng couldn't see Jianrui's intention. He touched her head with a smile and said, "your grandfather missed you, so let me ask you to go."

"Oh, yes." Jianrui nodded, "anyway, it's boring for Ruirui to stay here. It's better to accompany her grandfather."

Yue Feng looked at Gu Xiaomian and Mo Tong and said, "come here, too."

Mo Tong was stunned and nodded.

The news of his return can't be kept secret all the time. Besides, since he lives here, he has to meet Mo Wanshan. Otherwise, Mo Wanshan doesn't trust that he and Jianrui are playing together.

The three children followed Yue Feng to Mo Wanshan's house next door.

Mo Wanshan was surprised to see Mo Tong, but he was not too surprised. He just nodded his head and said, "here we are. Sit down."

"Hee hee ~" with a witty smile, Jian Rui ran to sit beside Mo Wanshan and said, "grandfather, Rui Rui missed you all day long when she didn't see you ~"

Yue Feng laughed and shook her head when she listened to her coquetry.

He had never met jianhaixi, and he did not know what kind of mother could teach such a strange daughter.

Mo Wanshan originally wanted to ask Mo Tong a few questions with a straight face, but he was so spoiled by Jianrui that he couldn't keep his face straight. He laughed and said, "xiaoruirui, you can really make it up."

"Ruirui is not made up!" Jianrui tooted her lips and said, "Ruirui really miss your grandfather. You don't believe him. He doesn't care about you."

Finish saying, Jian Rui Ao Jiao's a turn head, if really don't pay attention to Mo Wanshan.

Seeing that he provoked his little granddaughter's anger, Mo Wanshan apologized and said, "well, well, it's all grandfather's fault. Is it OK that our little pistil is not angry?"

"Hum, don't be angry, but my grandfather has to promise me a condition." Jianrui raised her chin.

"OK, as long as we don't get angry, don't say one condition, grandfather will agree to ten conditions." Mo Wanshan said without hesitation.

Jianrui a smile, big eyes flashed a cunning way: "grandfather forbid fierce Mo Tong."

Jianrui this words, everyone is Leng next, especially Mo Tong.

"Oh?" Mo Wanshan looks at Jian Rui by accident. Unexpectedly, her granddaughter turns so many turns just to ask for a life preserver for Mo Tong.

Mo Wanshan looked at Mo Tong with a smile, then turned back and looked at Jian Rui, and said, "Rui Rui, you have such a good relationship with Mo Tong?"

"Of course." Jianrui naturally said: "Mo Tong, I, Gu Ruan, we are all classmates, and we are friends with each other."

She was talking about going to the back mountain to pick up birds. Gu Xiaomian quickly nodded and said, "yes, yes, Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo is very nice. Don't be cruel to him."

"Ha ha!" Mo Wanshan laughed, "how in your eyes, grandfather, I'm such a person who doesn't talk about human feelings?"

"Oh, of course not, grandfather." Jianrui hugged Mo Wanshan and said, "grandfather is the best grandfather. It's the best for Ruirui!"

Mo Wanshan was helpless. He shook his head and said, "well, what else can grandfather say?""Hee hee, long live grandpa!" Jianrui raised her arms and said.

Mo Wanshan touched her head with a smile, turned to Mo Tong and said, "I won't ask about your past. Since Ruirui believes in you, I will believe in you for the time being. But now that you have returned to Mo's home this time, what are you going to do? "

Mo Tong pursed his lips and said, "when Uncle Ning comes back, I'll go back to see my mother."

By mother, he meant Mo ting.

Mo Wanshan nodded and didn't say anything. With him, this matter was taken over.

Of course, he will not take the initiative to tell Mo Ting about it.

The next day, Mo Wanshan was busy at home with his children.

Later, Mo Xiuyu came back from outside and saw three children here. He took the lead in eating chicken!

Jia Minzhi is not at home during the day. She seems to be very busy recently, and Mo Wanshan has not asked her whereabouts.

In the evening, Jia Minzhi came back from the outside and heard the children's laughter coming from the living room outside.

Jia Min's steps stopped, and his face became worse.

She took a deep breath outside the door several times before she came in, but she didn't expect to see Mo Tong here.

Seeing Mo Tong, Jia Minzhi's eyes narrowed slightly.

See Jia Minzhi back, Mo Xiuyu asked voice good, Mo Tong also obediently called voice "aunt".

This time, instead of rushing back to the room, Jia Minzhi looked at Mo Tong and said, "have you seen your mother?"

Mo Tong was stunned. He shook his head and said, "I'll see my mother tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Jia Minzhi glanced at Jianrui beside her, with a sarcastic smile on her lips. "It's really tight for the old and the young."

Mo Tong and Jianrui didn't understand her words, but Mo Wanshan and Mo Xiuyu did.

Mo Xiuyu frowned. Before he could speak, he heard Mo Wanshan angry: "what are you talking nonsense in front of the child?"

"Why, am I not right?" Jia Minzhi sneers.

"Son of a bitch!" Mo Wanshan was furious and pointed to Jia Min: "go upstairs! If you can't speak, don't speak! "

Jia Min's face has always been wearing a sneer, smell speech also just cool way: "how, I now even in this living room standing qualifications are not?"

"You..." Mo Wanshan choked and said with a black face and trembling: "I don't care what's wrong with you. Now go back to your room immediately!"

Jia Minzhi looked at him disdainfully. Instead of going upstairs, he sat down on the sofa. "I'm really sitting here today."

"Son of a bitch Bastard... " Mo Wanshan scolded, and his face became more and more red. Behind him, Yue Feng saw that Mo Wanshan's shoulders and hands were shaking violently.

"Master!" Yue Feng was in a hurry and said to Mo Xiuyu, "second young master, please take care of the master. I'll get the medicine right away."

"Dad Mo Xiuyu also anxiously guarded Mo Wanshan's side and reached out to help him along the gas, "Dad, calm down, take a deep breath, relax..."

"Grandfather..." Jianrui looked at this scene, scared to tears, but did not dare to cry out, for fear of more exciting to Mo Wanshan.

"Asshole..." Mo Wanshan just stares at Jia Minzhi straightly, the speech is not clear way: "roll, go back!"

Jia Minzhi sneered, "I'm not..."

"Mom, have you said enough?" Mo Xiuyu roared: "do you have to make dad angry to death to be reconciled?"

Listening to his son's roar, Jia Minzhi's face changed slightly. With a cold hum, he got up and went upstairs.

Mo Tong went to Jianrui, stretched out her hand and said, "don't worry, it will be OK."

Jianrui curled her mouth and tried to control her crying.

"Master, here comes the medicine." Yue Feng ran over with the medicine. As soon as Jianrui saw him running over, she went to pour the water. Now she held up the glass and sobbed, "grandfather, take the medicine."

"Ruirui Cough... " Mo Wanshan saw that Jianrui's eyes were as red as a rabbit's, and tears would fall just in a blink. He reached out to help her wipe away her tears and said: "ruiruirui is good, grandpa is OK Cough... "

"Dad, take the medicine first." Mo Xiuyu took the medicine and took it with water.

After taking the medicine, Mo Xiuyu helped him to go smoothly again. Seeing that he calmed down slowly, he was relieved.

"Cough..." Mo Wanshan gasped a few times, shaking hands to pull Jianrui way: "ruiruirui, grandfather is not scared you?"

Jianrui first shook her head, then nodded, choked and said: "grandfather, when will your illness be better? Ruirui doesn't want her grandfather to get sick. "

Mo Wanshan laughed and comforted: "Ruirui, don't worry, grandfather, it's all a minor illness. It will be fine in a few days."

"Grandfather lied." Jianrui weeps with her little mouth. As soon as she cries, Gu Xiaomian turns red and starts to sob.

Mo Tong lowered his head and did not speak.

After a few breaths, Mo Rui calmed down her voiceMo Wanshan nodded a little tired, he really need to rest for a while, with a day of children, although happy, but tired is really tired.

Mo Xiuyu winks at Yue Feng. Yue Feng pushes Mo Wanshan back to his room, while Mo Xiuyu leads Jian Rui and others back to the next house.

Yue Feng placed Mo Wanshan on the bed and sighed: "master, why do you have to suffer?"

Mo Wanshan said: "it doesn't matter how she treats me, but my pistil can't do it. If I don't beat her, she will only go too far in the future."

Yue Feng looked at him anxiously and said, "the master, the doctor has said that you should not worry about so many things. You won't listen."

"How can we not worry?" Mo Wanshan said wistfully, "you know my situation. I can help them a little bit while I'm still talking. Only in this way can I be relieved and have the face to see Fu Xiang."

Listening to Mo Wanshan's words, Yue Feng showed sadness in his eyes. He didn't persuade him any more. He just helped Mo Wanshan tuck in the quilt and left.

Mo Wanshan was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with a bitter smile on his lips. He said to himself, "Fu Xiang, I thought that my broken body would be destroyed if it was destroyed. Anyway, you are not with me. It's meaningless for me to keep healthy. It's just my intention to see you earlier. But today, looking at that little girl crying, my heart is really uncomfortable

After a pause, Mo Wanshan continued: "Fu Xiang, if I say I want to work hard to live a few more years, will you blame me? You're so kind. You won't blame me. Besides, it's Ji Wei's child... "

As the voice dropped, Mo Wanshan closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In his sleep, he seemed to return to that year when he hurt his leg in order to save Fu Xiang and his child.

When he came back, he was half cured, but he heard the news of Fu Xiang and his child's death. He just left the hospital.

Later, if he didn't know that the child was still alive, he would not be able to survive these years.

Now that his health is getting worse, he only hopes to see Ning Jiwei happy and healthy in his lifetime, so he will have no regrets.


after Mo Xiuyu sends Jianrui and others back, he turns to Jia Minzhi's room.

When he pushed the door in, he just saw Jia Minzhi on the phone.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear Jia Minzhi say something like "back".

Seeing Mo Xiuyu come in, Jia Minzhi is shocked, and then puts down the phone as if nothing had happened.

Mo Xiuyu looked at the mobile phone she put down and asked, "Mom, who are you talking to?"

"Oh, no one. Just talk to your aunt." The way of Jia min.

"My aunt?" Mo Xiuyu sneered, "it's really strange that I don't know when you have been in the habit of reporting with my aunt whether you're going home?"

Jia Min's Leng next, afterward reaction come over, Mo Xiu Yu is to hear her to talk.

But he should not have heard much, otherwise he would not have said anything at the moment.

Jia Minzhi didn't explain more, just said: "your aunt will come to my house in a few days. She called me on the way just now, so now I'm back."

"Is that all?" Mo Xiuyu looks into Jia Minzhi's eyes.

Jia Minzhi frowned and said, "what do you mean? Do you talk to your mother like that? "

"I don't know what I mean." Mo Xiuyu laughed at himself and leaned back against the wall, staring at Jia Minzhi and said, "it's like I don't understand why my mother would think so, and my father would die early."

Jia Minzhi was stunned, pursed his lips and said, "I didn't want him to die, but I just contradicted him."

"That's a powerful collision." Mo Xiuyu sneered.

Jia Min's brow wrinkled deeper, discontented looked at Mo Xiuyu and said: "are you happy to see me chased back to my room by him? This family has no place for me now, right? "

Mo Xiuyu's throat moved, his eyes darkened and said, "Mom, you know that both me and dad have given you the greatest freedom."

"Hehe, isn't it?" Jia Min's soldiers are ungrateful.

"Isn't it?" Mo Xiuyu looked straight at Jia Min and said, "if dad really wants to control you, do you think you can go where you want to go these days?"

Jia Minzhi is all over a stiff, avoided Mo Xiuyu's sight way: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Mo Xiuyu lowered his head and didn't want to see Jia Minzhi again.

It was his mother, no doubt humiliating, but he didn't want to see the blatant deception.

"Ma, take a rest early." Mo Xiuyu didn't go on talking and turned to leave.

"Oh, yes." When he came to the door and left, Mo Xiuyu turned back and said to Jia Min, "in the future, please don't say those inappropriate words in front of Ruirui. Today, my father and I are here, so you don't have any loss. But the next day Ning Jiwei knows that no matter you or the person in your heart, you will suffer together."After that, Mo Xiuyu no longer looked at Jia Min's face, opened the door and went out.


West courtyard.

Mo Sheng hung up with a sneer on his lips.

Lisa leaned in his arms and asked, "second master, what's the matter?"

"It's OK. I just think it's more and more interesting." Mo Sheng said.

Today, the bad news of failure came from taro City, and then Jia Minzhi sent him such interesting news.

It's really It's hard for him to hold back.

"Second master, second sister, there's news." Lisa looked up at Mo Sheng and said, "the second sister said that she had worked hard to find a clue. It seems that it was the Dou family who killed the elder brother."

"Dou family..."

Mo Sheng pondered for a moment, pulled the corner of his lower lip and said: "I didn't expect that even the Dou family had found him. It seems that I can't do without showing some real strength."

After that, Mo Sheng patted Lisa on the cheek and said, "you go and help me with something."

"What's the matter?" Lisa asked.

"Go to the north yard."

"North Court?" Lisa doubts, "master, do you want to woo Mo Ting?"

"Woo?" Mo Sheng disdained to smile and said, "she is so stupid that I need to draw her over?"

"So it is." Lisa said with a smile: "if you just move your toes a little, she will be foolishly put on the cover, but..."

Lisa paused and said, "but the little white face around Mo Ting is a bit of a Taoist. I'm afraid he'll ruin our business."

"No matter how many Taoists there are, no money and no power, he is just an empty shell, no fart." Mo Sheng disdains the way.

"Yes, you can see through it." Lisa said with a smile.

Mo Sheng said, "go and tell her that her cherished son is back in the house where Ning Jiwei lives."

"Master, do you mean Mo Tong is back?" Lisa was surprised.

Mo Sheng nodded.

Lisa wanted to ask again, but seeing that Mo Sheng didn't mean to speak, she didn't dare to speak any more. She quickly got up and cleaned up and went to the north yard.

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