Hung up the phone, Yang Yaru worried looking at George, said: "is it really serious?"

"Well." George's face became more and more gloomy. He snorted coldly: "Ning Jiwei is a fool. His family is in a mess. He has to be kind-hearted. Why don't you change his name to Holy Father?"

Yang Yaru said, "you must have frowned."

"Bang ~" George rolled his hair irritably.

Mingming's heart has decided no matter what happened to jianhaixi, but when he heard the news, he still couldn't help feeling bored.

Yang Yaru sighed: "in this case, you go back quickly."

"Get rid of me?" George asked, frowning and squinting.

Yang Ya Ru white he a way: "don't you want to go back to help Ning Ji Wei to finish the hospital thing?"? Then hurry and don't delay here. I'm worried about Haixi's health. "

George just teased her, but he didn't really think about it. Wen Yan just got up and said, "OK, I'll leave. I won't eat with you tonight."

"Well, be careful on the way." Yang Yaru said.

George went to the door, stopped, turned around and pulled Yang Yaru into his arms.

Yang Yaru did not guard against, suddenly hit his chest, red face asked: "what are you doing?"

George grinned and said, "I'll take you to see my old man next time."

Yang Ya Ru Leng next, small face more red, "I haven't thought well."

"Well?" George narrowed his eyes and closed her tightly with a smile. "I can't do without thinking about it. I'm staring at you. You'll never run away in your life."

Yang Yaru looked at him and bit her lip slightly. She stood on tiptoe and touched him in front of his forehead. Although she didn't open her mouth, it was better than a promise.

After Yang Yaru's kiss, George left contentedly.

Half an hour later, George drove to Joe's old house.

The security guard at the door saw him coming back and said, "young master, you are back."

"Well." George gave a lazy hum, threw the car key to the security guard, walked in and asked, "where's the old man?"

"Joe's in the yard." The security guard said with a smile: "a few days ago, master Lei found a kitten. Mr. Qiao seems to like it very much. He teases and plays every day."

George picked his eyebrows and asked, "is that cat white with different pupils?"

"Already? How do you know? " The guard was surprised.

George laughed, waved his hand and went straight to the backyard without saying anything.

If there is anything unexpected about Qiao's old house, it belongs to this backyard.

Mingming's front yard and residence are all built in a calm style, but there is a small backyard. There is no overall artistic pattern in the yard. Usually, tomatoes and grapes are planted in this corner, while rose roses are picked in that corner. There is a swing on one side and a slide on the other side, which is as noisy as a treasure chest.

When they were young, Qiao's children always liked to play in this small yard. Although the yard was not big, it was much more fun. Whether it was playing hide and seek, or playing swings, or even planting vegetables and digging soil, it was very interesting.

At that time, Qiao Qinghe always looked at them with a smile. No matter what they broke, they would not disturb them.

Just after everyone left, Qiao Qinghe always cleans up the yard silently. What's missing and what's bad will be made up again.

In those years they did not listen to the destruction, Qiao Qinghe did not listen to the repair.

And they have the same special treatment and a different pupil white cat, Qiao Qinghe to the cat than they are good.

But then they grew up, and the white cat died, and they knew the secret of the little yard, so they didn't want to go.

Thinking about the past, George walked into the backyard.

"Hey, you little thing, would you like to comb your hair?" A half hundred strong old man was sitting on the mat, bending down to comb the hair of the white cat lying on the ground.

George looked at his old figure and frowned slightly.

"Oh, how dare you scratch me?" Qiao Qinghe flicked at the white cat and said, "I tell you, I'm the master of this family. If you dare to rebel, I'll throw you away, don't you know?"

The white cat seems to understand his words in general, provocative back to his eyes, as if to say: you have the ability to throw ah, as long as you are willing to!

Do you think I dare not throw you George turned around and saw how long he was going to stand up at the door.

Qiao Qinghe was stunned and frowned: "when did you arrive?"

"While you're chatting with your gadgets." Put your hands in George's pocket.

Qiao Qinghe snorted and raised his hand to put the white cat on the ground.

As soon as the white cat stood on the ground, she first shook her hair and then walked towards George.

George looked at it, squatted down and poked it on the back, and said, "little thing, is it very annoying to follow this old man?""Meow ~" the white cat called and fell down on George's feet.

George looked at its lazy appearance and didn't turn it out with a smile.

Qiao Qinghe saw that he didn't leave, so he sat down on the mat again, "what do you want to do with me? What's the matter? "

George poked at the white cat and said carelessly: "old man, I remember you were kind to the rice family. The rice family once said that no matter when, where and what you do, as long as you speak, their family can help you."

"It is." Qiao Qinghe looked at George and asked, "why do you mention this?"

"It's nothing. I just want you to do me a favor. I have a friend who is sick and needs mikai's help." George said.

Qiao Qinghe's eyes narrowed and his eyes sank. He looked at George and said, "do you want me to exchange this condition for mikai to save a friend of yours?"

"You understand very well." Pedro, George.

"Smelly boy, I think you are itchy!" Qiao Qinghe looked at George's smiley face and suddenly threw his comb at him.

"Meow!" The white cat was startled, jumped up and ran away.

George also quickly stood up to avoid this throw, "old man, what are you doing? We haven't seen you for such a long time, so treat me like this. I'm your grandson, OK! "

"Do you know?" Qiao Qinghe said angrily: "smelly boy knows to give me a black sheep. Do you know how precious the rice family's promise is? I haven't been willing to use it for so many years. I just want to leave it to you. As a result, you are so good. A friend who is sick is worth your generosity. You might as well be angry with me! "

Looking at Qiao Qinghe's huffing, George shook his head in a funny way, sat down beside him and said, "Why are you so angry? It's a shame that you don't have a beard. If you want to have a beard, you'll blow it to heaven now. "

"You talk, you talk!" Qiao Qinghe hit him angrily, and George dodged with a smile.

"Cough Cough... "

Is making, Qiao Qinghe suddenly coughed twice, stopped, panting to stop.

George frowned, quickly reached out to help him along the back, "old man, how long have you been coughing?"

"Not long ago, just these two days, maybe I caught a cold." As Qiao Qinghe spoke, he took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, poured out two small tablets and swallowed them.

George quickly grabbed his medicine bottle, looked at the name on it, frowned and said seriously: "cough for two days, you take this medicine?"

Qiao Qinghe felt guilty and said in his eyes, "I'll just have some. I heard it works well..."

"Make it up, you make it up." George hummed coldly: "I'll take this medicine bottle and ask it at any drugstore. If you don't tell me honestly, I'll call my father and uncle over."

"Tut, it's said that you've caught a cold. Why are you so upset Qiao Qinghe's impatient way.

George sneered, took out his cell phone and said, "OK, I called my dad. He's fine today. He should be able to come over for dinner."

George is going to dial the number of Georgetown.

Qiao Qinghe glared at him and sighed helplessly: "don't fight, don't fight, I tell you it's not OK?"

George picked up his eyebrow, put away his cell phone and said, "say it."

"It's really just these two days." Qiao Qinghe sighed and said, "maybe I'm really old and useless."

"Nonsense, your physical examination a few months ago is still good." George said.

"Ha ha." Qiao Qinghe looked at George with a smile. His wrinkled face was full of love and regret. "Have you never heard a word, child? The king of hell wants you to die in the third shift. Who dares to keep you in the fifth shift? When it comes to destiny, it comes. "

"Pull it down. Don't think about it all the time. You're the only one who can live another 20 or 30 years." George pretended to be relaxed.

"Ha ha, twenty or thirty years?" Qiao Qinghe said with a smile, "do you think I'm a centenarian?"

"Why not?"

Qiao Qinghe smiles and doesn't say anything about himself. Instead, he changes the topic and asks, "your friend Is that important to you? "

George looked at Qiao Qinghe and nodded, "it's very important."

After that, he added silently in his heart, "and it's important not only to me, but also to you."

Qiao Qinghe sighed: "OK, I should."

George Leng next, did not expect Qiao Qinghe unexpectedly so easily agreed to oneself.

Looking at his surprised appearance, Qiao Qinghe said with a smile: "although I love that promise, but I'm so old, no matter how much I love it, it's not for me. Since you need it, take it."

"Grandfather..." George looked at him seriously and said, "I won't let you regret it."

"What regret does not regret." Qiao Qinghe didn't care much and waved his hand. Then he said with some disappointment, "your grandfather, I'm sorry that things can't be changed for a long time."

George opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Qiao Qinghe waved his hand and said, "well, I've finished my business. Now let's talk about you. I heard you talked about a girlfriend recently?"George pick eyebrow, immediately cold hum a way: "have Qiao ya that dead wench to sue to state?"

"You don't care who complains. Tell me quickly. When will you bring it to me?" Qiao Qinghe asked with a smile.

George, who has always been fearless, was a little shy when he heard this. He whispered: "live a while Bring it when she's free. "

"Oh." Qiao Qinghe didn't expect that George was going to compete for the best, so he said happily: "it seems that he's settled this time."

"Well." George simply nodded and said, "it's just her."

Qiao Qinghe said with a smile, "OK, I'll wait to hold my great grandson."

"It's not that fast." George said, "I don't like it yet."

"Why don't you hurry up?" Qiao Qinghe snorted: "I don't care. I must see my great grandson in two years!"

George laughs: "I say old man, since you say so, you can't ignore my parents."

Qiao Qinghe picked to pick eyebrow, "know you this kid can't white mouth, as expected."

George said with a smile: "anyway, if you want to hold your great grandson, you have to help me, or you'll wait for Qiao Ya or Qiao Lei."

"Waiting for them?" Hum, I haven't been to tianqinghe for a month

"Then help." I'll take care of your parents and grandchildren, George said

"So hard to use?" Qiao Qinghe: "you bring it to people. I'll go over it. They dare not agree."

"That's what you've been waiting for." George laughed.

"Remember me about my great grandson." Qiao Qinghe patted him for training.

George was stunned, laughed and didn't speak, but he said in his heart, "grandfather, in fact, your great granddaughter is six years old."


after Qin Zhixu went back, he first met Yunling, and they went to Fu's house together.

Fu zuoan got the call early and had been waiting for them at home.

Seeing that Qin Zhixu arrived, Fu zuoan immediately asked, "what's the matter with Haixi?"

Qin Zhixu shakes his head. "I didn't see Haixi, but I should have been hurt a lot. I didn't dare to open the video when I talked with Yiyi. Ji Wei also said that she had to rest for a while at least."

No, let the children frown

Qin Zhixu shook his head and said, "if the two places are separated, it's easier to be in a hurry in case of an accident. Besides, Ruirui Rui has gone to Mo's house now. I'm afraid Mo's house is not willing to let her come back."

Fu zuoan sighs that they are also anxious here. When they hear the news, they always want to fly over to help, but they know that the best help they can provide to Ning Jiwei is to protect themselves.

If something like that happened to the Lin family again, it would be difficult for Ning Jiwei to deal with it.

Next, Qin Zhixu stayed at Fu's house for an afternoon. After several people had a detailed discussion on how to deal with Sun Ping's affairs, Qin Zhixu left.

Because Qin Zhixu is going to Ru, he doesn't leave with Yunling.

Yunling drove back to his home. When he was near Tujia hospital, Yunling didn't drive too fast because there were so many people coming and going.

The car is driving slowly. Yunling suddenly hears someone calling him. He stops the car by the side of the road and looks back. He sees jianchenran holding Lin Xiaodou walking slowly by the side of the road.

Yunling stopped, got off the car and walked in a short way: "long time no see."

Lin Xiaodou was still a little embarrassed, nodded with Yunling, said "long time no see" and lowered his head.

Jian Chenran looked at Yunling and said with a smile, "I've seen you shaking slowly from a long distance. It's not as fast as I can walk."

Yunling said with a smile: "I'm thinking about something, and there are too many people, so I don't dare to drive too fast."

After a pause, Yunling looked at the bag in jianchenran's hand and asked with a smile, "are you out shopping?"

"Well, I bought some fruit, and I just took Xiaodou to walk around." Jane Chen Ran said.

Yunling looks at the smile on Jian Chenran's face. It's obvious that he's had a good time recently.

Just think of jianhaixi, the smile on Yunling's face is not sincere.

He glanced at Lin Xiaodou's pregnant stomach and asked Jane Chenran, "how are you recently?"

"Well, it's good." Jane replied with a smile.

Yunling nodded, and both sides were quiet, as if they had finished chatting for a while.

"Oh, by the way, are you coming home from work now?" Jane Chen Ran asked.

"No, I'll go to the company." Yunling shook his head and said, "I'm a little busy recently. I need to work overtime."

"Is it because of the costume competition?" she said

The fashion competition held by Ning Jiwei is so sensational that he naturally saw the news.

It's just that Jane's family is a small company. Even if he wants to help, he can't help much.

Yunling said with a smile: "almost."

Jian Chenran asked again, "where is Gu Chenyi? I haven't seen him lately. "Cloud Ling or light smile appearance, "he took Xiao cotton to Hunan city to play."


As soon as these two words come out, Jane Chenran and Lin Xiaodou are stunned at the same time.

Jane Chen Ran looked a little lonely and said with a forced smile: "Oh, I'm going to play there..."

Lin Xiaodou secretly looked at him, did not speak, but bowed his head and bit his lower lip.

Yun Ling nodded and said, "nothing's wrong. I'll go first. You should hurry back. It's cool at night. Pay attention."

With that, Yunling turned and walked to the car.

"Wait, wait a minute." Cloud Ling Dun lives, turn round to see to the opening of Lin Xiaodou, "still have something?"

Lin Xiaodou clenched his teeth, looked at Yunling and asked, "Chenran, I'm sorry to ask. Is Haixi OK? How are she and the children doing recently? "

Cloud Ling looked at her one eye, and then looked at the same anxious eyes of Jane Chenran, with a smile: "all very good."

With that, Yunling didn't speak any more and turned to drive away.

When the car drove far away, Yunling could still see Jian Chenran and Lin Xiaodou standing on the side of the road from the reversing mirror, but he only took a look and turned his eyes.

"Chi ~" Yun Ling said with a sneer, "if you want to ask something, since you have decided to stand by, you can get away completely. Why do you want to ask? It's tiring and tiring. "

Jane Chenran stood by the side of the road, looking at the car leaving Yunling, sipped her lips and didn't speak.

Lin Xiaodou looked at him anxiously and said in a low voice: "Chen Ran, are you worried about Haixi? Just now Yunling said, "they are very good."

"Good?" Jane Chen Ran pulled the corner of her mouth, eyes a desolate, "do you believe it?"

Lin Xiaodou was stiff and didn't speak again.

Jian Chenran looked at another intersection and said, "that direction goes by It's time to pay home. "

"Well." Lin Xiaodou nodded.

Yunling came from that direction just now.

Jane Chenran didn't speak any more. She stretched out her hand to help Lin Xiaodou wrap her coat carefully. She took her hand and said, "let's go back."


On the way, they didn't mention it again, but they were also unusually silent.

How are you doing?

Very good.

Besides good, what else can we say?

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