"Xiao Qiu!"

Seeing that Jia Xiaoqiu was kicked to the ground, Jia Shufen hurriedly stepped forward to block in front of her, glaring at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ning Jiwei, what are you doing? How can you, a big man, do something to Xiaoqiu? "

"Oh." Ning Jiwei gave a cool smile, and his voice was as chilling as the ice in the December, "can't I do it to her? Did you ask my opinion again when you attacked my daughter? "

"This..." Jia Shufen choked, the heart to understand that it must be Jianrui complain, immediately in the heart scolded Jianrui thousands of times.

Just now, they were still thinking about Jianrui. It was not long before Ning Jiwei found her.

"Jiwei, this It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. " Jia Shufen pulled a stiff smile and said: "Xiaoqiu and Ruirui are playing with each other. They don't do it on purpose. Don't just listen to Jianrui's words."

Ning Jiwei sneered, "I don't listen to my daughter. Do I have to listen to you? If it's a one-sided statement, just look at the surveillance in the yard. "

"This..." Jia Shufen is a Leng again, open mouth to want to tell some other lies, but hear Ning Jiwei said to see the monitoring, and put the words to the mouth swallow back.

No matter how she justifies herself at the moment, when Ning Jiwei looks at the surveillance, she will have to say nothing.

"Xiaoqiu, Xiaoqiu..." Jia Shufen anxiously squatted down in front of Jia Xiaoqiu and kept winking at her, "you explain it to Ji Wei quickly, it's not like that, right?"

Jia Xiaoqiu looked at Ning Jiwei in horror and said in a low voice: "I I didn't mean to. I was going to make up with her, but she refused to go with me all the time, so when I was worried, I just, just... "

"So you let my daughter hurt her foot and scared her when you were worried, didn't you?" Ning Jiwei coldly took over her words and added: "if Mo Xiujin didn't show up in time, my daughter would be more than sprained now."

"No, it's not..." Jia Xiaoqiu shook her head in a hurry and said, "I didn't know she hurt her foot. She..."

After a pause, Jia Xiaoqiu just wanted to lie, but under Ning Jiwei's cold eyes, she didn't know why she didn't dare to tell lies, so she had to harden her head and say, "she cried that her feet hurt, but I thought she was lying to me, so..."

Well, I don't need to talk about it any more.

Because Ning Jiwei has raised his foot and stepped on Jia Xiaoqiu's ankle.

"You, what do you want?" Jia Xiaoqiu looked at Ning Jiwei's eyes full of fear, even the voice trembled to change the tone.

Ning Jiwei pulled the corners of his mouth, looked at Jia Xiaoqiu mercilessly, and said, "I don't have the rule of" don't beat women ", especially for those who hurt my children, I will never forgive them."

"No, don't..." Jia Xiaoqiu wants to take back her leg in a hurry, but when Ning Jiwei uses her strength, she doesn't dare to move.

Jia Shufen said hastily: "Oh, what is this for? Is that necessary? "

"No need." Ning Jiwei said coolly, "so I just want to give a tooth for a tooth. Where you hurt my daughter, I'll hurt you. If you hurt her, I'll hurt you."

"No, I don't want to..." Jia Xiaoqiu cried: "Mom, mom, help me!"

Jia Shufen wants to save, but she doesn't have such a big face in front of Ning Jiwei.

In a hurry, Jia Shufen only thought of one way.

That is to shout: "sister! Help! Sister! Ning Jiwei is going to kill Xiao Qiu! "

Her voice was so sharp that she used her strength to eat and drink. The effect was even more amazing.

The nanny hiding in the kitchen felt the whole house shaking.

In the unremitting shouts of Jia Shufen, Jia Minzhi finally appeared.

She doesn't care about Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu. She just finds out that Ning Jiwei is here, which makes her worry.

As soon as Jia Minzhi appeared, Jia Shufen was like seeing the Savior, "sister, please help Xiaoqiu, help us!"

Jia Xiaoqiu also cried: "aunt, help me!"

"Shut up Jia Minzhi couldn't bear to have his ears poisoned by tea. He cheered coldly.

As soon as she makes a sound, Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu are busy.

Jia Minzhi went down the stairs and turned to Ning Jiwei, "what do you want to do?"

Ning Jiwei said coldly, "I'll give back what she did to my daughter."

Jia minqiu frowned, "what do you do?"

"I..." Jia Xiaoqiu's eyes flashed, "I didn't mean to, I really..."

"All right." Jia Minzhi is too lazy to listen any more. He just turns to Ning Jiwei and says, "do you want to do it here?"

"Why not?" Ning Jiwei asked.

"Nothing." Jia Min's lips raised a provocative smile, stood up in front of Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu and said, "I just don't allow it."

Ning Jiwei looks at Jia Minzhi and doesn't speak.

Jia Minzhi continued, "I will not stop you from outside this house, but here I has the final say.""Oh." Ning Jiwei chuckled, looked up at Jia Min and said, "am I too polite to you, so I give you the illusion that I'm easy to get along with?"

Listen to his inexplicable words, Jia Min's Zheng next, "what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Ning Jiwei just glanced at Jia Minzhi, and then looked at Jia Shufen squatting on the ground. He said in a voiceless voice, "I'm just thinking, Jia family, are you too comfortable these days?"


Listen to him say so, Jia Minzhi and Jia Shufen are surprised.

"Ning Jiwei, how dare you..."

Jia Minzhi just wanted to talk, just started, was mercilessly interrupted by Ning Jiwei, "why don't I dare?"

Ning Jiwei looked at Jia Minzhi sarcastically and said, "where did I give you the illusion? That's why you think I dare not take a Jia family for an operation? "

His words were fierce and his eyes were aggressive. Jia Minzhi was suppressed in front of his aura.

"If you dare to move the Jia family, I will never let you go." Jia Minzhi gritted his teeth.

Ning Jiwei sneered and looked at Jia Min with disdain and said, "how can you not let me go? Do you want to see Mo Sheng? "

"You Jia Min's eyes flash with surprise. Unexpectedly, Ning Jiwei even knows these things.

Looking at Ning Jiwei's face, Jia Minzhi is both resentful and jealous. The long suppressed hatred in her heart is that at this moment, she rushes out like a fire out of control, and makes her raise her hand regardless of everything and fan Ning Jiwei's face.

It's a pity that the person standing in front of her is Ning Jiwei, not Mo Xiuyu who will tolerate her.

Jia Minzhi's palm is ten centimeters away from Ning Jiwei, and he is ruthlessly pinched by his big hand.

"Ning Jiwei, you are presumptuous!" Jia Minzhi roars.

Ning Jiwei sneered, "when I'm polite to you, you don't care, then I can only be presumptuous."

Ning Jiwei said, coldly waved his hand, Jia Minzhi waved back several steps.

Ning Jiwei stares at Jia Xiaoqiu trembling on the ground, with a heartless sneer on the corner of his mouth, raises his foot and steps down.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Jia Xiaoqiu screamed.

In fact, Ning Jiwei didn't really waste her feet, just in order to let her memory rise, know that not everyone can be provoked, so the foot deliberately let her pain.

Listening to Jia Xiaoqiu's scream, Jia Shufen and Jia Minzhi trembled. They didn't dare to dissuade them. They just stood there.

Ning Jiwei takes back his feet. Jia Xiaoqiu covers his legs and climbs back several meters. He hides behind the table and looks at him in horror. He doesn't dare to say a word.

Ning Jiwei took a look at her, turned to look at Jia Shufen and said, "get out of here now, or the Jia family won't be safe."

Jia Shufen trembled, tears still hanging on her face, but no longer dare to cry, only obediently nodded his head and said: "OK, OK, we'll go right away."

Said, the head does not return of pull Jia Xiaoqiu upstairs to pack up things.

Looking at Ning Jiwei, Jia Minzhi gritted his teeth and said, "are you satisfied now?"

Ning Jiwei really stepped on her face this time.

She left Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu in the morning, but Ning Jiwei hurt people in front of her and chased them out.

Ning Jiwei stares at Jia Minzhi coldly and says, "no, it's not enough."

"Not enough?" Jia Minzhi said: "what else do you want? You're the only one who's going to stay with us? "

"It's possible." Ning Jiwei said coldly: "if one foot is not enough, there is another Jia family. If one Jia family is not enough, there is another Mo Sheng. If one mo Sheng is not enough, there will be another Mo Xiuyu... "

"You can't move Xiuyu!" Jia Minzhi suddenly lost control and roared.

Ning Jiwei sneers, "how, only allow you to move my daughter, but I can't give a tooth for a tooth?"

"You, you..." Jia Minzhi didn't expect that Ning Jiwei was such a cruel man. He stared at him for a moment, but he didn't know how to speak.

Ning Jiwei said: "Jia Minzhi, you'd better recognize your identity. I don't care whether you want to be mo Wanshan's wife or Mo Sheng's lover. But if you dare to attack my people, then I will let you know what is beyond redemption! "

Jia Minzhi staggers a step, Ning Jiwei has already turned round to leave villa.

As soon as Ning Jiwei left, the storm ended briefly.

Jia Minzhi is sitting on the sofa. He doesn't even know when Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu left.

She always thought Ning Jiwei didn't dare to do anything to her. After all, she was mo Wanshan's wife, but she was wrong.

Ning Jiwei does not dare, but disdains.

If Ning Jiwei wants to fight, she has no power to fight back.

As Ning Jiwei said, Jia Jia, Mo Sheng, Mo Xiuyu

She has too many soft spots.At this moment, Jia Minzhi was not only afraid, but also powerless.

Her hatred and pride seemed so childish and incompetent at the moment.


Mo Wanshan and Mo Xiuyu didn't know these things until they received a call from their nanny.

When they come back, Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu have already left.

But Jia Minzhi locked himself in the room, and no one saw him.

Looking at the closed door, Mo Wanshan sighed and said to Mo Xiuyu, "go and persuade your mother."

Mo Xiuyu nodded.

After getting on the second floor, Mo Xiuyu pushed open the door and was stunned there.

Because he saw Jia Minzhi crying.

Squatting on the ground, holding his knees in both hands, leaning against the bed, his eyes cry like that.

Like a helpless child.

Mo Xiuyu's heart pulled out and went into the room. He closed the door behind him.

"Ma." Mo Xiuyu sat down beside Jia Minzhi, sighed, reached over her, let her lean on her shoulder, and comforted: "it's OK, ha, I'm here, your son is here."

Jia Minzhi hugged Mo Xiuyu and choked: "Xiuyu, is mom really bad?"

Mo Xiuyu patted Jia Minzhi on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "how can that happen? You are mo Xiuyu's mother. How can you be bad? It's just

"Just what?" Asked Jia Minzhi.

Mo Xiuyu reached out to help Jia Minzhi wipe away the tears on her cheek and said, "Mom, you are just too aggrieved. You have been aggrieved for a long time, so you feel depressed."

The word "aggrieved" makes the protection in Jia Minzhi's heart collapse.

Over the years, who has seen her grievances?

Mo Wanshan? Mo Sheng?

Maybe they all saw it.

It's just that one can't afford it, and the other intentionally guides it.

Mo Xiuyu thought about it and said, "Mom, I know Ning Jiwei has been here, but I don't think it's his fault. Transposition thinking, if someone hurt me, you will be anxious, will want to work hard with each other, right? What's more, Ruirui is still such a small child. Jia Shufen and Jia Xiaoqiu are too much. Mom, you can't just protect them. "

Jia Minzhi wiped his tears and nodded: "I know, they I've already gone back, and I don't think I'll come back again. "

Mo Xiuyu sighs and knows that she still cares about Ning Jiwei in her heart, so she just sits there with her.


mikai's villa.

Jian Haixi looked at Yang Yaru, who had not seen her for a long time, and said with a smile, "I was afraid that you would be wronged here, but now it seems that I am worried too much."

George haughtily snorted: "of course, you worry too much. How can you let her be wronged if you follow me?"

Yang Yaru blushed, stretched out her arm and pounded him and said, "don't talk about it. It's annoying."

"Don't you think I talk too much now?" George gave her a pet look and said, "I don't know who begged me just now. I had to bring her here."

"Oh, why are you so annoying!" Yang Yaru became angry and stamped her foot to stare at him.

Seeing this, George quickly begged for mercy and said, "OK, grandma, I'm wrong, OK?"

Jian Haixi picked eyebrows to look at them and said with a smile, "I said you've gone too far. Together, you're taking advantage of my man's absence. I'm afraid I'm hungry, so you've sent me dog food."

"Ha ha, you are right!" How about Yang yayang's chin? Is this dog food enough? "

Jianhaixi smile, but nodded: "enough, enough, please forgive me."

George laughed with pride.

Yang Yaru pushed him away with a red face, ran to Jianhai stream and said, "Haixi, don't listen to his nonsense there. I I was just worried, so I came to see you. "

"I know," she said

Yang Yaru glanced at Jian Haixi's face and said, "Haixi, your face..."

"Oh, it's all right." Jianhaixi smile indifferently, as if it is really not a big deal, "mikai gave me good medicine, you look at today is still a little obvious, tomorrow will be completely good."

Yang Yaru just holds Jian Haixi's hand and doesn't speak.

George, with a smile on his face, did have a flash in his eyes.

Jian Haixi invited them to the living room. George sat down on one side, while she took Yang Yaru's hand and sat down on the other side affectionately.

When girls get together at home, they naturally have endless topics to talk about. Besides, Yang Yaru and Jian Haixi have not seen each other for such a long time. Naturally, they can talk more.

So, in the next few days, George and Mo Feng are lucky to be together and become the background board.

In the living room, only Jian Haixi and Yang Yaru whispered and laughed from time to time.As usual, George may be impatient, but at this moment, I do not know why watching this scene, his heart was surprisingly calm and at ease.

The two chatted for a long time. Yang Yaru went to wash the fruit for everyone. Jian Haixi wanted to help, but as soon as she moved, she was opposed by everyone.

George glanced at her feet and said, "you'd better stay."

"That's it." Yang Yaru frowned and said, "Haixi, I know mikai is a good doctor and Ji Wei takes good care of you, but I still need to pay attention to my body. Do you know? Don't think that a foot injury is a trivial matter. It takes a hundred days to break your bones and muscles. If you don't take good care of it now, you won't be able to stand it when you get old, do you know? "

Jianhaixi had to sit back on the sofa.

After Yang Yaru went to the kitchen, Jian Haixi looked at George and said, "Yaru hasn't been so nagging before. It's not because you let her worry too much, is that why she is like this?"

"Pull it down." George turned his lips and said, "I'm very obedient. Who is the kind of person to worry about?"

Jian Haixi was speechless. "Don't you feel uneasy when you say this?"

I'm still obedient. I'm a dandy. OK.

George laughed, looked at jianhaixi and said, "well, are we making peace now?"

Jian Haixi blinked, tilted his head and asked, "have we ever had a quarrel?"

George choked, glared at jianhaixi and said, "I'm serious with you!"

Jian Haixi waved his hand with a smile and said, "OK, OK, but I really don't think I've ever had a quarrel with you. I can only say that you're making trouble with me, OK."

After a pause, Jian Haixi glanced at him and said, "I don't know why you are such a big man. Yaru must have suffered a lot with you."

"Cough..." George was embarrassed, but at least he was relieved.

He wants jianhaixi to go back to Qiao's home and tell her about Qiao Qinghe. The premise is that he has to get jianhaixi's trust and become her real friend.

Because he broke up with Jian Haixi unilaterally before, he was still worried before he came here today.

There's one reason why he took Yang Yaru with him, but George didn't expect that in Jian Haixi's heart, he had already regarded him as his own person.

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