Although mikai's words are not reliable, his medical skills are quite reliable.

Jian Haixi looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. She could hardly see any trace on her face.

and there is no sting. Instead, Bing Bing is cool and smells of perfume.

"What's the matter? Is my craft all right?" Mikael's way.

Jian Haixi nodded and said: "if you continue to study in this area, it is estimated that now let alone this villa, ten of them are nothing to say."

Mikai snorted with disdain: "if I really care about these things, I'll take more surgeries. Why bother?"

Jane Haixi thought about it, too.

I have to admit that some people are born a little longer than others.

Ordinary people try their best to learn some skills of making a living, but some geniuses just need to move their fingers, and they have gone far than others in their two lives.

Not long after jianhaixi put on her make-up, she heard the doorbell ring.

She just let Mo Feng to open the door, and she carefully went to the door.

"Can't Mo Feng help you first?"

On seeing this, mikai took two steps to hold jianhaixi's arm and said, "how can you open the door slowly?"

Jianhaixi smile, eyes are bright, "heart care, half a second also reluctant to slow."

Looking at the sincerity and brightness in jianhaixi's eyes, mikai was stunned. Few of them had no poisonous tongue, but carefully helped her to the door.

When the door opens, Gu Chenyi stands at the door holding Jian Yi, followed by Zhang Haoyang and two Dou family members.

At the moment of seeing Jian Yi, Jian Haixi's eyes turned red.

"Yi Yi..."

"Mommy ~" Jianyi smiles and reaches out her hands to jianhaixi.

Jianhaixi quickly hugged him, so long time no see, now the son finally returned to her arms, how can not let her excited?

Gu Chenyi is worried that jianhaixi can't hold on, so he doesn't let go. He just holds Jianyi and lets jianhaixi and his mother and son embrace each other.

The Dou family behind him comes forward and puts Jian Yi's wheelchair on the ground.

"Mommy, are you all right?" Jian Yi asks anxiously.

"Well, except for the foot injury, I have to rest for a few days. Everything else is OK." Jian Haixi said with a smile.

"Is it?" Jian Yi frowns and puts her index finger on Jian Haixi's side face.

Start with a slippery feeling.

Jian Yi sniffed it, squinted at Jian Haixi and said, "Mommy, lying is not a good child."


Jianhaixi mouth slightly smoke, she forgot her son's head smart how abnormal.

Jane Yiu way: "Mommy, your cosmetics and perfume don't have this color, and this kind of creaminess is obviously different from cosmetics."

After a pause, Jian Yi continued: "Mommy, the wound on your face is not good, but I'm afraid I'm worried, so I used some medicine to cover it."

Jian Yi uses declarative sentences instead of interrogative sentences.

Listening to Jian Yi's words, mikai stares at him with great interest and says, "boy, you have a good eye."

Jian Yi takes a look at him and then turns to Jian Haixi.

With a smile, Jian Haixi rubbed Jian Yi's head and said, "Yi Yi, can you stop turning your brain at this time? It's clearly a scene of tears after a long separation, which turns you into a crime scene. "

Jianyi nuzui, "it's not Mommy, you lie."

Jianhaixi was staring at him helplessly, had to be honest and said: "well, I do have a little injury on my face, but only one lost Oh, tomorrow will be OK."

"Really?" Jian Yi asks uneasily.

"Really, really." Jian Haixi grinned bitterly, pointed to mikai and said, "if you don't believe me, ask him."

Jian Yi just looks at mikai. Although she doesn't speak, she has obvious meaning in her eyes.

Mikai raised her eyebrows and said, "if your mommy's face doesn't hurt well tomorrow, you can settle with me."

Jian Yi nodded, as if to say, "I remember. If my mommy is not good tomorrow, just wait for me.".

Mikai was stunned. For the first time, he saw someone more arrogant than him. He was just a few years old.

"Uncle Gu, put me down." Jian Yi tells Gu Chenyi.

Usually, he didn't want to be held in his arms.

Even if physically disabled, but also has a strong self-esteem and pride.

This is Jian Yi.

Gu Chenyi nodded. Just as he wanted to put Jane Yi into the wheelchair, he heard mikai's voice.

"Wait a minute." Mikai comes forward and shoots Jian Yi from top to bottom like an X-ray.

"What's the matter?" See mikai so, jianhaixi busy asked.

Mikai shook his head, looked at Jian Yi and said, "your leg is not lame, is it?"

Jian Yi was stunned. Before he could speak, Zhang Haoyang behind him added: "Yi Yi's legs are fractured, and there are steel nails in them. In addition, he is seriously injured in other parts of his body and does not have enough physical strength to support walking, so he is in a wheelchair."Mikai holds his chin with one hand, looks at Jian Yi, squats down and touches his legs with both hands.

When he presses the nail to the place where it is, Jian Yi suddenly shakes all over, and her face is sweating, but she insists on not making a sound.

Mikai glanced at him, stood up and said to Gu Chenyi, "put him down."

Gu Chenyi nods and reaches out to put Jian Yi over the wheelchair.

"I said put him on the ground." Mikado.

Gu Chenyi was stunned and couldn't help looking at Zhang Haoyang behind him.

Zhang Haoyang frowned, thought about it, and said to Mikael, "do you want to wait until tomorrow after thorough inspection..."

Zhang Haoyang said with a sneer, "I know your sign, doctor Sun Kai."

Zhang Haoyang Leng next, do not know why the other party will say these at this time.

Mikai continued: "you had no problems with your previous treatment, but Since you come to me, you should not only cure this little guy, but also make him recover in the shortest time. "

"But..." Zhang Haoyang understood mikai's meaning, but with obvious intolerance in his eyes.

Mikai sneered: "if you want to recover in a short time, you have to be able to bear the pain. Otherwise, even if I can help him make a detailed rehabilitation plan, he will not be able to complete it. If your goal is to delay his recovery for a year or two, there's no need to come to me

"I can."

As soon as mikai's voice fell, Jian Yi replied, "as long as you can cure me, I can cooperate with whatever I need to do."

"Yi Yi..." Jian Haixi looks at her son with heartache, but after all, she clenches her teeth and doesn't say anything.

Jian Yi smiles at her and comforts her: "Mommy, don't worry. Yi Yi is very strong. This little pain is nothing."

Mikai looks at Jian Yi, his eyes are slightly moved, but he quickly covers them up. He only hums coldly: "don't talk big there. If you have the ability, you can go down and let me see."

Jian Yi nods to Gu Chenyi. Gu Chenyi frowns and looks at him deeply. Then she turns to Jian Haixi and slowly puts him on the ground.


As soon as she touched the ground, Jian Yi just snorted.

Long standing legs, plus the steel nails inside, make him completely unable to eat the dizzy pain.

"Yi Yi!" Jianhaixi worried looking at him, want to go forward but dare not go forward, can only anxiously look at, hands powerless stretch in the air, always ready to catch him when he can't hold.

"I'm fine, Mommy." After relieving the initial pain, Jian Yi looks up and smiles at Jian Haixi.

Looking at her son's pale face, his cheeks full of sweat, but still smiling and saying "it's OK", Jane Haixi's eyes are red.

Gu Chenyi didn't say much. He just bent his arms around Jian Yi. Once he couldn't hold on, Gu Chenyi would hold him for the first time.

Jian Yi takes a deep breath and takes a small step forward.

Mikai looked at him like this, his eyes heavy and he didn't speak.

He didn't speak, so Jian Yi went on.

One step, two steps, three steps

"Yes." Mikai finally said.

Almost as soon as he opens his mouth, Gu Chenyi takes over Jian Yi and holds him back to the wheelchair.

Mikai frowned and said, "it's OK. OK, you can go and have a rest."

"Just "So?" Zhang Haoyang Lengshen, "what about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Mikai picked his eyebrows and said, "surgery tomorrow."

Zhang Haoyang was even more surprised, "don't you need to adjust for another two days? After all, Yi Yi came so late... "

"Bang ~" mikai sneered, "haven't you been helping him to recuperate? If not, how could he hold on to those steps just now? Now that you've had enough conditioning, you don't need to waste any more time. "

Jianhaixi squats beside Jianyi, grabs his trembling hand and says, "Yiyi, are you ok?"

"It hurts a little." Jian Yi never tells a lie to Jian Haixi and says honestly, "but I think it's tolerable."

Jian Haixi nods and asks Gu Chenyi to help carry Jian Yi into the bedroom.

Mikai came in with a small bottle of ointment and said, "from today on, wipe your leg twice a day in the morning and evening, or you'll waste a lot of time just recovering your calf muscles after the operation."

"Thank you." Jianhaixi thanks, reaches for the ointment and carefully wipes it for Jianyi.

Mikai looked at her technique and was slightly surprised. "Who did you learn the massage technique from? It's quite professional. "

Jian Haixi said, "it was Dr. Zhang who taught me. I used to press it for Yi Yi, but later we were not together, so we didn't continue."

Mikay nodded. "No wonder, I said how he could walk."

Then he waved his hand and went out.

Listening to his footsteps, Jian Haixi seems to be heading for Zhang Haoyang's room.

At the thought of Zhang Haoyang facing all kinds of vicious words and difficulties from mikai, Jian Haixi couldn't help sympathizing with him.Gu Chenyi watched for a while and said to Jian Haixi, "I'll help Yi Yi massage. You can have a rest."

"I'm fine. I'm not tired." Jian Haixi said with a smile: "you are the one who should rest. Recently, it is estimated that you are busy."

After all, as soon as Ning Jiwei gives up, the company and the Mo family are all under the pressure of Gu Chenyi.

Gu Chenyi shrugged his shoulders and said: "fortunately, I found a chance to come out tonight."

"That's it." Jian Haixi then remembered something and asked curiously, "don't you mean to send Yi Yi over tomorrow? Why are you in a hurry tonight? What about Jiwei? "

"This..." Gu Chenyi felt his nose, looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Haixi, I'll tell you the truth. Don't be angry."

After all, the news is expected to spread tomorrow. It's better to give jianhaixi a shot in advance.

Jianhaixi nodded, "you say it."

Gu Chenyi cleared his throat and said, "Ji Wei, he It's going to make the pretty boy plan. "

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